site_name: tutorials site_url: site_description: "Hello Robot Stretch Tutorials" copyright: 'Copyright © 2022 Hello Robot Inc' site_author: Hello Robot Inc use_directory_urls: True docs_dir: . site_dir: ../site theme: name: material #font: Arial palette: - scheme: default primary: hello-robot-light toggle: icon: material/lightbulb-outline name: Switch to dark mode - scheme: slate primary: hello-robot-dark toggle: icon: material/lightbulb name: Switch to light mode logo: images/hello_robot_logo_light.png favicon: images/hello_robot_favicon.png features: - navigation.instant extra_css: - ./extra.css markdown_extensions: - pymdownx.highlight - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.keys - admonition - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true plugins: - same-dir # - simple: # merge_docs_dir: true # include_extensions: [".css", ".png"] # include_folders: ['../hello_helpers'] - mike: # these fields are all optional; the defaults are as below... version_selector: true # set to false to leave out the version selector css_dir: css # the directory to put the version selector's CSS javascript_dir: js # the directory to put the version selector's JS canonical_version: null # the version for ; `null` # uses the version specified via `mike deploy` - search - tags - mkdocstrings: default_handler: python handlers: python: selection: docstring_style: numpy rendering: show_root_heading: true show_source: false members_order: source heading_level: 3 show_if_no_docstring: true extra: version: provider: mike default: latest social: - icon: material/home link: - icon: material/twitter link: - icon: material/github link: - icon: material/linkedin link: nav: - Overview: ./ - Developing with Stretch: - The Basics: ./developing/ - Networking Guide: ./developing/ - Command Line Tools: ./developing/ - Using Python with Stretch: ./developing/ - Python Tutorials: - ./python/ - ROS 2 Tutorials: - Getting Started: ./ros2/ - Robot Drivers: ./ros2/ - Writing Nodes: ./ros2/ - Navigation with Nav2: - Overview: ./ros2/ - Nav2 Basics: ./ros2/ - Nav2 Simple Commander: ./ros2/ - Manipulation with MoveIt2: - MoveIt Basics: ./ros2/ - MoveIt with RViz: ./ros2/ - MoveGroup C++ API: ./ros2/ - FUNMAP: - Mapping: ./ros2/ - Navigation: ./ros2/ - Manipulation: ./ros2/ - Perception: ./ros2/ - Examples: - Filter Laser Scans: ./ros2/ - Collision Avoidance: ./ros2/ - Rviz Markers: ./ros2/ - Offloading Computation: ./ros2/ - ArUco Locator: ./ros2/ - Voice Teleop: ./ros2/ - Playing Audio: ./ros2/ - Rosbags & MCAPs: ./ros2/