- package text
- import (
- "bytes"
- "github.com/yuin/goldmark/util"
- )
- var space = []byte(" ")
- // A Segment struct holds information about source potisions.
- type Segment struct {
- // Start is a start position of the segment.
- Start int
- // Stop is a stop position of the segment.
- // This value should be excluded.
- Stop int
- // Padding is a padding length of the segment.
- Padding int
- }
- // NewSegment return a new Segment.
- func NewSegment(start, stop int) Segment {
- return Segment{
- Start: start,
- Stop: stop,
- Padding: 0,
- }
- }
- // NewSegmentPadding returns a new Segment with the given padding.
- func NewSegmentPadding(start, stop, n int) Segment {
- return Segment{
- Start: start,
- Stop: stop,
- Padding: n,
- }
- }
- // Value returns a value of the segment.
- func (t *Segment) Value(buffer []byte) []byte {
- if t.Padding == 0 {
- return buffer[t.Start:t.Stop]
- }
- result := make([]byte, 0, t.Padding+t.Stop-t.Start+1)
- result = append(result, bytes.Repeat(space, t.Padding)...)
- return append(result, buffer[t.Start:t.Stop]...)
- }
- // Len returns a length of the segment.
- func (t *Segment) Len() int {
- return t.Stop - t.Start + t.Padding
- }
- // Between returns a segment between this segment and the given segment.
- func (t *Segment) Between(other Segment) Segment {
- if t.Stop != other.Stop {
- panic("invalid state")
- }
- return NewSegmentPadding(
- t.Start,
- other.Start,
- t.Padding-other.Padding,
- )
- }
- // IsEmpty returns true if this segment is empty, otherwise false.
- func (t *Segment) IsEmpty() bool {
- return t.Start >= t.Stop && t.Padding == 0
- }
- // TrimRightSpace returns a new segment by slicing off all trailing
- // space characters.
- func (t *Segment) TrimRightSpace(buffer []byte) Segment {
- v := buffer[t.Start:t.Stop]
- l := util.TrimRightSpaceLength(v)
- if l == len(v) {
- return NewSegment(t.Start, t.Start)
- }
- return NewSegmentPadding(t.Start, t.Stop-l, t.Padding)
- }
- // TrimLeftSpace returns a new segment by slicing off all leading
- // space characters including padding.
- func (t *Segment) TrimLeftSpace(buffer []byte) Segment {
- v := buffer[t.Start:t.Stop]
- l := util.TrimLeftSpaceLength(v)
- return NewSegment(t.Start+l, t.Stop)
- }
- // TrimLeftSpaceWidth returns a new segment by slicing off leading space
- // characters until the given width.
- func (t *Segment) TrimLeftSpaceWidth(width int, buffer []byte) Segment {
- padding := t.Padding
- for ; width > 0; width-- {
- if padding == 0 {
- break
- }
- padding--
- }
- if width == 0 {
- return NewSegmentPadding(t.Start, t.Stop, padding)
- }
- text := buffer[t.Start:t.Stop]
- start := t.Start
- for _, c := range text {
- if start >= t.Stop-1 || width <= 0 {
- break
- }
- if c == ' ' {
- width--
- } else if c == '\t' {
- width -= 4
- } else {
- break
- }
- start++
- }
- if width < 0 {
- padding = width * -1
- }
- return NewSegmentPadding(start, t.Stop, padding)
- }
- // WithStart returns a new Segment with same value except Start.
- func (t *Segment) WithStart(v int) Segment {
- return NewSegmentPadding(v, t.Stop, t.Padding)
- }
- // WithStop returns a new Segment with same value except Stop.
- func (t *Segment) WithStop(v int) Segment {
- return NewSegmentPadding(t.Start, v, t.Padding)
- }
- // ConcatPadding concats the padding to the given slice.
- func (t *Segment) ConcatPadding(v []byte) []byte {
- if t.Padding > 0 {
- return append(v, bytes.Repeat(space, t.Padding)...)
- }
- return v
- }
- // Segments is a collection of the Segment.
- type Segments struct {
- values []Segment
- }
- // NewSegments return a new Segments.
- func NewSegments() *Segments {
- return &Segments{
- values: nil,
- }
- }
- // Append appends the given segment after the tail of the collection.
- func (s *Segments) Append(t Segment) {
- if s.values == nil {
- s.values = make([]Segment, 0, 20)
- }
- s.values = append(s.values, t)
- }
- // AppendAll appends all elements of given segments after the tail of the collection.
- func (s *Segments) AppendAll(t []Segment) {
- if s.values == nil {
- s.values = make([]Segment, 0, 20)
- }
- s.values = append(s.values, t...)
- }
- // Len returns the length of the collection.
- func (s *Segments) Len() int {
- if s.values == nil {
- return 0
- }
- return len(s.values)
- }
- // At returns a segment at the given index.
- func (s *Segments) At(i int) Segment {
- return s.values[i]
- }
- // Set sets the given Segment.
- func (s *Segments) Set(i int, v Segment) {
- s.values[i] = v
- }
- // SetSliced replace the collection with a subsliced value.
- func (s *Segments) SetSliced(lo, hi int) {
- s.values = s.values[lo:hi]
- }
- // Sliced returns a subslice of the collection.
- func (s *Segments) Sliced(lo, hi int) []Segment {
- return s.values[lo:hi]
- }
- // Clear delete all element of the collction.
- func (s *Segments) Clear() {
- s.values = nil
- }
- // Unshift insert the given Segment to head of the collection.
- func (s *Segments) Unshift(v Segment) {
- s.values = append(s.values[0:1], s.values[0:]...)
- s.values[0] = v
- }