- # Contribution Guidelines
- ## Table of Contents
- - [Contribution Guidelines](#contribution-guidelines)
- - [Introduction](#introduction)
- - [Bug reports](#bug-reports)
- - [Discuss your design](#discuss-your-design)
- - [Testing redux](#testing-redux)
- - [Vendoring](#vendoring)
- - [Translation](#translation)
- - [Code review](#code-review)
- - [Styleguide](#styleguide)
- - [Sign-off your work](#sign-off-your-work)
- - [Release Cycle](#release-cycle)
- - [Maintainers](#maintainers)
- - [Owners](#owners)
- - [Versions](#versions)
- - [Copyright](#copyright)
- ## Introduction
- This document explains how to contribute changes to the Gitea project.
- It assumes you have followed the
- [installation instructions](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/).
- Sensitive security-related issues should be reported to
- [security@gitea.io](mailto:security@gitea.io).
- For configuring IDE or code editor to develop Gitea see [IDE and code editor configuration](contrib/ide/)
- ## Bug reports
- Please search the issues on the issue tracker with a variety of keywords
- to ensure your bug is not already reported.
- If unique, [open an issue](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/new)
- and answer the questions so we can understand and reproduce the
- problematic behavior.
- To show us that the issue you are having is in Gitea itself, please
- write clear, concise instructions so we can reproduce the behavior—
- even if it seems obvious. The more detailed and specific you are,
- the faster we can fix the issue. Check out [How to Report Bugs
- Effectively](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html).
- Please be kind, remember that Gitea comes at no cost to you, and you're
- getting free help.
- ## Discuss your design
- The project welcomes submissions. If you want to change or add something,
- please let everyone know what you're working on—[file an issue](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/new)!
- Significant changes must go through the change proposal process
- before they can be accepted. To create a proposal, file an issue with
- your proposed changes documented, and make sure to note in the title
- of the issue that it is a proposal.
- This process gives everyone a chance to validate the design, helps
- prevent duplication of effort, and ensures that the idea fits inside
- the goals for the project and tools. It also checks that the design is
- sound before code is written; the code review tool is not the place for
- high-level discussions.
- ## Testing redux
- Before sending code out for review, run all the tests for the
- whole tree to make sure the changes don't break other usage
- and keep the compatibility on upgrade. To make sure you are
- running the test suite exactly like we do, you should install
- the CLI for [Drone CI](https://github.com/drone/drone), as
- we are using the server for continous testing, following [these
- instructions](http://readme.drone.io/usage/getting-started-cli). After that,
- you can simply call `drone exec` within your working directory and it will try
- to run the test suite locally.
- ## Vendoring
- We keep a cached copy of dependencies within the `vendor/` directory,
- managing updates via [dep](https://github.com/golang/dep).
- Pull requests should only include `vendor/` updates if they are part of
- the same change, be it a bugfix or a feature addition.
- The `vendor/` update needs to be justified as part of the PR description,
- and must be verified by the reviewers and/or merger to always reference
- an existing upstream commit.
- You can find more information on how to get started with it on the [dep project website](https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/introduction.html).
- ## Translation
- We do all translation work inside [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/gitea).
- The only translation that is maintained in this git repository is
- [`en_US.ini`](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/master/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini)
- and is synced regularily to Crowdin. Once a translation has reached
- A SATISFACTORY PERCENTAGE it will be synced back into this repo and
- included in the next released version.
- ## Building Gitea
- Generally, the go build tools are installed as-needed in the `Makefile`.
- An exception are the tools to build the CSS and images.
- - To build CSS: Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager)
- with `npm` and then run `npm install` and `make generate-stylesheets`.
- - To build Images: ImageMagick, inkscape and zopflipng binaries must be
- available in your `PATH` to run `make generate-images`.
- ## Code review
- Changes to Gitea must be reviewed before they are accepted—no matter who
- makes the change, even if they are an owner or a maintainer. We use GitHub's
- pull request workflow to do that. And, we also use [LGTM](http://lgtm.co)
- to ensure every PR is reviewed by at least 2 maintainers.
- Please try to make your pull request easy to review for us. And, please read
- the *[How to get faster PR reviews](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/pull-requests.md#best-practices-for-faster-reviews)* guide;
- it has lots of useful tips for any project you may want to contribute.
- Some of the key points:
- * Make small pull requests. The smaller, the faster to review and the
- more likely it will be merged soon.
- * Don't make changes unrelated to your PR. Maybe there are typos on
- some comments, maybe refactoring would be welcome on a function... but
- if that is not related to your PR, please make *another* PR for that.
- * Split big pull requests into multiple small ones. An incremental change
- will be faster to review than a huge PR.
- ## Styleguide
- For imports you should use the following format (_without_ the comments)
- ```go
- import (
- // stdlib
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- // local packages
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/models"
- "code.gitea.io/sdk/gitea"
- // external packages
- "github.com/foo/bar"
- "gopkg.io/baz.v1"
- )
- ```
- ## Sign-off your work
- The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the
- patch. Your signature certifies that you wrote the patch or otherwise
- have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch. The rules are
- pretty simple: If you can certify [DCO](DCO), then you just add a line
- to every git commit message:
- ```
- Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <joe.smith@email.com>
- ```
- Please use your real name; we really dislike pseudonyms or anonymous
- contributions. We are in the open-source world without secrets. If you
- set your `user.name` and `user.email` git configs, you can sign-off your
- commit automatically with `git commit -s`.
- ## Release Cycle
- We adopted a release schedule to streamline the process of working
- on, finishing, and issuing releases. The overall goal is to make a
- minor release every two months, which breaks down into one month of
- general development followed by one month of testing and polishing
- known as the release freeze. All the feature pull requests should be
- merged in the first month of one release period. And, during the frozen
- period, a corresponding release branch is open for fixes backported from
- master. Release candidates are made during this period for user testing to
- obtain a final version that is maintained in this branch. A release is
- maintained by issuing patch releases to only correct critical problems
- such as crashes or security issues.
- Major release cycles are bimonthly. They always begin on the 25th and end on
- the 24th (i.e., the 25th of December to February 24th).
- During a development cycle, we may also publish any necessary minor releases
- for the previous version. For example, if the latest, published release is
- v1.2, then minor changes for the previous release—e.g., v1.1.0 -> v1.1.1—are
- still possible.
- ## Maintainers
- To make sure every PR is checked, we have [team
- maintainers](MAINTAINERS). Every PR **MUST** be reviewed by at least
- two maintainers (or owners) before it can get merged. A maintainer
- should be a contributor of Gitea (or Gogs) and contributed at least
- 4 accepted PRs. A contributor should apply as a maintainer in the
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/NsatcWJ) #develop channel. The owners
- or the team maintainers may invite the contributor. A maintainer
- should spend some time on code reviews. If a maintainer has no
- time to do that, they should apply to leave the maintainers team
- and we will give them the honor of being a member of the [advisors
- team](https://github.com/orgs/go-gitea/teams/advisors). Of course, if
- an advisor has time to code review, we will gladly welcome them back
- to the maintainers team. If a maintainer is inactive for more than 3
- months and forgets to leave the maintainers team, the owners may move
- him or her from the maintainers team to the advisors team.
- ## Owners
- Since Gitea is a pure community organization without any company support,
- to keep the development healthy we will elect three owners every year. All
- contributors may vote to elect up to three candidates, one of which will
- be the main owner, and the other two the assistant owners. When the new
- owners have been elected, the old owners will give up ownership to the
- newly elected owners. If an owner is unable to do so, the other owners
- will assist in ceding ownership to the newly elected owners.
- After the election, the new owners should proactively agree
- with our [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) requirements in the
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/NsatcWJ) #general channel. Below are the
- words to speak:
- ```
- I'm honored to having been elected an owner of Gitea, I agree with
- [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). I will spend part of my time on Gitea
- and lead the development of Gitea.
- ```
- To honor the past owners, here's the history of the owners and the time
- they served:
- * 2016-11-04 ~ 2017-12-31
- * [Lunny Xiao](https://github.com/lunny) <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>
- * [Thomas Boerger](https://github.com/tboerger) <thomas@webhippie.de>
- * [Kim Carlbäcker](https://github.com/bkcsoft) <kim.carlbacker@gmail.com>
- * 2018-01-01 ~ 2018-12-31
- * [Lunny Xiao](https://github.com/lunny) <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>
- * [Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns](https://github.com/lafriks) <lauris@nix.lv>
- * [Kim Carlbäcker](https://github.com/bkcsoft) <kim.carlbacker@gmail.com>
- ## Versions
- Gitea has the `master` branch as a tip branch and has version branches
- such as `release/v0.9`. `release/v0.9` is a release branch and we will
- tag `v0.9.0` for binary download. If `v0.9.0` has bugs, we will accept
- pull requests on the `release/v0.9` branch and publish a `v0.9.1` tag,
- after bringing the bug fix also to the master branch.
- Since the `master` branch is a tip version, if you wish to use Gitea
- in production, please download the latest release tag version. All the
- branches will be protected via GitHub, all the PRs to every branch must
- be reviewed by two maintainers and must pass the automatic tests.
- ## Copyright
- Code that you contribute should use the standard copyright header:
- ```
- // Copyright 2018 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- ```
- Files in the repository contain copyright from the year they are added
- to the year they are last changed. If the copyright author is changed,
- just paste the header below the old one.