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  1. root: true
  2. extends:
  3. - eslint-config-airbnb-base
  4. - eslint:recommended
  5. ignorePatterns:
  6. - /web_src/js/vendor
  7. parserOptions:
  8. ecmaVersion: 2020
  9. env:
  10. browser: true
  11. es6: true
  12. jquery: true
  13. node: true
  14. globals:
  15. __webpack_public_path__: true
  16. CodeMirror: false
  17. Dropzone: false
  18. emojify: false
  19. SimpleMDE: false
  20. u2fApi: false
  21. rules:
  22. arrow-body-style: [0]
  23. arrow-parens: [2, always]
  24. camelcase: [0]
  25. comma-dangle: [2, only-multiline]
  26. consistent-return: [0]
  27. default-case: [0]
  28. func-names: [0]
  29. import/extensions: [2, always, {ignorePackages: true}]
  30. import/prefer-default-export: [0]
  31. max-len: [0]
  32. multiline-comment-style: [2, separate-lines]
  33. newline-per-chained-call: [0]
  34. no-alert: [0]
  35. no-cond-assign: [2, except-parens]
  36. no-console: [1, {allow: [info, warn, error]}]
  37. no-continue: [0]
  38. no-eq-null: [2]
  39. no-mixed-operators: [0]
  40. no-multi-assign: [0]
  41. no-new: [0]
  42. no-param-reassign: [0]
  43. no-plusplus: [0]
  44. no-restricted-syntax: [0]
  45. no-shadow: [0]
  46. no-unused-vars: [2, {args: all, argsIgnorePattern: ^_, varsIgnorePattern: ^_, ignoreRestSiblings: true}]
  47. no-use-before-define: [0]
  48. no-var: [2]
  49. object-curly-spacing: [2, never]
  50. one-var-declaration-per-line: [0]
  51. one-var: [0]
  52. operator-linebreak: [2, after]
  53. prefer-const: [2, {destructuring: all}]
  54. prefer-destructuring: [0]
  55. quotes: [2, single, {avoidEscape: true, allowTemplateLiterals: true}]
  56. radix: [2, as-needed]
  57. semi: [2, always, {omitLastInOneLineBlock: true}]