- # i18n [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/unknwon/i18n?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/unknwon/i18n)
- Package i18n is for app Internationalization and Localization.
- ## Introduction
- This package provides multiple-language options to improve user experience. Sites like [Go Walker](http://gowalker.org) and [gogs.io](http://gogs.io) are using this module to implement Chinese and English user interfaces.
- You can use following command to install this module:
- go get github.com/Unknwon/i18n
- ## Usage
- First of all, you have to import this package:
- ```go
- import "github.com/unknwon/i18n"
- ```
- The format of locale files is very like INI format configuration file, which is basically key-value pairs. But this module has some improvements. Every language corresponding to a locale file, for example, suppose there are two files called `locale_en-US.ini` and `locale_zh-CN.ini`.
- The name and extensions of locale files can be anything, but we strongly recommend you to follow the style of gogsweb.
- ## Minimal example
- Here are two simplest locale file examples:
- File `locale_en-US.ini`:
- ```ini
- hi = hello, %s
- bye = goodbye
- ```
- File `locale_zh-CN.ini`:
- ```ini
- hi = 您好,%s
- bye = 再见
- ```
- ### Do Translation
- There are two ways to do translation depends on which way is the best fit for your application or framework.
- Directly use package function to translate:
- ```go
- i18n.Tr("en-US", "hi", "Unknwon")
- i18n.Tr("en-US", "bye")
- ```
- Or create a struct and embed it:
- ```go
- type MyController struct{
- // ...other fields
- i18n.Locale
- }
- //...
- func ... {
- c := &MyController{
- Locale: i18n.Locale{"en-US"},
- }
- _ = c.Tr("hi", "Unknwon")
- _ = c.Tr("bye")
- }
- ```
- Code above will produce correspondingly:
- - English `en-US`:`hello, Unknwon`, `goodbye`
- - Chinese `zh-CN`:`您好,Unknwon`, `再见`
- ## Section
- For different pages, one key may map to different values. Therefore, i18n module also uses the section feature of INI format configuration to achieve section.
- For example, the key name is `about`, and we want to show `About` in the home page and `About Us` in about page. Then you can do following:
- Content in locale file:
- ```ini
- about = About
- [about]
- about = About Us
- ```
- Get `about` in home page:
- ```go
- i18n.Tr("en-US", "about")
- ```
- Get `about` in about page:
- ```go
- i18n.Tr("en-US", "about.about")
- ```
- ### Ambiguity
- Because dot `.` is sign of section in both [INI parser](https://github.com/go-ini/ini) and locale files, so when your key name contains `.` will cause ambiguity. At this point, you just need to add one more `.` in front of the key.
- For example, the key name is `about.`, then we can use:
- ```go
- i18n.Tr("en-US", ".about.")
- ```
- to get expect result.
- ## Helper tool
- Module i18n provides a command line helper tool beei18n for simplify steps of your development. You can install it as follows:
- go get github.com/unknwon/i18n/ui18n
- ### Sync locale files
- Command `sync` allows you use a exist local file as the template to create or sync other locale files:
- ui18n sync srouce_file.ini other1.ini other2.ini
- This command can operate 1 or more files in one command.
- ## More information
- - The first locale you load to the module is considered as **default locale**.
- - When matching non-default locale and didn't find the string, i18n will have a second try on default locale.
- - If i18n still cannot find string in the default locale, raw string will be returned. For instance, when the string is `hi` and it does not exist in locale file, simply return `hi` as output.