- ---
- date: "2016-12-01T16:00:00+02:00"
- title: "Installation with Docker"
- slug: "install-with-docker"
- weight: 10
- toc: true
- draft: false
- menu:
- sidebar:
- parent: "installation"
- name: "With Docker"
- weight: 10
- identifier: "install-with-docker"
- ---
- # Installation with Docker
- Gitea provides automatically updated Docker images within its Docker Hub organization. It is
- possible to always use the latest stable tag or to use another service that handles updating
- Docker images.
- This reference setup guides users through the setup based on `docker-compose`, but the installation
- of `docker-compose` is out of scope of this documentation. To install `docker-compose` itself, follow
- the official [install instructions](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
- ## Basics
- The most simple setup just creates a volume and a network and starts the `gitea/gitea:latest`
- image as a service. Since there is no database available, one can be initialized using SQLite3.
- Create a directory like `gitea` and paste the following content into a file named `docker-compose.yml`.
- Note that the volume should be owned by the user/group with the UID/GID specified in the config file.
- If you don't give the volume correct permissions, the container may not start.
- Also be aware that the tag `:latest` will install the current development version.
- For a stable release you can use `:1` or specify a certain release like `:1.5.1`.
- ```yaml
- version: "2"
- networks:
- gitea:
- external: false
- services:
- server:
- image: gitea/gitea:latest
- environment:
- - USER_UID=1000
- - USER_GID=1000
- restart: always
- networks:
- - gitea
- volumes:
- - ./gitea:/data
- ports:
- - "3000:3000"
- - "222:22"
- ```
- ## Custom port
- To bind the integrated openSSH daemon and the webserver on a different port, adjust
- the port section. It's common to just change the host port and keep the ports within
- the container like they are.
- ```diff
- version: "2"
- networks:
- gitea:
- external: false
- services:
- server:
- image: gitea/gitea:latest
- environment:
- - USER_UID=1000
- - USER_GID=1000
- restart: always
- networks:
- - gitea
- volumes:
- - ./gitea:/data
- ports:
- - - "3000:3000"
- - - "222:22"
- + - "8080:3000"
- + - "2221:22"
- ```
- ## MySQL database
- To start Gitea in combination with a MySQL database, apply these changes to the
- `docker-compose.yml` file created above.
- ```diff
- version: "2"
- networks:
- gitea:
- external: false
- services:
- server:
- image: gitea/gitea:latest
- environment:
- - USER_UID=1000
- - USER_GID=1000
- + - DB_TYPE=mysql
- + - DB_HOST=db:3306
- + - DB_NAME=gitea
- + - DB_USER=gitea
- + - DB_PASSWD=gitea
- restart: always
- networks:
- - gitea
- volumes:
- - ./gitea:/data
- ports:
- - "3000:3000"
- - "222:22"
- + depends_on:
- + - db
- +
- + db:
- + image: mysql:5.7
- + restart: always
- + environment:
- + - MYSQL_USER=gitea
- + - MYSQL_PASSWORD=gitea
- + - MYSQL_DATABASE=gitea
- + networks:
- + - gitea
- + volumes:
- + - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql
- ```
- ## PostgreSQL database
- To start Gitea in combination with a PostgreSQL database, apply these changes to
- the `docker-compose.yml` file created above.
- ```diff
- version: "2"
- networks:
- gitea:
- external: false
- services:
- server:
- image: gitea/gitea:latest
- environment:
- - USER_UID=1000
- - USER_GID=1000
- + - DB_TYPE=postgres
- + - DB_HOST=db:5432
- + - DB_NAME=gitea
- + - DB_USER=gitea
- + - DB_PASSWD=gitea
- restart: always
- networks:
- - gitea
- volumes:
- - ./gitea:/data
- ports:
- - "3000:3000"
- - "222:22"
- + depends_on:
- + - db
- +
- + db:
- + image: postgres:9.6
- + restart: always
- + environment:
- + - POSTGRES_USER=gitea
- + - POSTGRES_DB=gitea
- + networks:
- + - gitea
- + volumes:
- + - ./postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ```
- ## Named volumes
- To use named volumes instead of host volumes, define and use the named volume
- within the `docker-compose.yml` configuration. This change will automatically
- create the required volume. You don't need to worry about permissions with
- named volumes; Docker will deal with that automatically.
- ```diff
- version: "2"
- networks:
- gitea:
- external: false
- +volumes:
- + gitea:
- + driver: local
- +
- services:
- server:
- image: gitea/gitea:latest
- restart: always
- networks:
- - gitea
- volumes:
- - - ./gitea:/data
- + - gitea:/data
- ports:
- - "3000:3000"
- - "222:22"
- ```
- MySQL or PostgreSQL containers will need to be created separately.
- ## Start
- To start this setup based on `docker-compose`, execute `docker-compose up -d`,
- to launch Gitea in the background. Using `docker-compose ps` will show if Gitea
- started properly. Logs can be viewed with `docker-compose logs`.
- To shut down the setup, execute `docker-compose down`. This will stop
- and kill the containers. The volumes will still exist.
- Notice: if using a non-3000 port on http, change app.ini to match
- `LOCAL_ROOT_URL = http://localhost:3000/`.
- ## Install
- After starting the Docker setup via `docker-compose`, Gitea should be available using a
- favorite browser to finalize the installation. Visit http://server-ip:3000 and follow the
- installation wizard. If the database was started with the `docker-compose` setup as
- documented above, please note that `db` must be used as the database hostname.
- ## Environments variables
- You can configure some of Gitea's settings via environment variables:
- (Default values are provided in **bold**)
- * `APP_NAME`: **"Gitea: Git with a cup of tea"**: Application name, used in the page title.
- * `RUN_MODE`: **dev**: For performance and other purposes, change this to `prod` when deployed to a production environment.
- * `SSH_DOMAIN`: **localhost**: Domain name of this server, used for the displayed clone URL in Gitea's UI.
- * `SSH_PORT`: **22**: SSH port displayed in clone URL.
- * `DISABLE_SSH`: **false**: Disable SSH feature when it's not available.
- * `HTTP_PORT`: **3000**: HTTP listen port.
- * `ROOT_URL`: **""**: Overwrite the automatically generated public URL. This is useful if the internal and the external URL don't match (e.g. in Docker).
- * `DB_TYPE`: **sqlite3**: The database type in use \[mysql, postgres, mssql, sqlite3\].
- * `DB_HOST`: **localhost:3306**: Database host address and port.
- * `DB_NAME`: **gitea**: Database name.
- * `DB_USER`: **root**: Database username.
- * `DB_PASSWD`: **"\<empty>"**: Database user password. Use \`your password\` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
- * `INSTALL_LOCK`: **false**: Disallow access to the install page.
- * `SECRET_KEY`: **""**: Global secret key. This should be changed. If this has a value and `INSTALL_LOCK` is empty, `INSTALL_LOCK` will automatically set to `true`.
- * `DISABLE_REGISTRATION`: **false**: Disable registration, after which only admin can create accounts for users.
- * `REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW`: **false**: Enable this to force users to log in to view any page.
- * `USER_UID`: **1000**: The UID (Unix user ID) of the user that runs Gitea within the container. Match this to the UID of the owner of the `/data` volume if using host volumes (this is not necessary with named volumes).
- * `USER_GID`: **1000**: The GID (Unix group ID) of the user that runs Gitea within the container. Match this to the GID of the owner of the `/data` volume if using host volumes (this is not necessary with named volumes).
- # Customization
- Customization files described [here](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/customizing-gitea/) should
- be placed in `/data/gitea` directory. If using host volumes, it's quite easy to access these
- files; for named volumes, this is done through another container or by direct access at
- `/var/lib/docker/volumes/gitea_gitea/_data`. The configuration file will be saved at
- `/data/gitea/conf/app.ini` after the installation.
- # Upgrading
- :exclamation::exclamation: **Make sure you have volumed data to somewhere outside Docker container** :exclamation::exclamation:
- To upgrade your installation to the latest release:
- ```
- # Edit `docker-compose.yml` to update the version, if you have one specified
- # Pull new images
- docker-compose pull
- # Start a new container, automatically removes old one
- docker-compose up -d
- ```
- # SSH Container Passthrough
- Since SSH is running inside the container, you'll have to pass SSH from the host to the
- container if you wish to use SSH support. If you wish to do this without running the container
- SSH on a non-standard port (or move your host port to a non-standard port), you can forward
- SSH connections destined for the container with a little extra setup.
- This guide assumes that you have created a user on the host called `git` which shares the same
- UID/GID as the container values `USER_UID`/`USER_GID`. You should also create the directory
- `/var/lib/gitea` on the host, owned by the `git` user and mounted in the container, e.g.
- ```
- services:
- server:
- image: gitea/gitea:latest
- environment:
- - USER_UID=1000
- - USER_GID=1000
- restart: always
- networks:
- - gitea
- volumes:
- - /var/lib/gitea:/data
- ports:
- - "3000:3000"
- - ""
- ```
- You can see that we're also exposing the container SSH port to port 2222 on the host, and binding this
- to to prevent it being accessible external to the host machine itself.
- On the **host**, you should create the file `/app/gitea/gitea` with the following contents and
- make it executable (`chmod +x /app/gitea/gitea`):
- ```
- #!/bin/sh
- ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no git@ "SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND=\"$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" $0 $@"
- ```
- Your `git` user needs to have an SSH key generated:
- ```
- sudo -u git ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "Gitea Host Key"
- ```
- Still on the host, symlink the container `.ssh/authorized_keys` file to your git user `.ssh/authorized_keys`.
- This can be done on the host as the `/var/lib/gitea` directory is mounted inside the container under `/data`:
- ```
- ln -s /var/lib/gitea/git/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
- ```
- Then echo the `git` user SSH key into the authorized_keys file so the host can talk to the container over SSH:
- ```
- echo "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty $(cat /home/git/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)" >> /var/lib/gitea/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
- ```
- Now you should be able to use Git over SSH to your container without disrupting SSH access to the host.
- Please note: SSH container passthrough will work only if using opensshd in container, and will not work if
- `AuthorizedKeysCommand` is used in combination with setting `SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE=false` to disable
- authorized files key generation.