- // Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- package repo
- import (
- "net/http"
- "strconv"
- "testing"
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/models"
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/auth"
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/test"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- )
- func int64SliceToCommaSeparated(a []int64) string {
- s := ""
- for i, n := range a {
- if i > 0 {
- s += ","
- }
- s += strconv.Itoa(int(n))
- }
- return s
- }
- func TestInitializeLabels(t *testing.T) {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user2/repo1/labels/initialize")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, 2)
- InitializeLabels(ctx, auth.InitializeLabelsForm{TemplateName: "Default"})
- assert.EqualValues(t, http.StatusFound, ctx.Resp.Status())
- models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Label{
- RepoID: 2,
- Name: "enhancement",
- Color: "#84b6eb",
- })
- assert.Equal(t, "/user2/repo2/labels", test.RedirectURL(ctx.Resp))
- }
- func TestRetrieveLabels(t *testing.T) {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- for _, testCase := range []struct {
- RepoID int64
- Sort string
- ExpectedLabelIDs []int64
- }{
- {1, "", []int64{1, 2}},
- {1, "leastissues", []int64{2, 1}},
- {2, "", []int64{}},
- } {
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user/repo/issues")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, testCase.RepoID)
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("sort", testCase.Sort)
- RetrieveLabels(ctx)
- assert.False(t, ctx.Written())
- labels, ok := ctx.Data["Labels"].([]*models.Label)
- assert.True(t, ok)
- if assert.Len(t, labels, len(testCase.ExpectedLabelIDs)) {
- for i, label := range labels {
- assert.EqualValues(t, testCase.ExpectedLabelIDs[i], label.ID)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func TestNewLabel(t *testing.T) {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user2/repo1/labels/edit")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, 1)
- NewLabel(ctx, auth.CreateLabelForm{
- Title: "newlabel",
- Color: "#abcdef",
- })
- assert.EqualValues(t, http.StatusFound, ctx.Resp.Status())
- models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Label{
- Name: "newlabel",
- Color: "#abcdef",
- })
- assert.Equal(t, "/user2/repo1/labels", test.RedirectURL(ctx.Resp))
- }
- func TestUpdateLabel(t *testing.T) {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user2/repo1/labels/edit")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, 1)
- UpdateLabel(ctx, auth.CreateLabelForm{
- ID: 2,
- Title: "newnameforlabel",
- Color: "#abcdef",
- })
- assert.EqualValues(t, http.StatusFound, ctx.Resp.Status())
- models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Label{
- ID: 2,
- Name: "newnameforlabel",
- Color: "#abcdef",
- })
- assert.Equal(t, "/user2/repo1/labels", test.RedirectURL(ctx.Resp))
- }
- func TestDeleteLabel(t *testing.T) {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user2/repo1/labels/delete")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, 1)
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("id", "2")
- DeleteLabel(ctx)
- assert.EqualValues(t, http.StatusOK, ctx.Resp.Status())
- models.AssertNotExistsBean(t, &models.Label{ID: 2})
- models.AssertNotExistsBean(t, &models.IssueLabel{LabelID: 2})
- assert.Equal(t, ctx.Tr("repo.issues.label_deletion_success"), ctx.Flash.SuccessMsg)
- }
- func TestUpdateIssueLabel_Clear(t *testing.T) {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user2/repo1/issues/labels")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, 1)
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("issue_ids", "1,3")
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("action", "clear")
- UpdateIssueLabel(ctx)
- assert.EqualValues(t, http.StatusOK, ctx.Resp.Status())
- models.AssertNotExistsBean(t, &models.IssueLabel{IssueID: 1})
- models.AssertNotExistsBean(t, &models.IssueLabel{IssueID: 3})
- models.CheckConsistencyFor(t, &models.Label{})
- }
- func TestUpdateIssueLabel_Toggle(t *testing.T) {
- for _, testCase := range []struct {
- Action string
- IssueIDs []int64
- LabelID int64
- ExpectedAdd bool // whether we expect the label to be added to the issues
- }{
- {"attach", []int64{1, 3}, 1, true},
- {"detach", []int64{1, 3}, 1, false},
- {"toggle", []int64{1, 3}, 1, false},
- {"toggle", []int64{1, 2}, 2, true},
- } {
- models.PrepareTestEnv(t)
- ctx := test.MockContext(t, "user2/repo1/issues/labels")
- test.LoadUser(t, ctx, 2)
- test.LoadRepo(t, ctx, 1)
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("issue_ids", int64SliceToCommaSeparated(testCase.IssueIDs))
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("action", testCase.Action)
- ctx.Req.Form.Set("id", strconv.Itoa(int(testCase.LabelID)))
- UpdateIssueLabel(ctx)
- assert.EqualValues(t, http.StatusOK, ctx.Resp.Status())
- for _, issueID := range testCase.IssueIDs {
- models.AssertExistsIf(t, testCase.ExpectedAdd, &models.IssueLabel{
- IssueID: issueID,
- LabelID: testCase.LabelID,
- })
- }
- models.CheckConsistencyFor(t, &models.Label{})
- }
- }