- Core is a lightweight wrapper of sql.DB.
- [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/go-xorm/core/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/go-xorm/core/tree/master)
- # Open
- ```Go
- db, _ := core.Open(db, connstr)
- ```
- # SetMapper
- ```Go
- db.SetMapper(SameMapper())
- ```
- ## Scan usage
- ### Scan
- ```Go
- rows, _ := db.Query()
- for rows.Next() {
- rows.Scan()
- }
- ```
- ### ScanMap
- ```Go
- rows, _ := db.Query()
- for rows.Next() {
- rows.ScanMap()
- ```
- ### ScanSlice
- You can use `[]string`, `[][]byte`, `[]interface{}`, `[]*string`, `[]sql.NullString` to ScanSclice. Notice, slice's length should be equal or less than select columns.
- ```Go
- rows, _ := db.Query()
- cols, _ := rows.Columns()
- for rows.Next() {
- var s = make([]string, len(cols))
- rows.ScanSlice(&s)
- }
- ```
- ```Go
- rows, _ := db.Query()
- cols, _ := rows.Columns()
- for rows.Next() {
- var s = make([]*string, len(cols))
- rows.ScanSlice(&s)
- }
- ```
- ### ScanStruct
- ```Go
- rows, _ := db.Query()
- for rows.Next() {
- rows.ScanStructByName()
- rows.ScanStructByIndex()
- }
- ```
- ## Query usage
- ```Go
- rows, err := db.Query("select * from table where name = ?", name)
- user = User{
- Name:"lunny",
- }
- rows, err := db.QueryStruct("select * from table where name = ?Name",
- &user)
- var user = map[string]interface{}{
- "name": "lunny",
- }
- rows, err = db.QueryMap("select * from table where name = ?name",
- &user)
- ```
- ## QueryRow usage
- ```Go
- row := db.QueryRow("select * from table where name = ?", name)
- user = User{
- Name:"lunny",
- }
- row := db.QueryRowStruct("select * from table where name = ?Name",
- &user)
- var user = map[string]interface{}{
- "name": "lunny",
- }
- row = db.QueryRowMap("select * from table where name = ?name",
- &user)
- ```
- ## Exec usage
- ```Go
- db.Exec("insert into user (`name`, title, age, alias, nick_name,created) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", name, title, age, alias...)
- user = User{
- Name:"lunny",
- Title:"test",
- Age: 18,
- }
- result, err = db.ExecStruct("insert into user (`name`, title, age, alias, nick_name,created) values (?Name,?Title,?Age,?Alias,?NickName,?Created)",
- &user)
- var user = map[string]interface{}{
- "Name": "lunny",
- "Title": "test",
- "Age": 18,
- }
- result, err = db.ExecMap("insert into user (`name`, title, age, alias, nick_name,created) values (?Name,?Title,?Age,?Alias,?NickName,?Created)",
- &user)
- ```