- package hbase
- import (
- pb "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
- "github.com/juju/errors"
- "github.com/ngaut/log"
- "github.com/pingcap/go-hbase/proto"
- )
- type action interface {
- ToProto() pb.Message
- }
- func (c *client) innerCall(table, row []byte, action action, useCache bool) (*call, error) {
- region, err := c.LocateRegion(table, row, useCache)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Trace(err)
- }
- conn, err := c.getClientConn(region.Server)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Trace(err)
- }
- regionSpecifier := &proto.RegionSpecifier{
- Type: proto.RegionSpecifier_REGION_NAME.Enum(),
- Value: []byte(region.Name),
- }
- var cl *call
- switch a := action.(type) {
- case *Get:
- cl = newCall(&proto.GetRequest{
- Region: regionSpecifier,
- Get: a.ToProto().(*proto.Get),
- })
- case *Put, *Delete:
- cl = newCall(&proto.MutateRequest{
- Region: regionSpecifier,
- Mutation: a.ToProto().(*proto.MutationProto),
- })
- case *CoprocessorServiceCall:
- cl = newCall(&proto.CoprocessorServiceRequest{
- Region: regionSpecifier,
- Call: a.ToProto().(*proto.CoprocessorServiceCall),
- })
- default:
- return nil, errors.Errorf("Unknown action - %T - %v", action, action)
- }
- err = conn.call(cl)
- if err != nil {
- // If failed, remove bad server conn cache.
- cachedKey := cachedConnKey(region.Server, ClientService)
- delete(c.cachedConns, cachedKey)
- return nil, errors.Trace(err)
- }
- return cl, nil
- }
- func (c *client) innerDo(table, row []byte, action action, useCache bool) (pb.Message, error) {
- // Try to create and send a new resuqest call.
- cl, err := c.innerCall(table, row, action, useCache)
- if err != nil {
- log.Warnf("inner call failed - %v", errors.ErrorStack(err))
- return nil, errors.Trace(err)
- }
- // Wait and receive the result.
- return <-cl.responseCh, nil
- }
- func (c *client) do(table, row []byte, action action, useCache bool) (pb.Message, error) {
- var (
- result pb.Message
- err error
- )
- for i := 0; i < c.maxRetries; i++ {
- result, err = c.innerDo(table, row, action, useCache)
- if err == nil {
- switch r := result.(type) {
- case *exception:
- err = errors.New(r.msg)
- // If get an execption response, clean old region cache.
- c.CleanRegionCache(table)
- default:
- break LOOP
- }
- }
- useCache = false
- log.Warnf("Retrying action for the %d time(s), error - %v", i+1, errors.ErrorStack(err))
- retrySleep(i + 1)
- }
- return result, errors.Trace(err)
- }