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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. set -eu
  3. client_configure() {
  4. sudo chmod 600 $PQSSLCERTTEST_PATH/postgresql.key
  5. }
  6. pgdg_repository() {
  7. local sourcelist='sources.list.d/postgresql.list'
  8. curl -sS '' | sudo apt-key add -
  9. echo deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main $PGVERSION | sudo tee "/etc/apt/$sourcelist"
  10. sudo apt-get -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="$sourcelist" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts='-' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup='0' update
  11. }
  12. postgresql_configure() {
  13. sudo tee /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf > /dev/null <<-config
  14. local all all trust
  15. hostnossl all pqgossltest reject
  16. hostnossl all pqgosslcert reject
  17. hostssl all pqgossltest trust
  18. hostssl all pqgosslcert cert
  19. host all all trust
  20. hostnossl all pqgossltest ::1/128 reject
  21. hostnossl all pqgosslcert ::1/128 reject
  22. hostssl all pqgossltest ::1/128 trust
  23. hostssl all pqgosslcert ::1/128 cert
  24. host all all ::1/128 trust
  25. config
  26. xargs sudo install -o postgres -g postgres -m 600 -t /var/lib/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/ <<-certificates
  27. certs/root.crt
  28. certs/server.crt
  29. certs/server.key
  30. certificates
  31. sort -VCu <<-versions ||
  33. 9.2
  34. versions
  35. sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/postgresql.conf > /dev/null <<-config
  36. ssl_ca_file = 'root.crt'
  37. ssl_cert_file = 'server.crt'
  38. ssl_key_file = 'server.key'
  39. config
  40. echo postgres | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
  41. sudo service postgresql restart
  42. }
  43. postgresql_install() {
  44. xargs sudo apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confnew' install <<-packages
  45. postgresql-$PGVERSION
  46. postgresql-server-dev-$PGVERSION
  47. postgresql-contrib-$PGVERSION
  48. packages
  49. }
  50. postgresql_uninstall() {
  51. sudo service postgresql stop
  52. xargs sudo apt-get -y --purge remove <<-packages
  53. libpq-dev
  54. libpq5
  55. postgresql
  56. postgresql-client-common
  57. postgresql-common
  58. packages
  59. sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql
  60. }
  61. megacheck_install() {
  62. # Lock megacheck version at $MEGACHECK_VERSION to prevent spontaneous
  63. # new error messages in old code.
  64. go get -d
  65. git -C $GOPATH/src/ checkout $MEGACHECK_VERSION
  66. go install
  67. megacheck --version
  68. }
  69. golint_install() {
  70. go get
  71. }
  72. $1