- package mahonia
- import (
- "unicode/utf8"
- )
- // Converters for Microsoft's version of the EUC-JP encoding
- func init() {
- RegisterCharset(&Charset{
- Name: "cp51932",
- Aliases: []string{"windows-51932"},
- NewDecoder: func() Decoder {
- return decodeCP51932
- },
- NewEncoder: func() Encoder {
- msJISTable.Reverse()
- return encodeCP51932
- },
- })
- }
- func decodeCP51932(p []byte) (c rune, size int, status Status) {
- if len(p) == 0 {
- return 0, 0, NO_ROOM
- }
- b := p[0]
- switch {
- case b < 0x80:
- return rune(b), 1, SUCCESS
- case b == 0x8e:
- if len(p) < 2 {
- return 0, 0, NO_ROOM
- }
- b2 := p[1]
- if b2 < 0xa1 || b2 > 0xdf {
- return utf8.RuneError, 1, INVALID_CHAR
- }
- return rune(b2) + (0xff61 - 0xa1), 2, SUCCESS
- case 0xa1 <= b && b <= 0xfe:
- return msJISTable.DecodeHigh(p)
- }
- return utf8.RuneError, 1, INVALID_CHAR
- }
- func encodeCP51932(p []byte, c rune) (size int, status Status) {
- if len(p) == 0 {
- return 0, NO_ROOM
- }
- if c < 0x80 {
- p[0] = byte(c)
- return 1, SUCCESS
- }
- if len(p) < 2 {
- return 0, NO_ROOM
- }
- if c > 0xffff {
- p[0] = '?'
- return 1, INVALID_CHAR
- }
- if 0xff61 <= c && c <= 0xff9f {
- p[0] = 0x8e
- p[1] = byte(c - (0xff61 - 0xa1))
- return 2, SUCCESS
- }
- return msJISTable.EncodeHigh(p, c)
- }