- package openid
- import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net/url"
- "strings"
- )
- func Verify(uri string, cache DiscoveryCache, nonceStore NonceStore) (id string, err error) {
- return defaultInstance.Verify(uri, cache, nonceStore)
- }
- func (oid *OpenID) Verify(uri string, cache DiscoveryCache, nonceStore NonceStore) (id string, err error) {
- parsedURL, err := url.Parse(uri)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- values, err := url.ParseQuery(parsedURL.RawQuery)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // 11. Verifying Assertions
- // When the Relying Party receives a positive assertion, it MUST
- // verify the following before accepting the assertion:
- // - The value of "openid.signed" contains all the required fields.
- // (Section 10.1)
- if err = verifySignedFields(values); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // - The signature on the assertion is valid (Section 11.4)
- if err = verifySignature(uri, values, oid.urlGetter); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // - The value of "openid.return_to" matches the URL of the current
- // request (Section 11.1)
- if err = verifyReturnTo(parsedURL, values); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // - Discovered information matches the information in the assertion
- // (Section 11.2)
- if err = oid.verifyDiscovered(parsedURL, values, cache); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // - An assertion has not yet been accepted from this OP with the
- // same value for "openid.response_nonce" (Section 11.3)
- if err = verifyNonce(values, nonceStore); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // If all four of these conditions are met, assertion is now
- // verified. If the assertion contained a Claimed Identifier, the
- // user is now authenticated with that identifier.
- return values.Get("openid.claimed_id"), nil
- }
- // 10.1. Positive Assertions
- // openid.signed - Comma-separated list of signed fields.
- // This entry consists of the fields without the "openid." prefix that the signature covers.
- // This list MUST contain at least "op_endpoint", "return_to" "response_nonce" and "assoc_handle",
- // and if present in the response, "claimed_id" and "identity".
- func verifySignedFields(vals url.Values) error {
- ok := map[string]bool{
- "op_endpoint": false,
- "return_to": false,
- "response_nonce": false,
- "assoc_handle": false,
- "claimed_id": vals.Get("openid.claimed_id") == "",
- "identity": vals.Get("openid.identity") == "",
- }
- signed := strings.Split(vals.Get("openid.signed"), ",")
- for _, sf := range signed {
- ok[sf] = true
- }
- for k, v := range ok {
- if !v {
- return fmt.Errorf("%v must be signed but isn't", k)
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // 11.1. Verifying the Return URL
- // To verify that the "openid.return_to" URL matches the URL that is processing this assertion:
- // - The URL scheme, authority, and path MUST be the same between the two
- // URLs.
- // - Any query parameters that are present in the "openid.return_to" URL
- // MUST also be present with the same values in the URL of the HTTP
- // request the RP received.
- func verifyReturnTo(uri *url.URL, vals url.Values) error {
- returnTo := vals.Get("openid.return_to")
- rp, err := url.Parse(returnTo)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if uri.Scheme != rp.Scheme ||
- uri.Host != rp.Host ||
- uri.Path != rp.Path {
- return errors.New(
- "Scheme, host or path don't match in return_to URL")
- }
- qp, err := url.ParseQuery(rp.RawQuery)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return compareQueryParams(qp, vals)
- }
- // Any parameter in q1 must also be present in q2, and values must match.
- func compareQueryParams(q1, q2 url.Values) error {
- for k := range q1 {
- v1 := q1.Get(k)
- v2 := q2.Get(k)
- if v1 != v2 {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "URLs query params don't match: Param %s different: %s vs %s",
- k, v1, v2)
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (oid *OpenID) verifyDiscovered(uri *url.URL, vals url.Values, cache DiscoveryCache) error {
- version := vals.Get("openid.ns")
- if version != "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0" {
- return errors.New("Bad protocol version")
- }
- endpoint := vals.Get("openid.op_endpoint")
- if len(endpoint) == 0 {
- return errors.New("missing openid.op_endpoint url param")
- }
- localID := vals.Get("openid.identity")
- if len(localID) == 0 {
- return errors.New("no localId to verify")
- }
- claimedID := vals.Get("openid.claimed_id")
- if len(claimedID) == 0 {
- // If no Claimed Identifier is present in the response, the
- // assertion is not about an identifier and the RP MUST NOT use the
- // User-supplied Identifier associated with the current OpenID
- // authentication transaction to identify the user. Extension
- // information in the assertion MAY still be used.
- // --- This library does not support this case. So claimed
- // identifier must be present.
- return errors.New("no claimed_id to verify")
- }
- // 11.2. Verifying Discovered Information
- // If the Claimed Identifier in the assertion is a URL and contains a
- // fragment, the fragment part and the fragment delimiter character "#"
- // MUST NOT be used for the purposes of verifying the discovered
- // information.
- claimedIDVerify := claimedID
- if fragmentIndex := strings.Index(claimedID, "#"); fragmentIndex != -1 {
- claimedIDVerify = claimedID[0:fragmentIndex]
- }
- // If the Claimed Identifier is included in the assertion, it
- // MUST have been discovered by the Relying Party and the
- // information in the assertion MUST be present in the
- // discovered information. The Claimed Identifier MUST NOT be an
- // OP Identifier.
- if discovered := cache.Get(claimedIDVerify); discovered != nil &&
- discovered.OpEndpoint() == endpoint &&
- discovered.OpLocalID() == localID &&
- discovered.ClaimedID() == claimedIDVerify {
- return nil
- }
- // If the Claimed Identifier was not previously discovered by the
- // Relying Party (the "openid.identity" in the request was
- // "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select" or a different
- // Identifier, or if the OP is sending an unsolicited positive
- // assertion), the Relying Party MUST perform discovery on the Claimed
- // Identifier in the response to make sure that the OP is authorized to
- // make assertions about the Claimed Identifier.
- if ep, _, _, err := oid.Discover(claimedID); err == nil {
- if ep == endpoint {
- // This claimed ID points to the same endpoint, therefore this
- // endpoint is authorized to make assertions about that claimed ID.
- // TODO: There may be multiple endpoints found during discovery.
- // They should all be checked.
- cache.Put(claimedIDVerify, &SimpleDiscoveredInfo{opEndpoint: endpoint, opLocalID: localID, claimedID: claimedIDVerify})
- return nil
- }
- }
- return errors.New("Could not verify the claimed ID")
- }
- func verifyNonce(vals url.Values, store NonceStore) error {
- nonce := vals.Get("openid.response_nonce")
- endpoint := vals.Get("openid.op_endpoint")
- return store.Accept(endpoint, nonce)
- }
- func verifySignature(uri string, vals url.Values, getter httpGetter) error {
- // To have the signature verification performed by the OP, the
- // Relying Party sends a direct request to the OP. To verify the
- // signature, the OP uses a private association that was generated
- // when it issued the positive assertion.
- // Request Parameters
- params := make(url.Values)
- // openid.mode: Value: "check_authentication"
- params.Add("openid.mode", "check_authentication")
- // Exact copies of all fields from the authentication response,
- // except for "openid.mode".
- for k, vs := range vals {
- if k == "openid.mode" {
- continue
- }
- for _, v := range vs {
- params.Add(k, v)
- }
- }
- resp, err := getter.Post(vals.Get("openid.op_endpoint"), params)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
- response := string(content)
- lines := strings.Split(response, "\n")
- isValid := false
- nsValid := false
- for _, l := range lines {
- if l == "is_valid:true" {
- isValid = true
- } else if l == "ns:http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0" {
- nsValid = true
- }
- }
- if isValid && nsValid {
- // Yay !
- return nil
- }
- return errors.New("Could not verify assertion with provider")
- }