- ---
- date: "2017-06-19T12:00:00+02:00"
- title: "Installation from binary"
- slug: "install-from-binary"
- weight: 10
- toc: true
- draft: false
- menu:
- sidebar:
- parent: "installation"
- name: "From binary"
- weight: 20
- identifier: "install-from-binary"
- ---
- # Installation from binary
- All downloads come with SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL support, and are built with
- embedded assets. This can be different for older releases. Choose the file matching
- the destination platform from the [downloads page](https://dl.gitea.io/gitea), copy
- the URL and replace the URL within the commands below:
- ```
- wget -O gitea https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/1.3.2/gitea-1.3.2-linux-amd64
- chmod +x gitea
- ```
- ## Test
- After getting a binary, it can be tested with `./gitea web` or moved to a permanent
- location. When launched manually, Gitea can be killed using `Ctrl+C`.
- ```
- ./gitea web
- ```
- ## Troubleshooting
- ### Old glibc versions
- Older Linux distributions (such as Debian 7 and CentOS 6) may not be able to load the
- Gitea binary, usually producing an error such as ```./gitea: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:
- version `GLIBC\_2.14' not found (required by ./gitea)```. This is due to the integrated
- SQLite support in the binaries provided by dl.gitea.io. In this situation, it is usually
- possible to [install from source]({{< relref "from-source.en-us.md" >}}) without sqlite
- support.
- ### Running gitea on another port
- For errors like `702 runWeb()] [E] Failed to start server: listen tcp
- bind: address already in use` gitea needs to be started on another free port. This
- is possible using `./gitea web -p $PORT`. It's possible another instance of gitea
- is already running.