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  1. # frozen_string_literal: true
  2. module Admin::AccountModerationNotesHelper
  3. def admin_account_link_to(account)
  4. return if account.nil?
  5. link_to admin_account_path(, class: name_tag_classes(account), title: account.acct do
  6. safe_join([
  7. image_tag(account.avatar.url, width: 15, height: 15, alt: display_name(account), class: 'avatar'),
  8. content_tag(:span, account.acct, class: 'username'),
  9. ], ' ')
  10. end
  11. end
  12. def admin_account_inline_link_to(account)
  13. return if account.nil?
  14. link_to admin_account_path(, class: name_tag_classes(account, true), title: account.acct do
  15. content_tag(:span, account.acct, class: 'username')
  16. end
  17. end
  18. private
  19. def name_tag_classes(account, inline = false)
  20. classes = [inline ? 'inline-name-tag' : 'name-tag']
  21. classes << 'suspended' if account.suspended? || (account.local? && account.user.nil?)
  22. classes.join(' ')
  23. end
  24. end