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New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12953) * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-03-09) (#6708) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (580 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (580 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (579 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (577 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (577 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 90.3% (525 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11626) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-22) (#8346) * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.2% (636 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 96.5% (645 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 69.3% (68 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 43.9% (36 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.9% (661 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 97.5% (80 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.2% (636 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.6% (76 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (649 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (650 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (668 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 88.5% (593 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (668 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (670 of 672 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.7% (650 of 672 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (672 of 673 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (671 of 673 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 84.5% (569 of 673 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 77.4% (48 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (654 of 674 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (655 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (673 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (674 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (674 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 96.8% (654 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (673 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 84.5% (571 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 84.8% (573 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (673 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 88.7% (55 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 85.1% (575 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 45.4% (307 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 98.0% (303 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 97.4% (301 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (656 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 86.8% (586 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 83.2% (562 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (675 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 83.4% (563 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.6% (659 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (675 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (660 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93.9% (77 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (675 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (674 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (660 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 86.9% (587 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 97.9% (96 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations * i18n-tasks normalize
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14335) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Fix cy locale
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-03-09) (#6708) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (580 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (580 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (579 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (577 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (577 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 90.3% (525 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-04-24) (#7252) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (287 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (623 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.5% (631 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 0.3% (1 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.3% (1 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.6% (287 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 88.4% (561 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 90.3% (573 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 3.2% (2 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 32.4% (206 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 81.3% (516 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 51.2% (325 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 91.6% (581 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 51.8% (329 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Remove unused translations Ran i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14335) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-22) (#8346) * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.2% (636 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 96.5% (645 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 69.3% (68 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 43.9% (36 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.9% (661 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 97.5% (80 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.2% (636 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (667 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.6% (76 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (649 of 668 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (650 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (668 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 88.5% (593 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (669 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (668 of 670 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (670 of 672 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.7% (650 of 672 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (672 of 673 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (671 of 673 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 84.5% (569 of 673 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 77.4% (48 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (654 of 674 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (655 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (673 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (674 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (674 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 96.8% (654 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (673 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 84.5% (571 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 84.8% (573 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (673 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 88.7% (55 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 85.1% (575 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 45.4% (307 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 98.0% (303 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 97.4% (301 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (82 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (656 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 86.8% (586 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 83.2% (562 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (675 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 83.4% (563 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.6% (659 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (675 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (660 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93.9% (77 of 82 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (675 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (674 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (660 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 86.9% (587 of 675 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (309 of 309 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 97.9% (96 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations * i18n-tasks normalize
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-07-11) (#7992) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 41.9% (26 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 70.9% (450 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 65.3% (64 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.9% (94 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 74.4% (73 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 67.3% (66 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.7% (77 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (634 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 8.0% (5 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 0.9% (3 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 1.0% (1 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 1.2% (1 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 80.6% (79 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 72.0% (458 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 91.8% (90 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 5.1% (4 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 5.3% (34 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (73 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 75.1% (478 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (304 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.4% (620 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (73 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 75.1% (478 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.6% (621 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.5% (633 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-04-24) (#7252) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (287 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (623 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.5% (631 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 0.3% (1 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.3% (1 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.6% (287 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 88.4% (561 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 90.3% (573 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 3.2% (2 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 32.4% (206 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 81.3% (516 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 51.2% (325 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 91.6% (581 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 51.8% (329 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Remove unused translations Ran i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12953) * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11305) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
Weblate translations 20180426 (#7266) * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.0% (576 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.3% (622 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 82.4% (516 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.1% (577 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#6011) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (522 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 40.0% (209 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.0% (517 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 22.6% (17 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 48.8% (21 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 73.2% (41 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Restore wrongfully deleted files
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13749) * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-19) (#7847) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.9% (66 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (69 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (597 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.3% (600 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.7% (68 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-26) (#7624) * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 98.4% (65 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.0% (522 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.0% (522 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (298 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.5% (618 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.0% (590 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.4% (65 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.3% (617 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.9% (62 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: Ορθογραφικό λάθος * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 44.4% (276 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (616 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 99.3% (617 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (564 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.0% (590 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.0% (615 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93.9% (62 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.6% (75 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (564 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 44.6% (277 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.1% (591 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.1% (591 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (618 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 89.6% (268 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 40.9% (27 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.2% (8 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
Weblate translations (#6370) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 69.6% (39 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 67.7% (42 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 71.4% (40 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 92.1% (515 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 89.0% (498 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 37.5% (21 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 93.3% (70 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.3% (505 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 91.4% (511 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (557 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.8% (508 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.0% (509 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.9% (514 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.9% (514 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 92.6% (518 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 92.8% (519 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 90.3% (56 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 25.9% (145 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 96.2% (538 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 92.8% (52 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.4% (556 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 87.5% (49 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 59.7% (334 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (555 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 67.9% (380 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 72.2% (404 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Sajnos nem találtam magyar megfelelőt * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 96.0% (537 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 83.9% (47 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 96.9% (542 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 60.2% (337 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: [eo] Tiu parto de la frazo jam estas tradukita aliloke ☺ * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 60.8% (340 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Add back translations weblate removed
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12953) * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-16) (#7815) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (622 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.5% (618 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.0% (522 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 84.0% (522 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.9% (596 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.3% (302 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.3% (302 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.3% (302 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 94.5% (587 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96.7% (294 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 91.9% (571 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (303 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.2% (598 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 80.8% (502 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 14.6% (91 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.6% (620 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 94.1% (64 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (621 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.3% (599 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.5% (67 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (620 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (621 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (68 of 68 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (621 of 622 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-08) (#7759) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (303 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (303 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.4% (593 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 66.3% (412 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Fix cy locale
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: rename from "instance" to "server" * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Check if "Sign up" is changed. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟ * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix inconsistent interpolations * Add missing plural forms
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11909) * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15369) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-04-10) (#10545) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 95.7% (780 of 815 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (372 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 75.4% (288 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100,0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (4 of 4 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.0% (378 of 382 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix empty string in Occitan
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations 20180426 (#7266) * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.0% (576 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.3% (622 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 82.4% (516 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.1% (577 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-01-15) (#9813) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99,5% (748 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98,6% (351 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92,3% (694 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 89,3% (318 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 64,6% (230 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77,2% (275 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61,5% (219 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 77,5% (276 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 94,9% (338 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 65,7% (234 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 11,7% (88 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 13,0% (98 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 91,8% (690 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98,6% (351 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 87,1% (310 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.1% (715 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 91.6% (98 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.4% (672 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 97.9% (736 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 94.3% (709 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 82.8% (623 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (352 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89,2% (671 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96,3% (724 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 95.9% (721 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 96,1% (723 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 91.8% (690 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98,9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 98.3% (739 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.5% (673 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.3% (747 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (352 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 32.3% (243 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 89.8% (675 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (336 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.5% (673 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (750 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (336 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (750 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 90,7% (682 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 93,5% (703 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, fix interpolations * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 90.7% (682 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12061) * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-19) (#7847) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.9% (66 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (69 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (597 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.3% (600 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.7% (68 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-01-08) (#9758) * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (734 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.2% (721 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Latvian) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Latvian) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 78.0% (276 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (347 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77.7% (275 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88.7% (314 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 80.8% (286 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.2% (128 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 89.8% (318 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.5% (338 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 85.0% (301 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 64.7% (229 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 41.0% (145 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 90.4% (320 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99,6% (731 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.4% (101 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 99.1% (106 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 99.6% (731 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.3% (729 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99,5% (730 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99,9% (733 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99,7% (732 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 63.6% (225 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 42.4% (150 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 87.9% (311 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 66.1% (234 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 93,7% (688 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 78,5% (84 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96,9% (343 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 97.5% (716 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 14.4% (106 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 12.1% (89 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.1% (698 of 734 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 95.3% (102 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * i18n-tasks remove-unused * yarn manage:translations * Fix missing plural form (temporarily)
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-02) (#7705) * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (616 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 14.4% (90 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: to check if with O or U * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-19) (#7847) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.9% (66 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.1% (69 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (597 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.3% (600 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.7% (68 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize
5 years ago
Weblate translations (#6228) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 80.3% (45 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.9% (47 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 87.6% (460 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.2% (521 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.2% (248 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 48.0% (252 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.0% (520 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 90.4% (475 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 48.3% (254 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 56.5% (297 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 59.4% (312 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 91.0% (51 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 59.6% (313 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 67.6% (355 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 51.1% (22 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 24.0% (126 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Portuguese) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 55.2% (290 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 42.6% (224 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 80.9% (425 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 62.7% (27 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 81.3% (427 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 93.7% (492 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 95.4% (501 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 96.0% (504 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 69.7% (30 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.9% (514 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Add back simple_forms removed by weblate Weblate for some reason removed this files, add back to their previous versions * Remove linebreak on PR review
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-02) (#7705) * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (616 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 14.4% (90 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: to check if with O or U * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-03-05) (#10180) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98,4% (752 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 66,8% (510 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99,7% (360 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 88,9% (679 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (764 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93,2% (712 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96,4% (107 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (764 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99,7% (360 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Bengali) * Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 2,1% (16 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98,1% (354 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (764 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 99.4% (359 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 84.7% (647 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.3% (751 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 95,7% (731 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 96.9% (740 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 14.4% (52 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (770 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.0% (764 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (770 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 98.7% (765 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 64,0% (71 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix missing plural keys * Fix inconsistent interpolations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-27) (#9642) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 78.2% (277 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 93,8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 92,9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 85.6% (303 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 88.1% (312 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 93.5% (331 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 63.0% (223 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.9% (219 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.9% (336 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (698 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Hindi) * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.3% (705 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 90.3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, remove unused translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (#6228) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 80.3% (45 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.9% (47 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 87.6% (460 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.2% (521 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.2% (248 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 48.0% (252 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.0% (520 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 90.4% (475 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 48.3% (254 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 56.5% (297 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 59.4% (312 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 91.0% (51 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 59.6% (313 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 67.6% (355 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 51.1% (22 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 24.0% (126 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Portuguese) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 55.2% (290 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 42.6% (224 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 80.9% (425 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 62.7% (27 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 81.3% (427 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 93.7% (492 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 95.4% (501 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 96.0% (504 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 69.7% (30 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.9% (514 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Add back simple_forms removed by weblate Weblate for some reason removed this files, add back to their previous versions * Remove linebreak on PR review
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12953) * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#5946) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (517 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (52 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.4% (518 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 43.6% (107 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.4% (518 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.4% (54 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 31.2% (163 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 91.5% (477 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (521 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (521 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 50.6% (264 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 64.0% (157 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 96.4% (54 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 95.2% (496 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 95.2% (496 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix things
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#5946) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (517 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (52 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.4% (518 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 43.6% (107 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.4% (518 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.4% (54 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 31.2% (163 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 91.5% (477 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (521 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (521 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 50.6% (264 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 64.0% (157 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 96.4% (54 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 95.2% (496 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 95.2% (496 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix things
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#6011) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (522 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 40.0% (209 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.0% (517 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 22.6% (17 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 48.8% (21 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 73.2% (41 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Restore wrongfully deleted files
6 years ago
Weblate translations (#6011) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (522 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 40.0% (209 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.0% (517 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 22.6% (17 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 48.8% (21 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 73.2% (41 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Restore wrongfully deleted files
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-03-05) (#10180) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98,4% (752 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 66,8% (510 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99,7% (360 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 88,9% (679 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (764 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93,2% (712 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96,4% (107 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (764 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99,7% (360 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Bengali) * Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 2,1% (16 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98,1% (354 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (764 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 99.4% (359 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 84.7% (647 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.3% (751 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 95,7% (731 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (762 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (361 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 96.9% (740 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (763 of 764 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 14.4% (52 of 361 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (770 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.0% (764 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (770 of 772 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 98.7% (765 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 64,0% (71 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix missing plural keys * Fix inconsistent interpolations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (#6011) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (522 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 40.0% (209 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.0% (517 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 22.6% (17 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 48.8% (21 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 73.2% (41 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Restore wrongfully deleted files
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15369) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#6011) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (522 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 40.0% (209 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.0% (517 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 22.6% (17 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 48.8% (21 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 73.2% (41 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Restore wrongfully deleted files
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11626) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
Weblate translations (#6370) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 69.6% (39 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 67.7% (42 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 71.4% (40 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 92.1% (515 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 89.0% (498 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 37.5% (21 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 93.3% (70 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.3% (505 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 91.4% (511 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (557 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.8% (508 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.0% (509 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.9% (514 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.9% (514 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 92.6% (518 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 92.8% (519 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 90.3% (56 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 25.9% (145 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 96.2% (538 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 92.8% (52 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.4% (556 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 87.5% (49 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 59.7% (334 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (555 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 67.9% (380 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 72.2% (404 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Sajnos nem találtam magyar megfelelőt * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 96.0% (537 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 83.9% (47 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 96.9% (542 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 60.2% (337 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: [eo] Tiu parto de la frazo jam estas tradukita aliloke ☺ * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 60.8% (340 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Add back translations weblate removed
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
Weblate translations 20180426 (#7266) * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.0% (576 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.3% (622 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 82.4% (516 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.1% (577 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-02) (#7705) * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (616 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 14.4% (90 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: to check if with O or U * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11060) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-25) (#7890) * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.6% (602 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (618 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.6% (306 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 0.4% (3 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Work in Progress * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (605 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 36.2% (226 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.0% (586 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 99.3% (305 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.9% (604 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 97.5% (608 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.4% (526 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (605 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.2% (606 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
5 years ago
Weblate translations (#6228) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 80.3% (45 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.9% (47 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 87.6% (460 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.2% (521 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.2% (248 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 48.0% (252 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.0% (520 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 90.4% (475 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 48.3% (254 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 56.5% (297 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 59.4% (312 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 91.0% (51 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 59.6% (313 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 67.6% (355 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 51.1% (22 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 24.0% (126 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Portuguese) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 55.2% (290 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 42.6% (224 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 80.9% (425 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 62.7% (27 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 81.3% (427 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 93.7% (492 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 95.4% (501 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (524 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (525 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 96.0% (504 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 69.7% (30 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.9% (514 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (523 of 525 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Add back simple_forms removed by weblate Weblate for some reason removed this files, add back to their previous versions * Remove linebreak on PR review
6 years ago
Weblate translations (#6011) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (522 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (519 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 40.0% (209 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (521 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.0% (517 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 22.6% (17 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (520 of 522 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (257 of 257 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 48.8% (21 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 73.2% (41 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Restore wrongfully deleted files
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-25) (#7890) * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (621 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.6% (602 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (618 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.6% (306 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 0.4% (3 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (622 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Work in Progress * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 94.3% (67 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (605 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (623 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 36.2% (226 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.0% (586 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 99.3% (305 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.9% (604 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 97.5% (608 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (71 of 71 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.4% (526 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (605 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (307 of 307 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.2% (606 of 623 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-02) (#7705) * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (616 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 14.4% (90 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: to check if with O or U * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (303 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (302 of 303 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-01-15) (#9813) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99,5% (748 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98,6% (351 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92,3% (694 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 89,3% (318 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 64,6% (230 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77,2% (275 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61,5% (219 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 77,5% (276 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 94,9% (338 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 65,7% (234 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 11,7% (88 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 13,0% (98 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 91,8% (690 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98,6% (351 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 87,1% (310 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.1% (715 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 91.6% (98 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.4% (672 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 97.9% (736 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 94.3% (709 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 82.8% (623 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (352 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89,2% (671 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96,3% (724 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 95.9% (721 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 96,1% (723 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 91.8% (690 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98,9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 98.3% (739 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.5% (673 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.3% (747 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (352 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 32.3% (243 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 89.8% (675 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (336 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.5% (673 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (750 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (336 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (750 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 90,7% (682 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 93,5% (703 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, fix interpolations * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 90.7% (682 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-27) (#9642) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 78.2% (277 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 93,8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 92,9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 85.6% (303 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 88.1% (312 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 93.5% (331 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 63.0% (223 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.9% (219 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.9% (336 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (698 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Hindi) * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.3% (705 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 90.3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, remove unused translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-27) (#9642) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 78.2% (277 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 93,8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 92,9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 85.6% (303 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 88.1% (312 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 93.5% (331 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 63.0% (223 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.9% (219 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.9% (336 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (698 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Hindi) * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.3% (705 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 90.3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, remove unused translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-19) (#9578) * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (709 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.8% (90 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.8% (694 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99,7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97,5% (699 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Normalize translations, remove unused, add missing plurals
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-27) (#9642) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 78.2% (277 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 93,8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 92,9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 85.6% (303 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 93.8% (332 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 88.1% (312 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 93.5% (331 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 63.0% (223 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.9% (219 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.9% (329 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 94.9% (336 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (698 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Hindi) * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.3% (705 of 717 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 90.3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, remove unused translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15369) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-26) (#7624) * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 98.4% (65 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.0% (522 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.0% (522 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (298 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.5% (618 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.0% (590 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.4% (65 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.3% (617 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.9% (62 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: Ορθογραφικό λάθος * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 44.4% (276 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.1% (616 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 99.3% (617 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (564 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.0% (590 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.0% (615 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93.9% (62 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.6% (75 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (564 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (299 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 44.6% (277 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.1% (591 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.1% (591 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (618 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 89.6% (268 of 299 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 40.9% (27 of 66 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.2% (8 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15369) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-03-16) (#10294) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.5% (357 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 95.9% (743 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 83.2% (645 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.3% (754 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.9% (751 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 77.9% (604 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 79.7% (295 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 82,3% (638 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.3% (754 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 83.7% (649 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 82.3% (638 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 83.9% (650 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 20.3% (157 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 50.5% (56 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 84.8% (657 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 52.3% (58 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 92.3% (715 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 67.7% (525 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 92.8% (719 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 95,1% (737 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97,9% (759 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 64,6% (239 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 65,7% (243 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 25,1% (93 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 77,3% (286 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77,3% (286 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88,1% (326 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 44,1% (163 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 90,8% (336 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 89,2% (330 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 80,5% (298 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 62,2% (230 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 64,1% (237 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 38,4% (142 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 56,5% (209 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Latvian) Currently translated at 49,7% (184 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 17,8% (66 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 66,2% (245 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 97,8% (362 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 98,1% (363 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 84,9% (314 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 65,4% (242 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 88,1% (326 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 46,5% (172 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 86,5% (320 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 79,2% (293 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 17,8% (66 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 99,2% (367 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97,0% (359 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 16,2% (60 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 65,1% (241 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 73,5% (272 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.1% (768 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.5% (357 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 93,9% (728 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Remove unused translations * Fix missing plural keys * Fix inconsistent interpolations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12061) * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-03-16) (#10294) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.5% (357 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 95.9% (743 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 83.2% (645 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.3% (754 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.9% (751 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 77.9% (604 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 79.7% (295 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 82,3% (638 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.3% (754 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 83.7% (649 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 82.3% (638 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 83.9% (650 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 20.3% (157 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 50.5% (56 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 84.8% (657 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 52.3% (58 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 92.3% (715 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 67.7% (525 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 92.8% (719 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 95,1% (737 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97,9% (759 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 64,6% (239 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 65,7% (243 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 25,1% (93 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 77,3% (286 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77,3% (286 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88,1% (326 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 44,1% (163 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 90,8% (336 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 89,2% (330 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 80,5% (298 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 62,2% (230 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 64,1% (237 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 38,4% (142 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 56,5% (209 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Latvian) Currently translated at 49,7% (184 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 17,8% (66 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 66,2% (245 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 97,8% (362 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 98,1% (363 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 84,9% (314 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 65,4% (242 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 88,1% (326 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 46,5% (172 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 86,5% (320 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 79,2% (293 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 17,8% (66 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 99,2% (367 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97,0% (359 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 16,2% (60 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 65,1% (241 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 73,5% (272 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.1% (768 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.5% (357 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 93,9% (728 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Remove unused translations * Fix missing plural keys * Fix inconsistent interpolations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11998) * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12061) * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (#6370) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 69.6% (39 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 67.7% (42 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 71.4% (40 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 92.1% (515 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 89.0% (498 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 37.5% (21 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 93.3% (70 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.3% (505 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 91.4% (511 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.6% (557 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.8% (508 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.0% (509 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.9% (514 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.9% (514 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 92.6% (518 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 92.8% (519 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 90.3% (56 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 25.9% (145 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 96.2% (538 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 92.8% (52 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.4% (556 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 87.5% (49 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 59.7% (334 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.1% (554 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (555 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 67.9% (380 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 72.2% (404 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Sajnos nem találtam magyar megfelelőt * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 96.0% (537 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 66.0% (37 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (558 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 83.9% (47 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (559 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 96.9% (542 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 60.2% (337 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: [eo] Tiu parto de la frazo jam estas tradukita aliloke ☺ * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 60.8% (340 of 559 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (264 of 264 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Add back translations weblate removed
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11060) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12953) * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12953) * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (#5922) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 84.2% (439 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 86.9% (453 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 84.8% (442 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 36.2% (189 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 53.1% (277 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 75.6% (394 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 86.3% (450 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 98.2% (55 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 84.6% (441 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 88.2% (460 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 90.2% (470 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61.8% (322 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.3% (455 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.5% (456 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 87.7% (457 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 42.4% (221 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 97.3% (73 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (43 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.7% (473 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 90.9% (474 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 91.1% (475 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.4% (471 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 92.3% (481 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 90.5% (472 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 44.1% (19 of 43 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 85.7% (48 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92.0% (69 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 47.7% (249 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 29.9% (156 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (519 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (245 of 245 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.8% (520 of 521 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (56 of 56 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn run manage:translations * Restore wrongly removed translations
6 years ago
Weblate translations (05-03-2018) (#6640) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (572 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 98.4% (569 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (578 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (579 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (577 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (577 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.6% (576 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 74.5% (431 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (578 of 578 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (579 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (271 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (573 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (578 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 66.6% (386 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (579 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 75.4% (437 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (578 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 83.5% (484 of 579 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (272 of 272 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-01-15) (#9813) * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99,5% (748 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98,6% (351 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 92,3% (694 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 89,3% (318 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 64,6% (230 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77,2% (275 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 61,5% (219 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 77,5% (276 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 94,9% (338 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 65,7% (234 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 11,7% (88 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 13,0% (98 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,4% (354 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 91,8% (690 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98,6% (351 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 87,1% (310 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99,2% (353 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.1% (715 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 91.6% (98 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.4% (672 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 97.9% (736 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 94.3% (709 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 82.8% (623 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (352 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89,2% (671 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96,3% (724 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 95.9% (721 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 96,1% (723 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 91.8% (690 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98,9% (744 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 98.3% (739 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.5% (673 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.3% (747 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.9% (352 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 32.3% (243 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 89.8% (675 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (336 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 89.5% (673 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (751 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (750 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (336 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (750 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 90,7% (682 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 93,5% (703 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (752 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (356 of 356 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing plurals, fix interpolations * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 90.7% (682 of 752 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-07-11) (#7992) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 41.9% (26 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 70.9% (450 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 65.3% (64 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.9% (94 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 74.4% (73 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 67.3% (66 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.7% (77 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (634 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 8.0% (5 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 0.9% (3 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 1.0% (1 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 1.2% (1 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 80.6% (79 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 72.0% (458 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 91.8% (90 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 5.1% (4 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 5.3% (34 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (73 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 75.1% (478 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (304 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.4% (620 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (73 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 75.1% (478 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.6% (621 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.5% (633 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: rename from "instance" to "server" * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Check if "Sign up" is changed. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟ * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix inconsistent interpolations * Add missing plural forms
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11060) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-07-11) (#7992) * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 41.9% (26 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 70.9% (450 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 65.3% (64 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.9% (94 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 74.4% (73 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 67.3% (66 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.7% (77 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (634 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Added translation using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 8.0% (5 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 0.9% (3 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 1.0% (1 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 1.2% (1 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 80.6% (79 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 70.9% (44 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 72.0% (458 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 91.8% (90 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 5.1% (4 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 5.3% (34 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (73 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 75.1% (478 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (636 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (304 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.4% (620 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 93.8% (92 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (73 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 75.1% (478 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (78 of 78 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (635 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.6% (621 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.9% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.5% (633 of 636 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (305 of 305 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-05-10) (#7438) * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 83.6% (523 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (622 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 96.7% (60 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (612 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (568 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: in overeestemming met andere vertalingen * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 98.3% (61 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.2% (620 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.1% (59 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: I’m not sure this is the best translation for custom fields, something like «Характеристика» might work better; hopefully someone will review this for second opinions * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (623 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (625 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.3% (621 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.1% (59 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.8% (624 of 625 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 90.8% (569 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.2% (596 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 5.7% (36 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 1.3% (4 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.3% (184 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.5% (185 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 29.8% (187 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.0% (188 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.1% (189 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.3% (190 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.5% (191 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 30.6% (192 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 33.7% (211 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-03-09) (#6708) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (580 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (580 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (579 of 580 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (577 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (577 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (276 of 276 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 90.3% (525 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.8% (580 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (581 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Fix cy locale
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11060) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations 20180426 (#7266) * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.0% (576 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.3% (622 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.2% (621 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 32.2% (20 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (293 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 82.4% (516 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.1% (577 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (294 of 294 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-08-31) (#8535) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.8% (320 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 98.8% (330 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 92.8% (310 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (687 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (686 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 96.7% (323 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.0% (680 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.4% (669 of 687 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.7% (672 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (686 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 97.8% (673 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98.0% (674 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 35.0% (241 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 97.6% (326 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 81.2% (559 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 34.9% (240 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 86.6% (596 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 88.4% (608 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 15.3% (105 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98.8% (680 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100.0% (688 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 2.5% (17 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 6.4% (44 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 13.7% (94 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (687 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (334 of 334 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 98.5% (678 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.2% (669 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 14.4% (99 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 15.6% (107 of 688 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * Added translation using Weblate (Welsh) * i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Fix empty cy YML files
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-06-08) (#7759) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.0% (609 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.6% (303 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (303 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.4% (593 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.6% (619 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (620 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 66.3% (412 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (621 of 621 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (304 of 304 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize && i18n-tasks remove-unused
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-03-13) (#6777) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.6% (579 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 94.6% (71 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 75.5% (439 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 76.2% (443 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.8% (557 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-03-13) (#6777) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 99.6% (579 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (58 of 58 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 94.6% (71 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (280 of 280 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 75.5% (439 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 76.2% (443 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 95.8% (557 of 581 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations
6 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-12-13) (#9513) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (348 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (88 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (695 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (349 of 349 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (698 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.6% (345 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 99.7% (696 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 98.9% (690 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (684 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (697 of 698 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (703 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.1% (693 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.8% (89 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.9% (699 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 98.0% (700 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (91 of 91 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 84.6% (296 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 47.4% (166 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 82.9% (290 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 87.4% (306 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 68.9% (241 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 96.6% (690 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.8% (684 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 13.7% (48 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 91.7% (321 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 70.0% (245 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 10.3% (36 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.0% (126 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 70.6% (247 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 97.1% (340 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 85.7% (300 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 95.1% (333 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 94.6% (331 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 44.3% (155 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 96.6% (338 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 72.0% (252 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.7% (349 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (706 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 96.9% (339 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (712 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (714 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99,9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Add missing translations for ar, cs, sk and sr * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.9% (713 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 37.3% (266 of 714 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.3% (239 of 350 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11861) * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-11-27) (#9367) * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 0.4% (3 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Malay) * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14.0% (98 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 14.3% (100 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 31.1% (218 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 28.7% (201 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.0% (687 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 68.3% (479 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 43.1% (302 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 31.2% (219 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32.0% (224 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 19.3% (135 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 49.3% (167 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.9% (125 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 70.2% (238 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 45.7% (155 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 62.5% (212 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 72.0% (244 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.2% (333 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 97.3% (330 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 97.1% (329 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 45.4% (154 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97.9% (332 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 72.6% (246 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 22.4% (76 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74.0% (251 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 89.9% (80 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 13.3% (93 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 29.0% (18 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 36.2% (254 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 43.9% (43 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.1% (231 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 59.6% (53 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.1% (231 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 15.5% (109 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 46.0% (156 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98.9% (693 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 91.0% (81 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (332 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 91.0% (638 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 42.9% (301 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (338 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 94.4% (84 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 0.6% (4 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.6% (677 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.6% (677 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (686 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused Also ran i18n-tasks check-consistent-interpolations * Fix ast translation * Fix missing plurals for ar * Add missing plurals for cs * Add missing plurals for sk * Add missing plurals for sl * Normalize translations
5 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-11-27) (#9367) * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 0.4% (3 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Malay) * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 14.0% (98 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 14.3% (100 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 31.1% (218 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 96.0% (673 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 28.7% (201 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.0% (687 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 68.3% (479 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 43.1% (302 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 31.2% (219 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32.0% (224 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 19.3% (135 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 49.3% (167 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 36.9% (125 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 70.2% (238 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 45.7% (155 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 62.5% (212 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 72.0% (244 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 98.2% (333 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 97.3% (330 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 97.1% (329 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 45.4% (154 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97.9% (332 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 72.6% (246 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 22.4% (76 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 74.0% (251 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 89.9% (80 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 13.3% (93 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 29.0% (18 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 36.2% (254 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 43.9% (43 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.1% (231 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 59.6% (53 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 68.1% (231 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 15.5% (109 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 46.0% (156 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 98.9% (693 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 91.0% (81 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 97.9% (332 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 91.0% (638 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 42.9% (301 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (337 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (338 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 94.4% (84 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 0.6% (4 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.6% (677 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96.6% (677 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (89 of 89 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 100.0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (339 of 339 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.7% (685 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 97.9% (686 of 701 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused Also ran i18n-tasks check-consistent-interpolations * Fix ast translation * Fix missing plurals for ar * Add missing plurals for cs * Add missing plurals for sk * Add missing plurals for sl * Normalize translations
5 years ago
Weblate translations (2018-04-24) (#7252) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (287 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (623 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (624 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.5% (631 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (632 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Added translation using Weblate (Basque) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 99.8% (633 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 0.3% (1 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 50.0% (1 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.3% (1 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 1.6% (1 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.5% (58 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.6% (287 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 88.4% (561 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 90.3% (573 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 3.2% (2 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (288 of 288 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (75 of 75 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 32.4% (206 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 81.3% (516 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 51.2% (325 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 91.6% (581 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 51.8% (329 of 634 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations Ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations * Remove unused translations Ran i18n-tasks remove-unused
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11116) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-03-16) (#10294) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.5% (357 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 95.9% (743 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 83.2% (645 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 97.3% (754 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.9% (751 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 77.9% (604 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 79.7% (295 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 82,3% (638 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97.3% (754 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 83.7% (649 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 82.3% (638 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 83.9% (650 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 20.3% (157 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 50.5% (56 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (775 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 84.8% (657 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 52.3% (58 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 92.3% (715 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 67.7% (525 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 92.8% (719 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 95,1% (737 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 97,9% (759 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 64,6% (239 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 65,7% (243 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 25,1% (93 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 77,3% (286 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 77,3% (286 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88,1% (326 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 44,1% (163 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 90,8% (336 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 89,2% (330 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 80,5% (298 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 62,2% (230 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 64,1% (237 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ido) Currently translated at 38,4% (142 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 56,5% (209 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Latvian) Currently translated at 49,7% (184 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 17,8% (66 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code)) Currently translated at 66,2% (245 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99,7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 97,8% (362 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 98,1% (363 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 84,9% (314 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 65,4% (242 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 88,1% (326 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 46,5% (172 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 86,5% (320 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 79,2% (293 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 17,8% (66 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 99,2% (367 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 97,0% (359 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 16,2% (60 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 65,1% (241 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 73,5% (272 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.1% (768 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 99.7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 96.5% (357 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99.7% (369 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (773 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (774 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 93,9% (728 of 775 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (370 of 370 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Remove unused translations * Fix missing plural keys * Fix inconsistent interpolations
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11116) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14335) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11116) * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14197) * New translations devise.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: rename from "instance" to "server" * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: Check if "Sign up" is changed. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟ * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh) * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Devise Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix inconsistent interpolations * Add missing plural forms
5 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11626) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14335) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization
3 years ago
Weblate translations 20180515 (#7496) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (627 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 100.0% (627 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 95.3% (597 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Added translation using Weblate (Slovenian) * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 99.3% (623 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 98.4% (63 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 99.6% (294 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (64 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (76 of 76 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 100.0% (627 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 7.8% (5 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 12.5% (8 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (295 of 295 strings) Translation: Mastodon/React Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 11.9% (75 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 14.1% (89 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.5% (624 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 93.7% (60 of 64 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Preferences Translate-URL: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.6% (625 of 627 strings) Translation: Mastodon/Backend Translate-URL: * Normalize translations ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused * Remove translations causing issues in arabic Related to #6673
6 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11626) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14335) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11626) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11626) * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12378) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * yarn manage:translations * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip]
4 years ago
  1. {
  2. "account.account_note_header": "Opmerking",
  3. "account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Toevoegen of verwijderen vanuit lijsten",
  4. "": "Bot",
  5. "": "Groep",
  6. "account.block": "@{name} blokkeren",
  7. "account.block_domain": "Alles van {domain} verbergen",
  8. "account.blocked": "Geblokkeerd",
  9. "account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Meer op het originele profiel bekijken",
  10. "account.cancel_follow_request": "Volgverzoek annuleren",
  11. "": "@{name} een direct bericht sturen",
  12. "account.disable_notifications": "Geef geen melding meer wanneer @{name} toot",
  13. "account.domain_blocked": "Domein geblokkeerd",
  14. "account.edit_profile": "Profiel bewerken",
  15. "account.enable_notifications": "Geef een melding wanneer @{name} toot",
  16. "account.endorse": "Op profiel weergeven",
  17. "account.follow": "Volgen",
  18. "account.followers": "Volgers",
  19. "account.followers.empty": "Niemand volgt nog deze gebruiker.",
  20. "account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} volger} other {{counter} volgers}}",
  21. "account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} volgend} other {{counter} volgend}}",
  22. "account.follows.empty": "Deze gebruiker volgt nog niemand.",
  23. "account.follows_you": "Volgt jou",
  24. "account.hide_reblogs": "Boosts van @{name} verbergen",
  25. "account.joined": "Geregistreerd in {date}",
  26. "account.last_status": "Laatst actief",
  27. "account.link_verified_on": "Eigendom van deze link is gecontroleerd op {date}",
  28. "account.locked_info": "De privacystatus van dit account is op besloten gezet. De eigenaar bepaalt handmatig wie hen kan volgen.",
  29. "": "Media",
  30. "account.mention": "@{name} vermelden",
  31. "account.moved_to": "{name} is verhuisd naar:",
  32. "account.mute": "@{name} negeren",
  33. "account.mute_notifications": "Meldingen van @{name} negeren",
  34. "account.muted": "Genegeerd",
  35. "account.never_active": "Nooit",
  36. "account.posts": "Toots",
  37. "account.posts_with_replies": "Toots en reacties",
  38. "": "@{name} rapporteren",
  39. "account.requested": "Wacht op goedkeuring. Klik om het volgverzoek te annuleren",
  40. "account.share": "Profiel van @{name} delen",
  41. "account.show_reblogs": "Boosts van @{name} tonen",
  42. "account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} toot} other {{counter} toots}}",
  43. "account.unblock": "@{name} deblokkeren",
  44. "account.unblock_domain": "{domain} niet langer verbergen",
  45. "account.unendorse": "Niet op profiel weergeven",
  46. "account.unfollow": "Ontvolgen",
  47. "account.unmute": "@{name} niet langer negeren",
  48. "account.unmute_notifications": "Meldingen van @{name} niet langer negeren",
  49. "account_note.placeholder": "Klik om een opmerking toe te voegen",
  50. "alert.rate_limited.message": "Probeer het nog een keer na {retry_time, time, medium}.",
  51. "alert.rate_limited.title": "Beperkt te gebruiken",
  52. "alert.unexpected.message": "Er deed zich een onverwachte fout voor",
  53. "alert.unexpected.title": "Oeps!",
  54. "announcement.announcement": "Mededeling",
  55. "autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} per week",
  56. "boost_modal.combo": "Je kunt {combo} klikken om dit de volgende keer over te slaan",
  57. "bundle_column_error.body": "Tijdens het laden van dit onderdeel is er iets fout gegaan.",
  58. "bundle_column_error.retry": "Opnieuw proberen",
  59. "bundle_column_error.title": "Netwerkfout",
  60. "bundle_modal_error.close": "Sluiten",
  61. "bundle_modal_error.message": "Tijdens het laden van dit onderdeel is er iets fout gegaan.",
  62. "bundle_modal_error.retry": "Opnieuw proberen",
  63. "column.blocks": "Geblokkeerde gebruikers",
  64. "column.bookmarks": "Bladwijzers",
  65. "": "Lokale tijdlijn",
  66. "": "Directe berichten",
  67. "": "Gebruikersgids",
  68. "column.domain_blocks": "Geblokkeerde domeinen",
  69. "column.favourites": "Favorieten",
  70. "column.follow_requests": "Volgverzoeken",
  71. "column.home": "Start",
  72. "column.lists": "Lijsten",
  73. "column.mutes": "Genegeerde gebruikers",
  74. "column.notifications": "Meldingen",
  75. "column.pins": "Vastgezette toots",
  76. "column.public": "Globale tijdlijn",
  77. "column_back_button.label": "Terug",
  78. "column_header.hide_settings": "Instellingen verbergen",
  79. "column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Kolom naar links verplaatsen",
  80. "column_header.moveRight_settings": "Kolom naar rechts verplaatsen",
  81. "": "Vastmaken",
  82. "column_header.show_settings": "Instellingen tonen",
  83. "column_header.unpin": "Losmaken",
  84. "column_subheading.settings": "Instellingen",
  85. "community.column_settings.local_only": "Alleen lokaal",
  86. "community.column_settings.media_only": "Alleen media",
  87. "community.column_settings.remote_only": "Alleen andere servers",
  88. "compose_form.direct_message_warning": "Deze toot wordt alleen naar vermelde gebruikers verstuurd.",
  89. "compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Meer leren",
  90. "compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Deze toot valt niet onder een hashtag te bekijken, omdat deze niet op openbare tijdlijnen wordt getoond. Alleen openbare toots kunnen via hashtags gevonden worden.",
  91. "compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Jouw account is niet {locked}. Iedereen kan jou volgen en kan de toots zien die je alleen aan jouw volgers hebt gericht.",
  92. "compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "besloten",
  93. "compose_form.placeholder": "Wat wil je kwijt?",
  94. "compose_form.poll.add_option": "Keuze toevoegen",
  95. "compose_form.poll.duration": "Duur van de poll",
  96. "compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Keuze {number}",
  97. "compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Deze keuze verwijderen",
  98. "compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Poll wijzigen om meerdere keuzes toe te staan",
  99. "compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Poll wijzigen om een enkele keuze toe te staan",
  100. "compose_form.publish": "Toot",
  101. "compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
  102. "compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Media als gevoelig markeren} other {Media als gevoelig markeren}}",
  103. "compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {Media is als gevoelig gemarkeerd} other {Media is als gevoelig gemarkeerd}}",
  104. "compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {Media is niet als gevoelig gemarkeerd} other {Media is niet als gevoelig gemarkeerd}}",
  105. "compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Inhoudswaarschuwing verwijderen",
  106. "compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Inhoudswaarschuwing toevoegen",
  107. "compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Waarschuwingstekst",
  108. "confirmation_modal.cancel": "Annuleren",
  109. "confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Blokkeren en rapporteren",
  110. "confirmations.block.confirm": "Blokkeren",
  111. "confirmations.block.message": "Weet je het zeker dat je {name} wilt blokkeren?",
  112. "confirmations.delete.confirm": "Verwijderen",
  113. "confirmations.delete.message": "Weet je het zeker dat je deze toot wilt verwijderen?",
  114. "confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Verwijderen",
  115. "confirmations.delete_list.message": "Weet je zeker dat je deze lijst definitief wilt verwijderen?",
  116. "confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Verberg alles van deze server",
  117. "confirmations.domain_block.message": "Weet je het echt heel erg zeker dat je alles van {domain} wilt negeren? In de meeste gevallen is het blokkeren of negeren van een paar specifieke personen voldoende en beter. Je zult geen toots van deze server op openbare tijdlijnen zien of in jouw meldingen. Jouw volgers van deze server worden verwijderd.",
  118. "confirmations.logout.confirm": "Uitloggen",
  119. "confirmations.logout.message": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen?",
  120. "confirmations.mute.confirm": "Negeren",
  121. "confirmations.mute.explanation": "Dit verbergt toots van hen en toots waar hen in wordt vermeld, maar hen kan nog steeds jouw toots bekijken en jou volgen.",
  122. "confirmations.mute.message": "Weet je het zeker dat je {name} wilt negeren?",
  123. "confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Verwijderen en herschrijven",
  124. "confirmations.redraft.message": "Weet je zeker dat je deze toot wilt verwijderen en herschrijven? Je verliest wel de boosts en favorieten, en de reacties op de originele toot zitten niet meer aan de nieuwe toot vast.",
  125. "confirmations.reply.confirm": "Reageren",
  126. "confirmations.reply.message": "Door nu te reageren overschrijf je de toot die je op dit moment aan het schrijven bent. Weet je zeker dat je verder wil gaan?",
  127. "confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Ontvolgen",
  128. "confirmations.unfollow.message": "Weet je het zeker dat je {name} wilt ontvolgen?",
  129. "conversation.delete": "Gesprek verwijderen",
  130. "conversation.mark_as_read": "Als gelezen markeren",
  131. "": "Gesprek tonen",
  132. "conversation.with": "Met {names}",
  133. "directory.federated": "Fediverse (wat bekend is)",
  134. "directory.local": "Alleen {domain}",
  135. "directory.new_arrivals": "Nieuwe accounts",
  136. "directory.recently_active": "Onlangs actief",
  137. "embed.instructions": "Embed deze toot op jouw website, door de onderstaande code te kopiëren.",
  138. "embed.preview": "Zo komt het eruit te zien:",
  139. "emoji_button.activity": "Activiteiten",
  140. "emoji_button.custom": "Lokale emoji’s",
  141. "emoji_button.flags": "Vlaggen",
  142. "": "Eten en drinken",
  143. "emoji_button.label": "Emoji toevoegen",
  144. "emoji_button.nature": "Natuur",
  145. "emoji_button.not_found": "Geen emoji’s!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
  146. "emoji_button.objects": "Voorwerpen",
  147. "emoji_button.people": "Mensen",
  148. "emoji_button.recent": "Vaak gebruikt",
  149. "": "Zoeken...",
  150. "emoji_button.search_results": "Zoekresultaten",
  151. "emoji_button.symbols": "Symbolen",
  152. "": "Reizen en locaties",
  153. "empty_column.account_suspended": "Account opgeschort",
  154. "empty_column.account_timeline": "Hier zijn geen toots!",
  155. "empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profiel is niet beschikbaar",
  156. "empty_column.blocks": "Jij hebt nog geen enkele gebruiker geblokkeerd.",
  157. "empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Jij hebt nog geen toots aan je bladwijzers toegevoegd. Wanneer je er een aan jouw bladwijzers toevoegt, valt deze hier te zien.",
  158. "": "De lokale tijdlijn is nog leeg. Toot iets in het openbaar om de spits af te bijten!",
  159. "": "Je hebt nog geen directe berichten. Wanneer je er een verzend of ontvangt, zijn deze hier te zien.",
  160. "empty_column.domain_blocks": "Er zijn nog geen geblokkeerde domeinen.",
  161. "empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Jij hebt nog geen favoriete toots. Wanneer je er een aan jouw favorieten toevoegt, valt deze hier te zien.",
  162. "empty_column.favourites": "Niemand heeft deze toot nog aan hun favorieten toegevoegd. Wanneer iemand dit doet, valt dat hier te zien.",
  163. "empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Het lijkt er op dat er geen aanbevelingen voor jou aangemaakt kunnen worden. Je kunt proberen te zoeken naar mensen die je wellicht kent, zoeken op hashtags, de lokale en globale tijdlijnen bekijken of de gebruikersgids doorbladeren.",
  164. "empty_column.follow_requests": "Jij hebt nog enkel volgverzoek ontvangen. Wanneer je er eentje ontvangt, valt dat hier te zien.",
  165. "empty_column.hashtag": "Er is nog niks te vinden onder deze hashtag.",
  166. "empty_column.home": "Deze tijdlijn is leeg! Volg meer mensen om het te vullen. {suggestions}",
  167. "empty_column.home.suggestions": "Enkele aanbevelingen bekijken",
  168. "empty_column.list": "Er is nog niks te zien in deze lijst. Wanneer lijstleden nieuwe toots publiceren, zijn deze hier te zien.",
  169. "empty_column.lists": "Jij hebt nog geen enkele lijst. Wanneer je er eentje hebt aangemaakt, valt deze hier te zien.",
  170. "empty_column.mutes": "Jij hebt nog geen gebruikers genegeerd.",
  171. "empty_column.notifications": "Je hebt nog geen meldingen. Begin met iemand een gesprek.",
  172. "empty_column.public": "Er is hier helemaal niks! Toot iets in het openbaar of volg mensen van andere servers om het te vullen",
  173. "error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Als gevolg van een bug in onze broncode of als gevolg van een compatibiliteitsprobleem met jouw webbrowser, kan deze pagina niet goed worden weergegeven.",
  174. "error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "Deze pagina kon niet correct geladen worden. Deze fout wordt waarschijnlijk door een browser-add-on of een automatische vertalingshulpmiddel veroorzaakt.",
  175. "error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Probeer deze pagina te vernieuwen. Wanneer dit niet helpt is het nog steeds mogelijk om Mastodon in een andere webbrowser of mobiele app te gebruiken.",
  176. "error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Probeer deze uit te schakelen en de pagina te verversen. Wanneer dat niet helpt, kun je Mastodon nog altijd met een andere webbrowser of mobiele app gebruiken.",
  177. "errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Stacktrace naar klembord kopiëren",
  178. "errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Technisch probleem melden",
  179. "follow_recommendations.done": "Klaar",
  180. "follow_recommendations.heading": "Volg mensen waarvan je graag toots wil zien! Hier zijn enkele aanbevelingen.",
  181. "follow_recommendations.lead": "Toots van mensen die je volgt zullen in chronologische volgorde onder start verschijnen. Wees niet bang om hierin fouten te maken, want je kunt mensen op elk moment net zo eenvoudig ontvolgen!",
  182. "follow_request.authorize": "Goedkeuren",
  183. "follow_request.reject": "Afkeuren",
  184. "follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Ook al is jouw account niet besloten, de medewerkers van {domain} denken dat jij misschien de volgende volgverzoeken handmatig wil controleren.",
  185. "generic.saved": "Opgeslagen",
  186. "getting_started.developers": "Ontwikkelaars",
  187. "": "Gebruikersgids",
  188. "getting_started.documentation": "Documentatie",
  189. "getting_started.heading": "Aan de slag",
  190. "getting_started.invite": "Mensen uitnodigen",
  191. "getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon is vrije software. Je kunt bijdragen of problemen melden op GitHub via {github}.",
  192. "": "Accountinstellingen",
  193. "getting_started.terms": "Voorwaarden",
  194. "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "en {additional}",
  195. "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "of {additional}",
  196. "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "zonder {additional}",
  197. "": "Geen aanbevelingen gevonden",
  198. "": "Vul hashtags in…",
  199. "hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "Allemaal",
  200. "hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Een van deze",
  201. "hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "Geen van deze",
  202. "hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Additionele tags aan deze kolom toevoegen",
  203. "home.column_settings.basic": "Algemeen",
  204. "home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Boosts tonen",
  205. "home.column_settings.show_replies": "Reacties tonen",
  206. "home.hide_announcements": "Mededelingen verbergen",
  207. "home.show_announcements": "Mededelingen tonen",
  208. "intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# dag} other {# dagen}}",
  209. "intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# uur} other {# uur}}",
  210. "intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minuut} other {# minuten}}",
  211. "keyboard_shortcuts.back": "Ga terug",
  212. "keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "Geblokkeerde gebruikers tonen",
  213. "keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Toot boosten",
  214. "keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Op één van de kolommen focussen",
  215. "keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Tekstveld voor toots focussen",
  216. "keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Omschrijving",
  217. "": "Jouw directe berichten tonen",
  218. "keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Naar beneden in de lijst bewegen",
  219. "keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Toot volledig tonen",
  220. "keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Aan jouw favorieten toevoegen",
  221. "keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "Favorieten tonen",
  222. "keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "Globale tijdlijn tonen",
  223. "keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Sneltoetsen",
  224. "keyboard_shortcuts.home": "Start tonen",
  225. "keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Sneltoets",
  226. "keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "Deze legenda tonen",
  227. "keyboard_shortcuts.local": "Lokale tijdlijn tonen",
  228. "keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "Auteur vermelden",
  229. "keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "Genegeerde gebruikers tonen",
  230. "keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "Jouw profiel tonen",
  231. "keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "Meldingen tonen",
  232. "keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "Media openen",
  233. "keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "Jouw vastgezette toots tonen",
  234. "keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "Gebruikersprofiel auteur openen",
  235. "keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "Reageren",
  236. "keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "Jouw volgverzoeken tonen",
  237. "": "Zoekveld focussen",
  238. "keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "Tekst van een inhoudswaarschuwing tonen/verbergen",
  239. "keyboard_shortcuts.start": "\"Aan de slag\" tonen",
  240. "keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "Inhoudswaarschuwing tonen/verbergen",
  241. "keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "Media tonen/verbergen",
  242. "keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Nieuwe toot schrijven",
  243. "keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "Tekst- en zoekveld ontfocussen",
  244. "keyboard_shortcuts.up": "Naar boven in de lijst bewegen",
  245. "lightbox.close": "Sluiten",
  246. "lightbox.compress": "Afbeelding passend weergeven",
  247. "lightbox.expand": "Afbeelding groot weergeven",
  248. "": "Volgende",
  249. "lightbox.previous": "Vorige",
  250. "lists.account.add": "Aan lijst toevoegen",
  251. "lists.account.remove": "Uit lijst verwijderen",
  252. "lists.delete": "Lijst verwijderen",
  253. "lists.edit": "Lijst bewerken",
  254. "lists.edit.submit": "Titel veranderen",
  255. "": "Lijst toevoegen",
  256. "": "Naam nieuwe lijst",
  257. "lists.replies_policy.followed": "Elke gevolgde gebruiker",
  258. "lists.replies_policy.list": "Leden van de lijst",
  259. "lists.replies_policy.none": "Niemand",
  260. "lists.replies_policy.title": "Toon reacties aan:",
  261. "": "Zoek naar mensen die je volgt",
  262. "lists.subheading": "Jouw lijsten",
  263. "load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# nieuw item} other {# nieuwe items}}",
  264. "loading_indicator.label": "Laden…",
  265. "media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {afbeelding verbergen} other {afbeeldingen verbergen}}",
  266. "missing_indicator.label": "Niet gevonden",
  267. "missing_indicator.sublabel": "Deze hulpbron kan niet gevonden worden",
  268. "mute_modal.duration": "Duur",
  269. "mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Verberg meldingen van deze persoon?",
  270. "mute_modal.indefinite": "Voor onbepaalde tijd",
  271. "navigation_bar.apps": "Mobiele apps",
  272. "navigation_bar.blocks": "Geblokkeerde gebruikers",
  273. "navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bladwijzers",
  274. "navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Lokale tijdlijn",
  275. "navigation_bar.compose": "Nieuw toot schrijven",
  276. "": "Directe berichten",
  277. "": "Ontdekken",
  278. "navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Geblokkeerde domeinen",
  279. "navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Profiel bewerken",
  280. "navigation_bar.favourites": "Favorieten",
  281. "navigation_bar.filters": "Filters",
  282. "navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Volgverzoeken",
  283. "navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Volgers en gevolgden",
  284. "": "Over deze server",
  285. "navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Sneltoetsen",
  286. "navigation_bar.lists": "Lijsten",
  287. "navigation_bar.logout": "Uitloggen",
  288. "navigation_bar.mutes": "Genegeerde gebruikers",
  289. "navigation_bar.personal": "Persoonlijk",
  290. "navigation_bar.pins": "Vastgezette toots",
  291. "navigation_bar.preferences": "Instellingen",
  292. "navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Globale tijdlijn",
  293. "": "Beveiliging",
  294. "notification.favourite": "{name} voegde jouw toot als favoriet toe",
  295. "notification.follow": "{name} volgt jou nu",
  296. "notification.follow_request": "{name} wil jou graag volgen",
  297. "notification.mention": "{name} vermeldde jou",
  298. "notification.own_poll": "Jouw poll is beëindigd",
  299. "notification.poll": "Een poll waaraan jij hebt meegedaan is beëindigd",
  300. "notification.reblog": "{name} boostte jouw toot",
  301. "notification.status": "{name} heeft zojuist een toot geplaatst",
  302. "notifications.clear": "Meldingen verwijderen",
  303. "notifications.clear_confirmation": "Weet je het zeker dat je al jouw meldingen wilt verwijderen?",
  304. "notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktopmeldingen",
  305. "notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favorieten:",
  306. "notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Alle categorieën tonen",
  307. "notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Snelle filterbalk",
  308. "": "Tonen",
  309. "notifications.column_settings.follow": "Nieuwe volgers:",
  310. "notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "Nieuw volgverzoek:",
  311. "notifications.column_settings.mention": "Vermeldingen:",
  312. "notifications.column_settings.poll": "Pollresultaten:",
  313. "notifications.column_settings.push": "Pushmeldingen",
  314. "notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Boosts:",
  315. "": "In kolom tonen",
  316. "notifications.column_settings.sound": "Geluid afspelen",
  317. "notifications.column_settings.status": "Nieuwe toots:",
  318. "notifications.column_settings.unread_markers.category": "Markeringen voor ongelezen meldingen",
  319. "notifications.filter.all": "Alles",
  320. "notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
  321. "notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorieten",
  322. "notifications.filter.follows": "Die jij volgt",
  323. "notifications.filter.mentions": "Vermeldingen",
  324. "notifications.filter.polls": "Pollresultaten",
  325. "notifications.filter.statuses": "Updates van mensen die je volgt",
  326. "notifications.grant_permission": "Toestemming geven.",
  327. "": "{count} meldingen",
  328. "notifications.mark_as_read": "Markeer elke melding als gelezen",
  329. "notifications.permission_denied": "Desktopmeldingen zijn niet beschikbaar omdat een eerdere browsertoestemming werd geweigerd",
  330. "notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktopmeldingen kunnen niet worden ingeschakeld, omdat een eerdere browsertoestemming werd geweigerd",
  331. "notifications.permission_required": "Desktopmeldingen zijn niet beschikbaar omdat de benodigde toestemming niet is verleend.",
  332. "notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Desktopmeldingen inschakelen",
  333. "notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "Om meldingen te ontvangen wanneer Mastodon niet open is. Je kunt precies bepalen welke soort interacties wel of geen desktopmeldingen geven via de bovenstaande {icon} knop.",
  334. "notifications_permission_banner.title": "Mis nooit meer iets",
  335. "picture_in_picture.restore": "Terugzetten",
  336. "poll.closed": "Gesloten",
  337. "poll.refresh": "Vernieuwen",
  338. "poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# persoon} other {# mensen}}",
  339. "poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# stem} other {# stemmen}}",
  340. "": "Stemmen",
  341. "poll.voted": "Je hebt hier op gestemd",
  342. "poll_button.add_poll": "Poll toevoegen",
  343. "poll_button.remove_poll": "Poll verwijderen",
  344. "privacy.change": "Zichtbaarheid van toot aanpassen",
  345. "": "Alleen aan vermelde gebruikers tonen",
  346. "": "Direct",
  347. "privacy.private.long": "Alleen aan volgers tonen",
  348. "privacy.private.short": "Alleen volgers",
  349. "privacy.public.long": "Voor iedereen zichtbaar en op openbare tijdlijnen tonen",
  350. "privacy.public.short": "Openbaar",
  351. "privacy.unlisted.long": "Voor iedereen zichtbaar, maar niet op openbare tijdlijnen tonen",
  352. "privacy.unlisted.short": "Minder openbaar",
  353. "refresh": "Vernieuwen",
  354. "regeneration_indicator.label": "Aan het laden…",
  355. "regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Jouw tijdlijn wordt aangemaakt!",
  356. "relative_time.days": "{number}d",
  357. "relative_time.hours": "{number}u",
  358. "relative_time.just_now": "nu",
  359. "relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
  360. "relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
  361. "": "vandaag",
  362. "reply_indicator.cancel": "Annuleren",
  363. "report.forward": "Naar {target} doorsturen",
  364. "report.forward_hint": "Het account bevindt zich op een andere server. Wil je daar eveneens een geanonimiseerde kopie van deze rapportage naar toe sturen?",
  365. "report.hint": "De rapportage wordt naar de moderator(en) van jouw server gestuurd. Je kunt hieronder een uitleg geven waarom je dit account rapporteert:",
  366. "report.placeholder": "Extra opmerkingen",
  367. "report.submit": "Verzenden",
  368. "": "{target} rapporteren",
  369. "search.placeholder": "Zoeken",
  370. "search_popout.search_format": "Geavanceerd zoeken",
  371. "": "Gebruik gewone tekst om te zoeken in jouw toots, gebooste toots, favorieten en in toots waarin je bent vermeldt, en tevens naar gebruikersnamen, weergavenamen en hashtags.",
  372. "": "hashtag",
  373. "": "toot",
  374. "": "Gebruik gewone tekst om te zoeken op weergavenamen, gebruikersnamen en hashtags",
  375. "": "gebruiker",
  376. "search_results.accounts": "Gebruikers",
  377. "search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
  378. "search_results.statuses": "Toots",
  379. "search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Het zoeken in toots is op deze Mastodon-server niet ingeschakeld.",
  380. "": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resultaat} other {resultaten}}",
  381. "status.admin_account": "Moderatie-omgeving van @{name} openen",
  382. "status.admin_status": "Deze toot in de moderatie-omgeving openen",
  383. "status.block": "@{name} blokkeren",
  384. "status.bookmark": "Bladwijzer toevoegen",
  385. "status.cancel_reblog_private": "Niet langer boosten",
  386. "status.cannot_reblog": "Deze toot kan niet geboost worden",
  387. "status.copy": "Link naar toot kopiëren",
  388. "status.delete": "Verwijderen",
  389. "status.detailed_status": "Uitgebreide gespreksweergave",
  390. "": "@{name} een direct bericht sturen",
  391. "status.embed": "Insluiten",
  392. "status.favourite": "Favoriet",
  393. "status.filtered": "Gefilterd",
  394. "status.load_more": "Meer laden",
  395. "status.media_hidden": "Media verborgen",
  396. "status.mention": "@{name} vermelden",
  397. "status.more": "Meer",
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