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New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#11985) * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12936) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12936) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12936) * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15220) * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * Ran `yarn manage:translations` * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * Ran `i18n-tasks normalize` Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13749) * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#13064) * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#14388) * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * ran `yarn manage:translations` * ran `i18n-tasks normalize` * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
3 years ago
New Crowdin translations (#12146) * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
4 years ago
  1. ---
  2. es-AR:
  3. simple_form:
  4. hints:
  5. account_alias:
  6. acct: Especificá el nombredeusuario@dominio de la cuenta desde la que querés mudarte
  7. account_migration:
  8. acct: Especificá el nombredeusuario@dominio de la cuenta a la que querés mudarte
  9. account_warning_preset:
  10. text: Podés usar sintaxis de mensajes, como direcciones web, etiquetas y menciones
  11. title: Opcional. No visible para el destinatario
  12. admin_account_action:
  13. include_statuses: El usuario verá qué mensajes causaron la acción de moderación o advertencia
  14. send_email_notification: El usuario recibirá una explicación de lo que sucedió con su cuenta
  15. text_html: Opcional. Podés usar sintaxis de mensajes. Podés <a href="%{path}">agregar preajustes de advertencia</a> para ahorrar tiempo
  16. type_html: Elegí qué hacer con <strong>%{acct}</strong>
  17. types:
  18. disable: Evitar que el usuario use su cuenta, pero no elimina ni oculta sus contenidos.
  19. none: Usá esto para enviarle una advertencia al usuario, sin ejecutar ninguna otra acción.
  20. sensitive: Forzar a que todos los adjuntos de medios de este usuario sean marcados como sensibles.
  21. silence: Evitar que el usuario pueda publicar mensajes, ocultando sus publicaciones y notificaciones a cuentas que no lo siguen.
  22. suspend: Evitar cualquier interacción desde o hacia esta cuenta, y eliminar su contenido. Reversible en un plazo de 30 días.
  23. warning_preset_id: Opcional. Todavía podés agregar texto personalizado al final del preajuste
  24. announcement:
  25. all_day: Cuando esté seleccionado, sólo se mostrarán las fechas del rango de tiempo
  26. ends_at: Opcional. El anuncio desaparecerá automáticamente en este momento
  27. scheduled_at: Dejar en blanco para publicar el anuncio inmediatamente
  28. starts_at: Opcional. En caso de que tu anuncio esté vinculado a un rango de tiempo específico
  29. text: Podés usar sintaxis de mensajes. Por favor, tené en cuenta el espacio que ocupará el anuncio en la pantalla del usuario
  30. defaults:
  31. autofollow: Los usuarios que se registren mediante la invitación te seguirán automáticamente
  32. avatar: 'PNG, GIF o JPG. Máximo: %{size}. Será subescalado a %{dimensions} píxeles'
  33. bot: Esta cuenta ejecuta principalmente acciones automatizadas y podría no ser monitorizada
  34. context: Uno o múltiples contextos en los que debe aplicarse el filtro
  35. current_password: Por razones de seguridad, por favor, ingresá la contraseña de la cuenta actual
  36. current_username: Para confirmar, por favor, ingresá el nombre de usuario de la cuenta actual
  37. digest: Sólo enviado tras un largo periodo de inactividad, y sólo si recibiste mensajes personales en tu ausencia
  38. discoverable: Permití que tu cuenta sea descubierta por extraños a través de recomendaciones y otras funciones
  39. email: Se te enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación
  40. fields: Podés tener hasta 4 elementos mostrados en una tabla en tu perfil
  41. header: 'PNG, GIF o JPG. Máximo: %{size}. Será subescalado a %{dimensions} píxeles'
  42. inbox_url: Copiá la dirección web desde la página principal del relé que querés usar
  43. irreversible: Los mensajes filtrados desaparecerán irreversiblemente, incluso si este filtro es eliminado después
  44. locale: El idioma de la interface de usuario, correos electrónicos y notificaciones push
  45. locked: Controlá manualmente quién puede seguirte al aprobar solicitudes de seguimiento
  46. password: Usá al menos 8 caracteres
  47. phrase: Se aplicará sin importar las mayúsculas o las advertencias de contenido de un mensaje
  48. scopes: Qué APIs de la aplicación tendrán acceso. Si seleccionás el alcance de nivel más alto, no necesitás seleccionar las individuales.
  49. setting_aggregate_reblogs: No mostrar nuevas adhesiones de los mensajes que fueron recientemente adheridos (sólo afecta a las adhesiones recibidas recientemente)
  50. setting_default_sensitive: El contenido de medios sensibles está oculto predeterminadamente y puede ser mostrado con un clic
  51. setting_display_media_default: Ocultar medios marcados como sensibles
  52. setting_display_media_hide_all: Siempre ocultar todos los medios
  53. setting_display_media_show_all: Siempre mostrar todos los medios
  54. setting_hide_network: Las cuentas que seguís y tus seguidores serán ocultados en tu perfil
  55. setting_noindex: Afecta a tu perfil público y páginas de mensajes
  56. setting_show_application: La aplicación que usás para enviar mensajes se mostrará en la vista detallada de tus mensajes
  57. setting_use_blurhash: Los gradientes se basan en los colores de las imágenes ocultas pero haciendo borrosos los detalles
  58. setting_use_pending_items: Ocultar actualizaciones de la línea temporal detrás de un clic en lugar de desplazar automáticamente el flujo
  59. username: Tu nombre de usuario será único en %{domain}
  60. whole_word: Cuando la palabra clave o frase es sólo alfanumérica, sólo será aplicado si coincide con toda la palabra
  61. domain_allow:
  62. domain: Este dominio podrá recolectar datos de este servidor, y los datos entrantes serán procesados y archivados
  63. email_domain_block:
  64. domain: Puede ser el nombre de dominio que aparece en la dirección de correo electrónico, el registro MX hacia el cual resuelve el dominio, o la dirección IP del servidor hacia el cual resuelve ese registro MX. Esto se comprobará en el momento del registro del usuario, y el registro será rechazado.
  65. with_dns_records: Se hará un intento de resolver los registros DNS del dominio dado y los resultados serán también bloqueados
  66. featured_tag:
  67. name: 'Puede que quieras usar una de estas:'
  68. form_challenge:
  69. current_password: Estás ingresando en un área segura
  70. imports:
  71. data: Archivo CSV exportado desde otro servidor de Mastodon
  72. invite_request:
  73. text: Esto nos ayudará a revisar tu solicitud
  74. ip_block:
  75. comment: Opcional. Acordate por qué agregaste esta regla.
  76. expires_in: Las direcciones IP son un recurso finito, a veces se comparten y cambian de personas frecuentemente. Por esta razón, no se recomiendan bloqueos indefinidos de direcciones IP.
  77. ip: Ingresá una dirección IPv4 ó IPv6. Podés bloquear rangos completos usando la sintaxis CIDR. ¡Tené cuidado de no bloquearte vos mismo!
  78. severities:
  79. no_access: Bloquear acceso a todos los recursos
  80. sign_up_requires_approval: Los nuevos registros requerirán tu aprobación
  81. severity: Elegí lo que pasará con las solicitudes desde esta dirección IP
  82. rule:
  83. text: Describí una regla o requisito para los usuarios de este servidor. Intentá hacerla corta y sencilla
  84. sessions:
  85. otp: 'Ingresá el código de autenticación de dos factores generado por la aplicación en tu dispositivo, o usá uno de tus códigos de recuperación:'
  86. webauthn: Si es una llave USB, asegurate de insertarla y, de ser necesario, tocarla.
  87. tag:
  88. name: Sólo podés cambiar la capitalización de las letras, por ejemplo, para que sea más legible
  89. user:
  90. chosen_languages: Cuando estén marcados, sólo se mostrarán los mensajes en los idiomas seleccionados en las líneas temporales públicas
  91. labels:
  92. account:
  93. fields:
  94. name: Nombre de campo
  95. value: Valor de campo
  96. account_alias:
  97. acct: Alias de la cuenta antigua
  98. account_migration:
  99. acct: Alias de la cuenta nueva
  100. account_warning_preset:
  101. text: Texto predefinido
  102. title: Título
  103. admin_account_action:
  104. include_statuses: Incluir en el correo electrónico los mensajes denunciados
  105. send_email_notification: Notificar al usuario por correo electrónico
  106. text: Advertencia personalizada
  107. type: Acción
  108. types:
  109. disable: Congelar
  110. none: Enviar una advertencia
  111. sensitive: Sensible
  112. silence: Limitar
  113. suspend: Suspender
  114. warning_preset_id: Usar una advertencia preestablecida
  115. announcement:
  116. all_day: Evento de todo el día
  117. ends_at: Fin del evento
  118. scheduled_at: Programar publicación
  119. starts_at: Inicio del evento
  120. text: Anuncio
  121. defaults:
  122. autofollow: Invitar para seguir tu cuenta
  123. avatar: Avatar
  124. bot: Esta es una cuenta bot
  125. chosen_languages: Filtrar idiomas
  126. confirm_new_password: Confirmar nueva contraseña
  127. confirm_password: Confirmar contraseña
  128. context: Filtrar contextos
  129. current_password: Contraseña actual
  130. data: Datos
  131. discoverable: Sugerir cuenta a otros
  132. display_name: Nombre para mostrar
  133. email: Dirección de correo electrónico
  134. expires_in: Vence después de
  135. fields: Metadatos de perfil
  136. header: Cabecera
  137. honeypot: "%{label} (no rellenar)"
  138. inbox_url: Dirección web de la bandeja de entrada del relé
  139. irreversible: Dejar en lugar de ocultar
  140. locale: Idioma de la interface
  141. locked: Requerir solicitudes de seguimiento
  142. max_uses: Número máximo de usos
  143. new_password: Nueva contraseña
  144. note: Biografía
  145. otp_attempt: Código de dos factores
  146. password: Contraseña
  147. phrase: Palabra clave o frase
  148. setting_advanced_layout: Habilitar interface web avanzada
  149. setting_aggregate_reblogs: Agrupar adhesiones en las líneas temporales
  150. setting_auto_play_gif: Reproducir automáticamente los GIFs animados
  151. setting_boost_modal: Mostrar diálogo de confirmación antes de adherir
  152. setting_crop_images: Recortar imágenes en mensajes no expandidos a 16x9
  153. setting_default_language: Idioma de tus mensajes
  154. setting_default_privacy: Privacidad de mensajes
  155. setting_default_sensitive: Siempre marcar medios como sensibles
  156. setting_delete_modal: Mostrar diálogo de confirmación antes de eliminar un mensaje
  157. setting_disable_swiping: Deshabilitar movimientos de deslizamiento
  158. setting_display_media: Visualización de medios
  159. setting_display_media_default: Predeterminada
  160. setting_display_media_hide_all: Ocultar todo
  161. setting_display_media_show_all: Mostrar todo
  162. setting_expand_spoilers: Siempre expandir los mensajes marcados con advertencias de contenido
  163. setting_hide_network: Ocultá tu gráfica social
  164. setting_noindex: Excluirse del indexado de motores de búsqueda
  165. setting_reduce_motion: Reducir el movimiento de las animaciones
  166. setting_show_application: Mostrar aplicación usada para enviar mensajes
  167. setting_system_font_ui: Utilizar la tipografía predeterminada del sistema
  168. setting_theme: Tema del sitio
  169. setting_trends: Mostrar las tendencias de hoy
  170. setting_unfollow_modal: Mostrar diálogo de confirmación antes de dejar de seguir a una cuenta
  171. setting_use_blurhash: Mostrar gradientes coloridos para medios ocultos
  172. setting_use_pending_items: Modo lento
  173. severity: Severidad
  174. sign_in_token_attempt: Código de seguridad
  175. type: Tipo de importación
  176. username: Nombre de usuario
  177. username_or_email: Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico
  178. whole_word: Palabra entera
  179. email_domain_block:
  180. with_dns_records: Incluir los registros MX y las direcciones IP del dominio
  181. featured_tag:
  182. name: Etiqueta
  183. interactions:
  184. must_be_follower: Bloquear notificaciones de cuentas que no te siguen
  185. must_be_following: Bloquear notificaciones de cuentas que no seguís
  186. must_be_following_dm: Bloquear mensajes directos de cuentas que no seguís
  187. invite:
  188. comment: Comentar
  189. invite_request:
  190. text: "¿Por qué querés unirte?"
  191. ip_block:
  192. comment: Comentario
  193. ip: Dirección IP
  194. severities:
  195. no_access: Bloquear acceso
  196. sign_up_requires_approval: Limitar registros
  197. severity: Regla
  198. notification_emails:
  199. digest: Enviar correos electrónicos compilatorios
  200. favourite: Una cuenta marca tu mensaje como favorito
  201. follow: Una cuenta te sigue
  202. follow_request: Una cuenta solicita seguirte
  203. mention: Una cuenta te menciona
  204. pending_account: Una nueva cuenta necesita revisión
  205. reblog: Una cuenta adhiere a tu mensaje
  206. report: Se envía una nueva denuncia
  207. trending_tag: Una etiqueta no revisada está en tendencia
  208. rule:
  209. text: Regla
  210. tag:
  211. listable: Permitir que esta etiqueta aparezca en las búsquedas y en las sugerencias
  212. name: Etiqueta
  213. trendable: Permitir que esta etiqueta aparezca bajo tendencias
  214. usable: Permitir a los mensajes usar esta etiqueta
  215. 'no': 'No'
  216. recommended: Opción recomendada
  217. required:
  218. mark: "*"
  219. text: obligatorio
  220. title:
  221. sessions:
  222. webauthn: Usá una de tus llaves de seguridad para iniciar sesión
  223. 'yes':