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New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16269) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization and enable es-MX
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16269) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization and enable es-MX
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16269) * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations * Fix normalization and enable es-MX
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16288) * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * Update source file en.yml [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Lithuanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Marathi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Uyghur) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Silesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Taigi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kannada) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Cornish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sinhala) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Afrikaans) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Punjabi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations Co-authored-by: Yamagishi Kazutoshi <>
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#16094) * New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Romanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hindi) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Latvian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Estonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kazakh) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malay) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Welsh) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Telugu) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Tamil) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Croatian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bengali) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sanskrit) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sardinian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Sorani (Kurdish)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Kabyle) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ido) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Breton) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Malayalam) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Tatar) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Asturian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hebrew) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Armenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Georgian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Bulgarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Swedish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic)) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan)) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Norwegian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Macedonian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovenian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Slovak) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Finnish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
2 years ago
New Crowdin updates (#15719) * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Arabic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Portuguese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Greek) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Vietnamese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Indonesian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Galician) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Persian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Russian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Japanese) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (German) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Italian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Corsican) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Thai) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Polish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations devise.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Icelandic) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Czech) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Dutch) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Korean) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Albanian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Turkish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Catalan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Danish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Mexico) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Scottish Gaelic) [ci skip] * New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Basque) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Esperanto) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (Ukrainian) [ci skip] * New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan) [ci skip] * New translations en.json (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations activerecord.en.yml (Hungarian) [ci skip] * New translations en.yml (French) [ci skip] * i18n-tasks normalize * yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
  1. ---
  2. gd:
  3. simple_form:
  4. hints:
  5. account_alias:
  6. acct: Sònraich ainm-cleachdaiche@àrainn dhen chunntas a tha thu airson imrich uaithe
  7. account_migration:
  8. acct: Sònraich ainm-cleachdaiche@àrainn dhen chunntas dhan a tha thu airson imrich
  9. account_warning_preset:
  10. text: "’S urrainn dhut co-chàradh puist a chleachdadh, can URLaichean, tagaichean hais is iomraidhean"
  11. title: Roghainneil. Chan fhaic am faightear seo
  12. admin_account_action:
  13. include_statuses: Chì an cleachdaiche dè na postaichean a dh’adhbharaich gnìomh na maorsainneachd no an rabhadh
  14. send_email_notification: Ghaibh am faightear mìneachadh air dè thachair leis a’ chunntas aca
  15. text_html: Roghainneil. Faodaidh tu co-chàradh puist a chleachdadh. ’S urrainn dhut <a href="%{path}">rabhaidhean ro-shuidhichte a chur ris</a> airson ùine a chaomhnadh
  16. type_html: Tagh dè nì thu le <strong>%{acct}</strong>
  17. types:
  18. disable: Bac an cleachdaiche o chleachdadh a’ chunntais aca ach na sguab às no falaich an t-susbaint aca.
  19. none: Cleachd seo airson rabhadh a chur dhan chleachdaiche gun ghnìomh eile a ghabhail.
  20. sensitive: Èignich comharra gu bheil e frionasach air a h-uile ceanglachan meadhain a’ chleachdaiche seo.
  21. silence: Bac an cleachdaiche o phostadh le faicsinneachd poblach, falaich na postaichean is brathan aca o na daoine nach eil a’ leantainn air.
  22. suspend: Bac eadar-ghnìomh sam bith leis a’ chunntas seo agus sguab às an t-susbaint aige. Gabhaidh seo a neo-dhèanamh am broinn 30 latha.
  23. warning_preset_id: Roghainneil. ’S urrainn dhut teacsa gnàthaichte a chur ri deireadh an ro-sheata fhathast
  24. announcement:
  25. all_day: Nuair a bhios cromag ris, cha nochd ach cinn-latha na rainse-ama
  26. ends_at: Roghainneil. Thèid am brath-fios a neo-fhoillseachadh gu fèin-obrachail aig an àm ud
  27. scheduled_at: Fàg seo bàn airson am brath-fios fhoillseachadh sa bhad
  28. starts_at: Roghainnean. Cleachd seo airson am brath-fios a chuingeachadh rè ama shònraichte
  29. text: "’S urrainn dhut co-chàradh puist a chleachdadh. Thoir an aire air am meud a chaitheas am brath-fios air sgrìn an luchd-chleachdaidh"
  30. defaults:
  31. autofollow: Leanaidh na daoine a chlàraicheas leis a cuireadh ort gu fèin-obrachail
  32. avatar: PNG, GIF or JPG. %{size} air a char as motha. Thèid a sgèileadh sìos gu %{dimensions}px
  33. bot: Comharraich do chàch gu bheil an cunntas seo ri gnìomhan fèin-obrachail gu h-àraidh is dh’fhaoidte nach doir duine sam bith sùil air idir
  34. context: Na co-theacsaichean air am bi a’ chriathrag an sàs
  35. current_password: A chùm tèarainteachd, cuir a-steach facal-faire a’ chunntais làithrich
  36. current_username: Airson seo a dhearbhadh, cuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche a’ chunntais làithrich
  37. digest: Cha dèid seo a chur ach nuair a bhios tu air ùine mhòr gun ghnìomh a ghabhail agus ma fhuair thu teachdaireachd phearsanta fhad ’s a bha thu air falbh
  38. discoverable: Ceadaich gun lorg coigrich an cunntas agad le taic o mholaidhean is gleusan eile
  39. email: Thèid post-d dearbhaidh a chur thugad
  40. fields: Faodaidh tu suas ri 4 nithean a shealltainn mar chlàr air a’ phròifil agad
  41. header: PNG, GIF or JPG. %{size} air a char as motha. Thèid a sgèileadh sìos gu %{dimensions}px
  42. inbox_url: Dèan lethbhreac dhen URL o phrìomh-dhuilleag an ath-sheachadain a bu mhiann leat cleachdadh
  43. irreversible: Thèid postaichean criathraichte a-mach à sealladh gu buan fiù ’s ma bheir thu a’ chriathrag air falbh uaireigin eile
  44. locale: Cànan eadar-aghaidh a’ chleachdaiche, nam post-d ’s nam brathan putaidh
  45. locked: Stiùirich cò dh’fhaodas leantainn ort le gabhail ri iarrtasan leantainn a làimh
  46. password: Cleachd co-dhiù 8 caractaran
  47. phrase: Thèid a mhaidseadh gun aire air litrichean mòra ’s beaga no air rabhadh susbainte puist
  48. scopes: Na APIan a dh’fhaodas an aplacaid inntrigeadh. Ma thaghas tu sgòp air ìre as àirde, cha leig thu leas sgòpaichean fa leth a thaghadh.
  49. setting_aggregate_reblogs: Na seall brosnachaidhean ùra do phostaichean a chaidh a bhrosnachadh o chionn ghoirid (cha doir seo buaidh ach air brosnachaidhean ùra o seo a-mach)
  50. setting_default_sensitive: Thèid meadhanan frionasach fhalach o thùs is gabhaidh an nochdadh le briogadh orra
  51. setting_display_media_default: Falaich meadhanan ris a bheil comharra gu bheil iad frionasach
  52. setting_display_media_hide_all: Falaich na meadhanan an-còmhnaidh
  53. setting_display_media_show_all: Seall na meadhanan an-còmhnaidh
  54. setting_hide_network: Thèid cò a tha thu a’ leantainn orra ’s an luchd-leantainn agad fhèin a chur am falach air a’ phròifil agad
  55. setting_noindex: Bheir seo buaidh air a’ phròifil phoblach ’s air duilleagan nam postaichean agad
  56. setting_show_application: Chithear cò an aplacaid a chleachd thu airson post a sgrìobhadh ann an seallaidhean mionaideach nam postaichean agad
  57. setting_use_blurhash: Tha caiseadan stèidhichte air dathan nan nithean lèirsinneach a chaidh fhalach ach chan fhaicear am mion-fhiosrachadh
  58. setting_use_pending_items: Falaich ùrachaidhean na loidhne-ama air cùlaibh briogaidh seach a bhith a’ sgroladh an inbhir gu fèin-obrachail
  59. username: Bidh ainm-cleachdaiche àraidh agad air %{domain}
  60. whole_word: Mur eil ach litrichean is àireamhan san fhacal-luirg, cha dèid a chur an sàs ach ma bhios e a’ maidseadh an fhacail shlàin
  61. domain_allow:
  62. domain: "’S urrainn dhan àrainn seo dàta fhaighinn on fhrithealaiche seo agus thèid an dàta a thig a-steach uaithe a phròiseasadh ’s a stòradh"
  63. email_domain_block:
  64. domain: Gabhaidh an t-ainm àrainne a nochdas san t-seòladh puist-d a chleachdadh no an clàr MX dhan dèid an àrainn fhuasgladh no IP an fhrithealaiche dhan dèid an clàr MX fuasgladh. Thèid an dearbhadh nuair a chlàraicheas cleachdaiche ùr leinn is thèid an clàradh a dhiùltadh.
  65. with_dns_records: Thèid oidhirp a dhèanamh air fuasgladh clàran DNS na h-àrainne a chaidh a thoirt seachad agus thèid na toraidhean a bhacadh cuideachd
  66. featured_tag:
  67. name: 'Mholamaid fear dhe na tagaichean seo:'
  68. form_challenge:
  69. current_password: Tha thu a’ tighinn a-steach gu raon tèarainte
  70. imports:
  71. data: Faidhle CSV a chaidh às-phortadh o fhrithealaiche Mastodon eile
  72. invite_request:
  73. text: Bidh e nas fhasa dhuinn lèirmheas a dhèanamh air d’ iarrtas
  74. ip_block:
  75. comment: Roghainneil. Cùm an cuimhne carson an do chuir thu an riaghailt seo ris.
  76. expires_in: Tha an uiread de sheòlaidhean IP cuingichte is thèid an co-roinneadh aig amannan agus an gluasad do chuideigin eile gu tric. Air an adhbhar seo, cha mholamaid bacadh IP gun chrìoch.
  77. ip: Cuir a-steach seòladh IPv4 no IPv6. ’S urrainn dhut rainsean gu lèir a bhacadh le co-chàradh CIDR. Thoir an aire nach gluais thu thu fhèin a-mach!
  78. severities:
  79. no_access: Bac inntrigeadh dha na goireasan uile
  80. sign_up_requires_approval: Bidh cleachdaichean air an ùr-chlàradh feumach air d’ aonta
  81. severity: Tagh na thachras le iarrtasan on IP seo
  82. rule:
  83. text: Mìnich riaghailt no riatanas do chleachdaichean an fhrithealaiche seo. Feuch an cùm thu sìmplidh goirid e
  84. sessions:
  85. otp: 'Cuir a-steach an còd dà-cheumnach a ghin aplacaid an fhòn agad no cleachd fear dhe na còdan aisig agad:'
  86. webauthn: Mas e iuchair USB a th’ ann, dèan cinnteach gun cuir thu a-steach e is gun doir thu gnogag air ma bhios feum air sin.
  87. tag:
  88. name: Mar eisimpleir, ’s urrainn dhut measgachadh de litrichean mòra ’s beaga a chleachdadh ach an gabh a leughadh nas fhasa
  89. user:
  90. chosen_languages: Nuair a bhios cromag ris, cha nochd ach postaichean sna cànain a thagh thu air loidhnichean-ama poblach
  91. labels:
  92. account:
  93. fields:
  94. name: Leubail
  95. value: Susbaint
  96. account_alias:
  97. acct: Ainm-cleachdaiche an t-seann-chunntais
  98. account_migration:
  99. acct: Ainm-cleachdaiche a’ chunntais ùir
  100. account_warning_preset:
  101. text: Teacsa ro-shocraichte
  102. title: Tiotal
  103. admin_account_action:
  104. include_statuses: Gabh a-steach na postaichean a chaidh gearan a dhèanamh mun dèidhinn sa phost-d
  105. send_email_notification: Cuir fios gun chleachdaiche air a’ phost-d
  106. text: Rabhadh gnàthaichte
  107. type: Gnìomh
  108. types:
  109. disable: Reòth
  110. none: Cuir rabhadh
  111. sensitive: Frionasach
  112. silence: Crìoch
  113. suspend: Cuir à rèim
  114. warning_preset_id: Cleachd rabhadh ro-shuidhichte
  115. announcement:
  116. all_day: Tachartas fad an latha
  117. ends_at: Deireadh an tachartais
  118. scheduled_at: Cuir foillseachadh air an sgeideal
  119. starts_at: Toiseach an tachartais
  120. text: Brath-fios
  121. defaults:
  122. autofollow: Thoir cuireadh dhaibh airson leantainn air a’ chunntas agad
  123. avatar: Avatar
  124. bot: Seo cunntas bot
  125. chosen_languages: Criathraich na cànain
  126. confirm_new_password: Dearbh am facal-faire ùr
  127. confirm_password: Dearbh am facal-faire
  128. context: Co-theacsaichean na criathraige
  129. current_password: Am facal-faire làithreach
  130. data: Dàta
  131. discoverable: Mol an cunntas do chàch
  132. display_name: Ainm-taisbeanaidh
  133. email: Seòladh puist-d
  134. expires_in: Falbhaidh an ùine air às dèidh
  135. fields: Meata-dàta na pròifile
  136. header: Bann-cinn
  137. honeypot: "%{label} (na lìon seo)"
  138. inbox_url: URL bogsa a-steach an ath-sheachadain
  139. irreversible: Leig seachad seach falach
  140. locale: Cànan na h-eadar-aghaidh
  141. locked: Iarr iarrtasan leantainn
  142. max_uses: An àireamh as motha de chleachdaidhean
  143. new_password: Facal-faire ùr
  144. note: Mu mo dhèidhinn
  145. otp_attempt: Còd dà-cheumnach
  146. password: Facal-faire
  147. phrase: Facal no abairt-luirg
  148. setting_advanced_layout: Cuir an comas an eadar-aghaidh-lìn adhartach
  149. setting_aggregate_reblogs: Buidhnich na brosnachaidhean air an loidhne-ama
  150. setting_auto_play_gif: Cluich GIFs beòthaichte gu fèin-obrachail
  151. setting_boost_modal: Seall còmhradh dearbhaidh mus dèan thu brosnachadh
  152. setting_crop_images: Beàrr na dealbhan sna postaichean gun leudachadh air 16x9
  153. setting_default_language: Cànan postaidh
  154. setting_default_privacy: Prìobhaideachd postaidh
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  177. username_or_email: Ainm-cleachdaiche no post-d
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  186. must_be_following_dm: Bac teachdaireachdan dìreach o dhaoine air nach lean thu
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  188. comment: Beachd
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  190. text: Carson a bu mhiann leat ballrachd fhaighinn?
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