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  1. %h3= t('auth.status.account_status')
  2. .simple_form
  3. %p.hint
  4. - if @user.account.suspended?
  5. %span.negative-hint= t('user_mailer.warning.explanation.suspend')
  6. - elsif @user.disabled?
  7. %span.negative-hint= t('user_mailer.warning.explanation.disable')
  8. - elsif @user.account.silenced?
  9. %span.warning-hint= t('user_mailer.warning.explanation.silence')
  10. - elsif !@user.confirmed?
  11. %span.warning-hint= t('auth.status.confirming')
  12. = link_to t('auth.didnt_get_confirmation'), new_user_confirmation_path
  13. - elsif !@user.approved?
  14. %span.warning-hint= t('auth.status.pending')
  15. - elsif @user.account.moved_to_account_id.present?
  16. %span.positive-hint= t('auth.status.redirecting_to', acct: @user.account.moved_to_account.acct)
  17. = link_to t('migrations.cancel'), settings_migration_path
  18. - else
  19. %span.positive-hint= t('auth.status.functional')
  20. %hr.spacer/