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47 lines
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  1. - content_for :page_title do
  2. = site_hostname
  3. - content_for :header_tags do
  4. = javascript_pack_tag 'public', integrity: true, crossorigin: 'anonymous'
  5. = render partial: 'shared/og'
  6. .grid-3
  7. .column-0
  8. .public-account-header.public-account-header--no-bar
  9. .public-account-header__image
  10. = image_tag @instance_presenter.hero&.file&.url || @instance_presenter.thumbnail&.file&.url || asset_pack_path('preview.jpg'), alt: @instance_presenter.site_title, class: 'parallax'
  11. .column-1
  12. .landing-page__call-to-action{ dir: 'ltr' }
  13. .row
  14. .row__information-board
  15. .information-board__section
  16. %span= t 'about.user_count_before'
  17. %strong= number_with_delimiter @instance_presenter.user_count
  18. %span= t 'about.user_count_after', count: @instance_presenter.user_count
  19. .information-board__section
  20. %span= t 'about.status_count_before'
  21. %strong= number_with_delimiter @instance_presenter.status_count
  22. %span= t 'about.status_count_after', count: @instance_presenter.status_count
  23. .row__mascot
  24. .landing-page__mascot
  25. = image_tag asset_pack_path('elephant_ui_plane.svg'), alt: ''
  26. .column-2
  28. %p
  29. %strong= t 'about.administered_by'
  30. = account_link_to(@instance_presenter.contact_account)
  31. - if @instance_presenter.site_contact_email.present?
  33. %strong
  34. = succeed ':' do
  35. = t ''
  36. %br/
  37. = mail_to @instance_presenter.site_contact_email, nil, title: @instance_presenter.site_contact_email
  38. .column-3
  39. .box-widget
  40. .rich-formatting= @instance_presenter.site_extended_description.html_safe.presence || t('about.extended_description_html')