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  1. language: ruby
  2. cache:
  3. bundler: true
  4. yarn: true
  5. directories:
  6. - node_modules
  7. - public/assets
  8. - public/packs-test
  9. - tmp/cache/babel-loader
  10. dist: trusty
  11. sudo: false
  12. branches:
  13. only:
  14. - master
  15. notifications:
  16. email: false
  17. env:
  18. global:
  19. -
  20. - LOCAL_HTTPS=true
  21. - RAILS_ENV=test
  24. - "PATH=$HOME:$PATH"
  25. addons:
  26. postgresql: 9.4
  27. apt:
  28. sources:
  29. - trusty-media
  30. - sourceline: deb stable main
  31. key_url:
  32. packages:
  33. - ffmpeg
  34. - libicu-dev
  35. - libprotobuf-dev
  36. - protobuf-compiler
  37. - yarn
  38. rvm:
  39. - 2.4.2
  40. - 2.5.0
  41. services:
  42. - redis-server
  43. install:
  44. - gem update --system
  45. - nvm install
  46. - bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --without development production --retry=3 --jobs=16
  47. - yarn install
  48. before_script:
  49. - ./bin/rails parallel:create parallel:load_schema parallel:prepare assets:precompile
  50. - ln -s /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-6 "$HOME/g++"
  51. script:
  52. - travis_retry bundle exec parallel_test spec/ --group-by filesize --type rspec
  53. - yarn test
  54. - bundle exec i18n-tasks check-normalized && bundle exec i18n-tasks unused