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Add Support for Nanobox (#1709) * Nanobox Support - Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production - Dev mode tested and is working properly - Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes. * [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed. Changes made: - Also need `NODE_ENV` in production - Node runs on `:4000` - Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables - Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once. - Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves. - Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments * [nanobox] Update Ruby version * [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues * [nanobox] Minor Fixes Some minor adjustments to improve functionality: - Fixed routing to `` instances - Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst` - Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place) * [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo * [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x - Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise - Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks - Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions * [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler. * [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation. * [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs - `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it - Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation - Rebase on master to Get This Merged™ Everything should be golden!
7 years ago
Add Support for Nanobox (#1709) * Nanobox Support - Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production - Dev mode tested and is working properly - Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes. * [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed. Changes made: - Also need `NODE_ENV` in production - Node runs on `:4000` - Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables - Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once. - Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves. - Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments * [nanobox] Update Ruby version * [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues * [nanobox] Minor Fixes Some minor adjustments to improve functionality: - Fixed routing to `` instances - Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst` - Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place) * [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo * [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x - Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise - Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks - Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions * [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler. * [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation. * [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs - `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it - Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation - Rebase on master to Get This Merged™ Everything should be golden!
7 years ago
Add Support for Nanobox (#1709) * Nanobox Support - Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production - Dev mode tested and is working properly - Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes. * [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed. Changes made: - Also need `NODE_ENV` in production - Node runs on `:4000` - Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables - Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once. - Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves. - Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments * [nanobox] Update Ruby version * [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues * [nanobox] Minor Fixes Some minor adjustments to improve functionality: - Fixed routing to `` instances - Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst` - Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place) * [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo * [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x - Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise - Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks - Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions * [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler. * [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation. * [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs - `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it - Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation - Rebase on master to Get This Merged™ Everything should be golden!
7 years ago
Add Support for Nanobox (#1709) * Nanobox Support - Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production - Dev mode tested and is working properly - Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes. * [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed. Changes made: - Also need `NODE_ENV` in production - Node runs on `:4000` - Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables - Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once. - Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves. - Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments * [nanobox] Update Ruby version * [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues * [nanobox] Minor Fixes Some minor adjustments to improve functionality: - Fixed routing to `` instances - Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst` - Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place) * [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo * [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x - Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise - Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks - Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions * [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler. * [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation. * [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs - `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it - Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation - Rebase on master to Get This Merged™ Everything should be golden!
7 years ago
Add Support for Nanobox (#1709) * Nanobox Support - Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production - Dev mode tested and is working properly - Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes. * [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed. Changes made: - Also need `NODE_ENV` in production - Node runs on `:4000` - Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables - Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once. - Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves. - Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments * [nanobox] Update Ruby version * [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues * [nanobox] Minor Fixes Some minor adjustments to improve functionality: - Fixed routing to `` instances - Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst` - Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place) * [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo * [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x - Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise - Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks - Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions * [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler. * [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation. * [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs - `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it - Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation - Rebase on master to Get This Merged™ Everything should be golden!
7 years ago
Add Support for Nanobox (#1709) * Nanobox Support - Added support for running Mastodon using Nanobox, both for local development, and for deployment to production - Dev mode tested and is working properly - Deployment is undergoing test as of this writing. If it works, this line will be amended to state success; if not, one or more subsequent commits will provide fixes. * [nanobox] Resolve Deploy Issues Everything seems to work except routing to the streaming API. Will investigate with the Nanobox staff and make fix commits if needed. Changes made: - Also need `NODE_ENV` in production - Node runs on `:4000` - Use `envsubst` to commit `.env.production` values, since `dotEnv` packages don't always support referencing other variables - Can't precompile assets after `transform` hook, but do this locally so it only has to be done once. - Rails won't create `production.log` on its own, so we do this ourselves. - Some `start` commands run from `/data/` for some reason, so use absolute paths in command arguments * [nanobox] Update Ruby version * [nanobox] Fix db.rake Ruby code style issues * [nanobox] Minor Fixes Some minor adjustments to improve functionality: - Fixed routing to `` instances - Adjust `.env.nanobox` to properly generate a default `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` via `envsubst` - Update Nginx configs to properly support the needed HTTP version and headers for proper functionality (the streaming API doesn't work without some of these settings in place) * [nanobox] Move usage info to docs repo * [nanobox] Updates for 1.2.x - Need to leave out `pkg-config` since Nanobox deploys without Ruby's headers - create a gem group to exclude the gem during Nanobox installs, but allow it to remain part of the default set otherwise - Update cron jobs to cover new/updated Rake tasks - Update `.env.nanobox` to include latest defaults and additions * [nanobox] Fix for nokogumbo, added in 1.3.x Apparently, nokogumbo (pulled in by sanitize, added with `OEmbed Support for PreviewCard` (#2337) - 88725d6) tries to install before nokogiri, despite needing nokogiri available to build properly. Instruct it to use the same settings as nokogiri does when building nokogiri directly, instead of via bundler. * [nanobox] Set NODE_ENV during asset compile The switch to WebPack will rely on the local value of the NODE_ENV evar, so set it to production during asset compilation. * [nanobox] Rebase on master; update Nginx configs - `pkg-config` Gem no longer causes issues in Nanobox, so revert the Gemfile change which allowed excluding it - Update Nginx configuration files with latest recommendations from production documentation - Rebase on master to Get This Merged™ Everything should be golden!
7 years ago
  1. # Service dependencies
  2. # You may set REDIS_URL instead for more advanced options
  4. REDIS_PORT=6379
  5. # REDIS_DB=0
  6. # You may set DATABASE_URL instead for more advanced options
  9. DB_NAME=gonano
  11. DB_PORT=5432
  13. # Federation
  14. # Note: Changing LOCAL_DOMAIN or LOCAL_HTTPS at a later time will cause unwanted side effects.
  15. # LOCAL_DOMAIN should *NOT* contain the protocol part of the domain e.g
  17. LOCAL_HTTPS=false
  18. # Use this only if you need to run mastodon on a different domain than the one used for federation.
  19. # You can read more about this option on
  21. #
  22. # Use this if you want to have several aliases
  23. # etc. for the same user. LOCAL_DOMAIN should not
  24. # be added. Comma separated values
  25. #,
  26. # Application secrets
  27. # Generate each with the `rake secret` task (`nanobox run bundle exec rake secret`)
  31. # VAPID keys (used for push notifications)
  32. # You can generate the keys using the following command (first is the private key, second is the public one)
  33. # You should only generate this once per instance. If you later decide to change it, all push subscription will
  34. # be invalidated, requiring the users to access the website again to resubscribe.
  35. #
  36. # Generate with `rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key` task (`nanobox run bundle exec rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key`)
  37. #
  38. # For more information visit
  41. # Registrations
  42. # Single user mode will disable registrations and redirect frontpage to the first profile
  43. # SINGLE_USER_MODE=true
  44. # Prevent registrations with following e-mail domains
  45. #||etc
  46. # Only allow registrations with the following e-mail domains
  47. #||etc
  48. # Optionally change default language
  50. # E-mail configuration
  51. # Note: Mailgun and SparkPost ( each have good free tiers
  52. # If you want to use an SMTP server without authentication (e.g local Postfix relay)
  53. # then set SMTP_AUTH_METHOD and SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE to 'none' and
  54. # *comment* SMTP_LOGIN and SMTP_PASSWORD (leaving them blank is not enough).
  56. SMTP_PORT=587
  59. SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS=notifications@${APP_NAME}
  60. #SMTP_DOMAIN= # defaults to LOCAL_DOMAIN
  61. #SMTP_DELIVERY_METHOD=smtp # delivery method can also be sendmail
  62. #SMTP_AUTH_METHOD=plain
  63. #SMTP_CA_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  66. #SMTP_TLS=true
  67. # Optional user upload path and URL (images, avatars). Default is :rails_root/public/system. If you set this variable, you are responsible for making your HTTP server (eg. nginx) serve these files.
  68. # PAPERCLIP_ROOT_PATH=/var/lib/mastodon/public-system
  69. # PAPERCLIP_ROOT_URL=/system
  70. # Optional asset host for multi-server setups
  71. # CDN_HOST=
  72. # S3 (optional)
  73. # S3_ENABLED=true
  74. # S3_BUCKET=
  77. # S3_REGION=
  78. # S3_PROTOCOL=http
  79. # S3_HOSTNAME=
  80. # S3 (Minio Config (optional) Please check Minio instance for details)
  81. # S3_ENABLED=true
  82. # S3_BUCKET=
  85. # S3_REGION=
  86. # S3_PROTOCOL=https
  87. # S3_HOSTNAME=
  88. # S3_ENDPOINT=
  90. # Swift (optional)
  91. # SWIFT_ENABLED=true
  93. # For Keystone V3, the value for SWIFT_TENANT should be the project name
  96. # Keystone V2 and V3 URLs are supported. Use a V3 URL if possible to avoid
  97. # issues with token rate-limiting during high load.
  101. # SWIFT_REGION=
  102. # Defaults to 'default'
  104. # Defaults to 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable
  106. # Optional alias for S3 if you want to use Cloudfront or Cloudflare in front
  108. # Streaming API integration
  110. # Advanced settings
  111. # If you need to use pgBouncer, you need to disable prepared statements:
  113. # Cluster number setting for streaming API server.
  114. # If you comment out following line, cluster number will be `numOfCpuCores - 1`.
  116. # Docker mastodon user
  117. # If you use Docker, you may want to assign UID/GID manually.
  118. # UID=1000
  119. # GID=1000