- import { autoPlayGif } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state';
- import unicodeMapping from './emoji_unicode_mapping_light';
- import Trie from 'substring-trie';
- const trie = new Trie(Object.keys(unicodeMapping));
- const assetHost = process.env.CDN_HOST || '';
- const emojify = (str, customEmojis = {}) => {
- const tagCharsWithoutEmojis = '<&';
- const tagCharsWithEmojis = Object.keys(customEmojis).length ? '<&:' : '<&';
- let rtn = '', tagChars = tagCharsWithEmojis, invisible = 0;
- for (;;) {
- let match, i = 0, tag;
- while (i < str.length && (tag = tagChars.indexOf(str[i])) === -1 && (invisible || !(match = trie.search(str.slice(i))))) {
- i += str.codePointAt(i) < 65536 ? 1 : 2;
- }
- let rend, replacement = '';
- if (i === str.length) {
- break;
- } else if (str[i] === ':') {
- if (!(() => {
- rend = str.indexOf(':', i + 1) + 1;
- if (!rend) return false; // no pair of ':'
- const lt = str.indexOf('<', i + 1);
- if (!(lt === -1 || lt >= rend)) return false; // tag appeared before closing ':'
- const shortname = str.slice(i, rend);
- // now got a replacee as ':shortname:'
- // if you want additional emoji handler, add statements below which set replacement and return true.
- if (shortname in customEmojis) {
- const filename = autoPlayGif ? customEmojis[shortname].url : customEmojis[shortname].static_url;
- replacement = `<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="${shortname}" title="${shortname}" src="${filename}" />`;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- })()) rend = ++i;
- } else if (tag >= 0) { // <, &
- rend = str.indexOf('>;'[tag], i + 1) + 1;
- if (!rend) {
- break;
- }
- if (tag === 0) {
- if (invisible) {
- if (str[i + 1] === '/') { // closing tag
- if (!--invisible) {
- tagChars = tagCharsWithEmojis;
- }
- } else if (str[rend - 2] !== '/') { // opening tag
- invisible++;
- }
- } else {
- if (str.startsWith('<span class="invisible">', i)) {
- // avoid emojifying on invisible text
- invisible = 1;
- tagChars = tagCharsWithoutEmojis;
- }
- }
- }
- i = rend;
- } else { // matched to unicode emoji
- const { filename, shortCode } = unicodeMapping[match];
- const title = shortCode ? `:${shortCode}:` : '';
- replacement = `<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="${match}" title="${title}" src="${assetHost}/emoji/${filename}.svg" />`;
- rend = i + match.length;
- }
- rtn += str.slice(0, i) + replacement;
- str = str.slice(rend);
- }
- return rtn + str;
- };
- export default emojify;
- export { unicodeMapping };
- export const buildCustomEmojis = (customEmojis) => {
- const emojis = [];
- customEmojis.forEach(emoji => {
- const shortcode = emoji.get('shortcode');
- const url = autoPlayGif ? emoji.get('url') : emoji.get('static_url');
- const name = shortcode.replace(':', '');
- emojis.push({
- id: name,
- name,
- short_names: [name],
- text: '',
- emoticons: [],
- keywords: [name],
- imageUrl: url,
- custom: true,
- });
- });
- return emojis;
- };