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13 lines
622 B

  1. .account-card
  2. .detailed-status__display-name
  3. %div
  4. = image_tag account.avatar.url(:original), alt: '', width: 48, height: 48, class: 'avatar'
  5. %span.display-name
  6. - account_url = local_assigns[:admin] ? admin_account_path( : TagManager.instance.url_for(account)
  7. = link_to account_url, class: 'detailed-status__display-name p-author h-card', target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener' do
  8. %strong.emojify= display_name(account, custom_emojify: true)
  9. %span @#{account.acct}
  10. - if account.note?
  11. .account__header__content.emojify= Formatter.instance.simplified_format(account)