- Contributing
- ============
- Thank you for considering contributing to Mastodon 🐘
- You can contribute in the following ways:
- - Finding and reporting bugs
- - Translating the Mastodon interface into various languages
- - Contributing code to Mastodon by fixing bugs or implementing features
- - Improving the documentation
- ## Bug reports
- Bug reports and feature suggestions can be submitted to [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues). Please make sure that you are not submitting duplicates, and that a similar report or request has not already been resolved or rejected in the past using the search function. Please also use descriptive, concise titles.
- ## Translations
- You can submit translations via [Weblate](https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/). They are periodically merged into the codebase.
- [![Mastodon translation statistics by language](https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/widgets/mastodon/-/multi-auto.svg)](https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/)
- ## Pull requests
- Please use clean, concise titles for your pull requests. We use commit squashing, so the final commit in the master branch will carry the title of the pull request.
- The smaller the set of changes in the pull request is, the quicker it can be reviewed and merged. Splitting tasks into multiple smaller pull requests is often preferable.
- **Pull requests that do not pass automated checks may not be reviewed**. In particular, you need to keep in mind:
- - Unit and integration tests (rspec, jest)
- - Code style rules (rubocop, eslint)
- - Normalization of locale files (i18n-tasks)
- ## Documentation
- The [Mastodon documentation](https://docs.joinmastodon.org) is a statically generated site. You can [submit merge requests to mastodon/docs](https://source.joinmastodon.org/mastodon/docs).