- /*
- `util/bio_metadata`
- ===================
- > For more information on the contents of this file, please contact:
- >
- > - kibigo! [@kibi@glitch.social]
- This file provides two functions for dealing with bio metadata. The
- functions are:
- - __`processBio(content)` :__
- Processes `content` to extract any frontmatter. The returned
- object has two properties: `text`, which contains the text of
- `content` sans-frontmatter, and `metadata`, which is an array
- of key-value pairs (in two-element array format). If no
- frontmatter was provided in `content`, then `metadata` will be
- an empty array.
- - __`createBio(note, data)` :__
- Reverses the process in `processBio()`; takes a `note` and an
- array of two-element arrays (which should give keys and values)
- and outputs a string containing a well-formed bio with
- frontmatter.
- */
- // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- /*********************************************************************\
- To my lovely code maintainers,
- The syntax recognized by the Mastodon frontend for its bio metadata
- feature is a subset of that provided by the YAML 1.2 specification.
- In particular, Mastodon recognizes metadata which is provided as an
- implicit YAML map, where each key-value pair takes up only a single
- line (no multi-line values are permitted). To simplify the level of
- processing required, Mastodon metadata frontmatter has been limited
- to only allow those characters in the `c-printable` set, as defined
- by the YAML 1.2 specification, instead of permitting those from the
- `nb-json` characters inside double-quoted strings like YAML proper.
- ¶ It is important to note that Mastodon only borrows the *syntax*
- of YAML, not its semantics. This is to say, Mastodon won't make any
- attempt to interpret the data it receives. `true` will not become a
- boolean; `56` will not be interpreted as a number. Rather, each key
- and every value will be read as a string, and as a string they will
- remain. The order of the pairs is unchanged, and any duplicate keys
- are preserved. However, YAML escape sequences will be replaced with
- the proper interpretations according to the YAML 1.2 specification.
- ¶ The implementation provided below interprets `<br>` as `\n` and
- allows for an open <p> tag at the beginning of the bio. It replaces
- the escaped character entities `'` and `"` with single or
- double quotes, respectively, prior to processing. However, no other
- escaped characters are replaced, not even those which might have an
- impact on the syntax otherwise. These minor allowances are provided
- because the Mastodon backend will insert these things automatically
- into a bio before sending it through the API, so it is important we
- account for them. Aside from this, the YAML frontmatter must be the
- very first thing in the bio, leading with three consecutive hyphen-
- minues (`---`), and ending with the same or, alternatively, instead
- with three periods (`...`). No limits have been set with respect to
- the number of characters permitted in the frontmatter, although one
- should note that only limited space is provided for them in the UI.
- ¶ The regular expression used to check the existence of, and then
- process, the YAML frontmatter has been split into a number of small
- components in the code below, in the vain hope that it will be much
- easier to read and to maintain. I leave it to the future readers of
- this code to determine the extent of my successes in this endeavor.
- UPDATE 19 Oct 2017: We no longer allow character escapes inside our
- double-quoted strings for ease of processing. We now internally use
- the name "ƔAML" in our code to clarify that this is Not Quite YAML.
- Sending love + warmth eternal,
- - kibigo [@kibi@glitch.social]
- \*********************************************************************/
- let compat_mode = false;
- try {
- new RegExp('.', 'u');
- } catch (e) {
- compat_mode = true;
- }
- const unirex = str => compat_mode ? new RegExp(str) : new RegExp(str, 'u');
- const rexstr = exp => '(?:' + exp.source + ')';
- const DOCUMENT_START = /^/;
- const DOCUMENT_END = /$/;
- const ALLOWED_CHAR = unirex( // `c-printable` in the YAML 1.2 spec.
- compat_mode ? '[\t\n\r\x20-\x7e\x85\xa0-\ufffd]' : '[\t\n\r\x20-\x7e\x85\xa0-\ud7ff\ue000-\ufffd\u{10000}-\u{10FFFF}]'
- );
- const WHITE_SPACE = /[ \t]/;
- const LINE_BREAK = /\r?\n|\r|<br\s*\/?>/;
- const INDICATOR = /[-?:,[\]{}&#*!|>'"%@`]/;
- const FLOW_CHAR = /[,[\]{}]/;
- const NOT_WHITE_SPACE = unirex('(?!' + rexstr(WHITE_SPACE) + ')[^]');
- const NOT_LINE_BREAK = unirex('(?!' + rexstr(LINE_BREAK) + ')[^]');
- const NOT_INDICATOR = unirex('(?!' + rexstr(INDICATOR) + ')[^]');
- const NOT_FLOW_CHAR = unirex('(?!' + rexstr(FLOW_CHAR) + ')[^]');
- const NOT_ALLOWED_CHAR = unirex(
- '(?!' + rexstr(ALLOWED_CHAR) + ')[^]'
- );
- const ANY_WHITE_SPACE = unirex(rexstr(WHITE_SPACE) + '*');
- const ANY_ALLOWED_CHARS = unirex(rexstr(ALLOWED_CHAR) + '*');
- const NEW_LINE = unirex(
- rexstr(ANY_WHITE_SPACE) + rexstr(LINE_BREAK)
- );
- const SOME_NEW_LINES = unirex(
- '(?:' + rexstr(NEW_LINE) + ')+'
- );
- const POSSIBLE_STARTS = unirex(
- rexstr(DOCUMENT_START) + rexstr(/<p[^<>]*>/) + '?'
- );
- const POSSIBLE_ENDS = unirex(
- rexstr(SOME_NEW_LINES) + '|' +
- rexstr(DOCUMENT_END) + '|' +
- rexstr(/<\/p>/)
- );
- const QUOTE_CHAR = unirex(
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')[^"]'
- );
- const ANY_QUOTE_CHAR = unirex(
- rexstr(QUOTE_CHAR) + '*'
- );
- const ESCAPED_APOS = unirex(
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' + rexstr(/[^']|''/)
- );
- const ANY_ESCAPED_APOS = unirex(
- rexstr(ESCAPED_APOS) + '*'
- );
- const FIRST_KEY_CHAR = unirex(
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')' +
- rexstr(NOT_INDICATOR) + '|' +
- rexstr(/[?:-]/) +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_FLOW_CHAR) + ')'
- );
- const FIRST_VALUE_CHAR = unirex(
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')' +
- rexstr(NOT_INDICATOR) + '|' +
- rexstr(/[?:-]/) +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')'
- // Flow indicators are allowed in values.
- );
- const LATER_KEY_CHAR = unirex(
- rexstr(WHITE_SPACE) + '|' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_FLOW_CHAR) + ')' +
- rexstr(/[^:#]#?/) + '|' +
- rexstr(/:/) + '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')'
- );
- const LATER_VALUE_CHAR = unirex(
- rexstr(WHITE_SPACE) + '|' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_LINE_BREAK) + ')' +
- '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')' +
- // Flow indicators are allowed in values.
- rexstr(/[^:#]#?/) + '|' +
- rexstr(/:/) + '(?=' + rexstr(NOT_WHITE_SPACE) + ')'
- );
- const ƔAML_START = unirex(
- rexstr(ANY_WHITE_SPACE) + '---'
- );
- const ƔAML_END = unirex(
- rexstr(ANY_WHITE_SPACE) + '(?:---|\.\.\.)'
- );
- const ƔAML_LOOKAHEAD = unirex(
- '(?=' +
- rexstr(ƔAML_START) +
- rexstr(ANY_ALLOWED_CHARS) + rexstr(NEW_LINE) +
- rexstr(ƔAML_END) + rexstr(POSSIBLE_ENDS) +
- ')'
- );
- const ƔAML_DOUBLE_QUOTE = unirex(
- '"' + rexstr(ANY_QUOTE_CHAR) + '"'
- );
- const ƔAML_SINGLE_QUOTE = unirex(
- '\'' + rexstr(ANY_ESCAPED_APOS) + '\''
- );
- const ƔAML_SIMPLE_KEY = unirex(
- rexstr(FIRST_KEY_CHAR) + rexstr(LATER_KEY_CHAR) + '*'
- );
- const ƔAML_SIMPLE_VALUE = unirex(
- rexstr(FIRST_VALUE_CHAR) + rexstr(LATER_VALUE_CHAR) + '*'
- );
- const ƔAML_KEY = unirex(
- rexstr(ƔAML_DOUBLE_QUOTE) + '|' +
- rexstr(ƔAML_SINGLE_QUOTE) + '|' +
- );
- const ƔAML_VALUE = unirex(
- rexstr(ƔAML_DOUBLE_QUOTE) + '|' +
- rexstr(ƔAML_SINGLE_QUOTE) + '|' +
- );
- const ƔAML_SEPARATOR = unirex(
- rexstr(ANY_WHITE_SPACE) +
- ':' + rexstr(WHITE_SPACE) +
- );
- const ƔAML_LINE = unirex(
- '(' + rexstr(ƔAML_KEY) + ')' +
- rexstr(ƔAML_SEPARATOR) +
- '(' + rexstr(ƔAML_VALUE) + ')'
- );
- const ƔAML_FRONTMATTER = unirex(
- rexstr(ƔAML_LOOKAHEAD) +
- rexstr(ƔAML_START) + rexstr(SOME_NEW_LINES) +
- '(?:' +
- rexstr(ANY_WHITE_SPACE) + rexstr(ƔAML_LINE) + rexstr(SOME_NEW_LINES) +
- '){0,5}' +
- rexstr(ƔAML_END) + rexstr(POSSIBLE_ENDS)
- );
- /* SEARCHES */
- const FIND_ƔAML_LINE = unirex(
- rexstr(NEW_LINE) + rexstr(ANY_WHITE_SPACE) + rexstr(ƔAML_LINE)
- );
- function processString (str) {
- switch (str.charAt(0)) {
- case '"':
- return str.substring(1, str.length - 1);
- case '\'':
- return str
- .substring(1, str.length - 1)
- .replace(/''/g, '\'');
- default:
- return str;
- }
- }
- export function processBio(content) {
- content = content.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, '\'');
- let result = {
- text: content,
- metadata: [],
- };
- let ɣaml = content.match(ƔAML_FRONTMATTER);
- if (!ɣaml) {
- return result;
- } else {
- ɣaml = ɣaml[0];
- }
- const start = content.search(ƔAML_START);
- const end = start + ɣaml.length - ɣaml.search(ƔAML_START);
- result.text = content.substr(end);
- let metadata = null;
- let query = new RegExp(rexstr(FIND_ƔAML_LINE), 'g'); // Some browsers don't allow flags unless both args are strings
- while ((metadata = query.exec(ɣaml))) {
- result.metadata.push([
- processString(metadata[1]),
- processString(metadata[2]),
- ]);
- }
- return result;
- }
- export function createBio(note, data) {
- if (!note) note = '';
- let frontmatter = '';
- if ((data && data.length) || note.match(/^\s*---\s+/)) {
- if (!data) frontmatter = '---\n...\n';
- else {
- frontmatter += '---\n';
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let key = '' + data[i][0];
- let val = '' + data[i][1];
- // Key processing
- if (key === (key.match(ƔAML_SIMPLE_KEY) || [])[0]) /* do nothing */;
- else if (key === (key.match(ANY_QUOTE_CHAR) || [])[0]) key = '"' + key + '"';
- else {
- key = key
- .replace(/'/g, '\'\'')
- .replace(new RegExp(rexstr(NOT_ALLOWED_CHAR), compat_mode ? 'g' : 'gu'), '�');
- key = '\'' + key + '\'';
- }
- // Value processing
- if (val === (val.match(ƔAML_SIMPLE_VALUE) || [])[0]) /* do nothing */;
- else if (val === (val.match(ANY_QUOTE_CHAR) || [])[0]) val = '"' + val + '"';
- else {
- key = key
- .replace(/'/g, '\'\'')
- .replace(new RegExp(rexstr(NOT_ALLOWED_CHAR), compat_mode ? 'g' : 'gu'), '�');
- key = '\'' + key + '\'';
- }
- frontmatter += key + ': ' + val + '\n';
- }
- frontmatter += '...\n';
- }
- }
- return frontmatter + note;
- }