- require 'rails_helper'
- RSpec.describe BatchedRemoveStatusService, type: :service do
- subject { BatchedRemoveStatusService.new }
- let!(:alice) { Fabricate(:account) }
- let!(:bob) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example.com') }
- let!(:jeff) { Fabricate(:user).account }
- let!(:hank) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'hank', protocol: :activitypub, domain: 'example.com', inbox_url: 'http://example.com/inbox') }
- let(:status1) { PostStatusService.new.call(alice, text: 'Hello @bob@example.com') }
- let(:status2) { PostStatusService.new.call(alice, text: 'Another status') }
- before do
- allow(Redis.current).to receive_messages(publish: nil)
- stub_request(:post, 'http://example.com/inbox').to_return(status: 200)
- jeff.user.update(current_sign_in_at: Time.zone.now)
- jeff.follow!(alice)
- hank.follow!(alice)
- status1
- status2
- subject.call([status1, status2])
- end
- it 'removes statuses' do
- expect { Status.find(status1.id) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { Status.find(status2.id) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- end
- it 'removes statuses from author\'s home feed' do
- expect(HomeFeed.new(alice).get(10)).to_not include([status1.id, status2.id])
- end
- it 'removes statuses from local follower\'s home feed' do
- expect(HomeFeed.new(jeff).get(10)).to_not include([status1.id, status2.id])
- end
- it 'notifies streaming API of followers' do
- expect(Redis.current).to have_received(:publish).with("timeline:#{jeff.id}", any_args).at_least(:once)
- end
- it 'notifies streaming API of public timeline' do
- expect(Redis.current).to have_received(:publish).with('timeline:public', any_args).at_least(:once)
- end
- it 'sends delete activity to followers' do
- expect(a_request(:post, 'http://example.com/inbox')).to have_been_made.at_least_once
- end
- end