- module AtomBuilderHelper
- def stream_updated_at
- @account.stream_entries.last ? (@account.updated_at > @account.stream_entries.last.created_at ? @account.updated_at : @account.stream_entries.last.created_at) : @account.updated_at
- end
- def entry(xml, is_root = false, &block)
- if is_root
- root_tag(xml, :entry, &block)
- else
- xml.entry(&block)
- end
- end
- def feed(xml, &block)
- root_tag(xml, :feed, &block)
- end
- def unique_id(xml, date, id, type)
- xml.id_ TagManager.instance.unique_tag(date, id, type)
- end
- def simple_id(xml, id)
- xml.id_ id
- end
- def published_at(xml, date)
- xml.published date.iso8601
- end
- def updated_at(xml, date)
- xml.updated date.iso8601
- end
- def verb(xml, verb)
- xml['activity'].send('verb', "http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/#{verb}")
- end
- def content(xml, content)
- xml.content({ type: 'html' }, content) unless content.blank?
- end
- def title(xml, title)
- xml.title strip_tags(title || '').truncate(80)
- end
- def author(xml, &block)
- xml.author(&block)
- end
- def target(xml, &block)
- xml['activity'].object(&block)
- end
- def object_type(xml, type)
- xml['activity'].send('object-type', "http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/#{type}")
- end
- def uri(xml, uri)
- xml.uri uri
- end
- def name(xml, name)
- xml.name name
- end
- def summary(xml, summary)
- xml.summary(summary) unless summary.blank?
- end
- def subtitle(xml, subtitle)
- xml.subtitle(subtitle) unless subtitle.blank?
- end
- def link_alternate(xml, url)
- xml.link(rel: 'alternate', type: 'text/html', href: url)
- end
- def link_self(xml, url)
- xml.link(rel: 'self', type: 'application/atom+xml', href: url)
- end
- def link_hub(xml, url)
- xml.link(rel: 'hub', href: url)
- end
- def link_salmon(xml, url)
- xml.link(rel: 'salmon', href: url)
- end
- def portable_contact(xml, account)
- xml['poco'].preferredUsername account.username
- xml['poco'].displayName(account.display_name) unless account.display_name.blank?
- xml['poco'].note(account.note) unless account.note.blank?
- end
- def in_reply_to(xml, uri, url)
- xml['thr'].send('in-reply-to', { ref: uri, href: url, type: 'text/html' })
- end
- def link_mention(xml, account)
- xml.link(rel: 'mentioned', href: TagManager.instance.uri_for(account))
- end
- def link_enclosure(xml, media)
- xml.link(rel: 'enclosure', href: full_asset_url(media.file.url), type: media.file_content_type, length: media.file_file_size)
- end
- def link_avatar(xml, account)
- single_link_avatar(xml, account, :large, 300)
- single_link_avatar(xml, account, :medium, 96)
- single_link_avatar(xml, account, :small, 48)
- end
- def logo(xml, url)
- xml.logo url
- end
- def email(xml, email)
- xml.email email
- end
- def conditionally_formatted(activity)
- if activity.is_a?(Status)
- Formatter.instance.format(activity.reblog? ? activity.reblog : activity)
- elsif activity.nil?
- nil
- else
- activity.content
- end
- end
- def include_author(xml, account)
- object_type xml, :person
- uri xml, TagManager.instance.uri_for(account)
- name xml, account.username
- email xml, account.local? ? "#{account.acct}@#{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}" : account.acct
- summary xml, account.note
- link_alternate xml, TagManager.instance.url_for(account)
- link_avatar xml, account
- portable_contact xml, account
- end
- def include_entry(xml, stream_entry)
- unique_id xml, stream_entry.created_at, stream_entry.activity_id, stream_entry.activity_type
- published_at xml, stream_entry.created_at
- updated_at xml, stream_entry.updated_at
- title xml, stream_entry.title
- content xml, conditionally_formatted(stream_entry.activity)
- verb xml, stream_entry.verb
- link_self xml, account_stream_entry_url(stream_entry.account, stream_entry, format: 'atom')
- link_alternate xml, account_stream_entry_url(stream_entry.account, stream_entry)
- # Comments need thread element
- if stream_entry.threaded?
- in_reply_to xml, TagManager.instance.uri_for(stream_entry.thread), TagManager.instance.url_for(stream_entry.thread)
- end
- if stream_entry.targeted?
- target(xml) do
- if stream_entry.target.object_type == :person
- include_author xml, stream_entry.target
- else
- object_type xml, stream_entry.target.object_type
- simple_id xml, TagManager.instance.uri_for(stream_entry.target)
- title xml, stream_entry.target.title
- link_alternate xml, TagManager.instance.url_for(stream_entry.target)
- end
- # Statuses have content and author
- if [:note, :comment].include? stream_entry.target.object_type
- content xml, conditionally_formatted(stream_entry.target)
- verb xml, stream_entry.target.verb
- published_at xml, stream_entry.target.created_at
- updated_at xml, stream_entry.target.updated_at
- author(xml) do
- include_author xml, stream_entry.target.account
- end
- end
- end
- else
- object_type xml, stream_entry.object_type
- end
- stream_entry.mentions.each do |mentioned|
- link_mention xml, mentioned
- end
- if stream_entry.activity.is_a?(Status)
- stream_entry.activity.media_attachments.each do |media|
- link_enclosure xml, media
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def root_tag(xml, tag, &block)
- xml.send(tag, { :xmlns => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom', 'xmlns:thr' => 'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0', 'xmlns:activity' => 'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/', 'xmlns:poco' => 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0', 'xmlns:media' => 'http://purl.org/syndication/atommedia' }, &block)
- end
- def single_link_avatar(xml, account, size, px)
- xml.link('rel' => 'avatar', 'type' => account.avatar_content_type, 'media:width' => px, 'media:height' => px, 'href' => full_asset_url(account.avatar.url(size, false)))
- end
- end