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Allow hiding of reblogs from followed users (#5762) * Allow hiding of reblogs from followed users This adds a new entry to the account menu to allow users to hide future reblogs from a user (and then if they've done that, to show future reblogs instead). This does not remove or add historical reblogs from/to the user's timeline; it only affects new statuses. The API for this operates by sending a "reblogs" key to the follow endpoint. If this is sent when starting a new follow, it will be respected from the beginning of the follow relationship (even if the follow request must be approved by the followee). If this is sent when a follow relationship already exists, it will simply update the existing follow relationship. As with the notification muting, this will now return an object ({reblogs: [true|false]}) or false for each follow relationship when requesting relationship information for an account. This should cause few issues due to an object being truthy in many languages, but some modifications may need to be made in pickier languages. Database changes: adds a show_reblogs column (default true, non-nullable) to the follows and follow_requests tables. Because these are non-nullable, we use the existing MigrationHelpers to perform this change without locking those tables, although the tables are likely to be small anyway. Tests included. See also <>. * Rubocop fixes * Code review changes * Test fixes This patchset closes #648 and resolves #3271. * Rubocop fix * Revert reblogs defaulting in argument, fix tests It turns out we needed this for the same reason we needed it in muting: if nil gets passed in somehow (most usually by an API client not passing any value), we need to detect and handle it. We could specify a default in the parameter and then also catch nil, but there's no great reason to duplicate the default value.
6 years ago
  1. # frozen_string_literal: true
  2. # == Schema Information
  3. #
  4. # Table name: follows
  5. #
  6. # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
  7. # created_at :datetime not null
  8. # updated_at :datetime not null
  9. # account_id :bigint(8) not null
  10. # target_account_id :bigint(8) not null
  11. # show_reblogs :boolean default(TRUE), not null
  12. # uri :string
  13. # notify :boolean default(FALSE), not null
  14. #
  15. class Follow < ApplicationRecord
  16. include Paginable
  17. include RelationshipCacheable
  18. include RateLimitable
  19. rate_limit by: :account, family: :follows
  20. belongs_to :account
  21. belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account'
  22. has_one :notification, as: :activity, dependent: :destroy
  23. validates :account_id, uniqueness: { scope: :target_account_id }
  24. validates_with FollowLimitValidator, on: :create
  25. scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) }
  26. def local?
  27. false # Force uri_for to use uri attribute
  28. end
  29. def revoke_request!
  30. FollowRequest.create!(account: account, target_account: target_account, show_reblogs: show_reblogs, notify: notify, uri: uri)
  31. destroy!
  32. end
  33. before_validation :set_uri, only: :create
  34. after_create :increment_cache_counters
  35. after_destroy :remove_endorsements
  36. after_destroy :decrement_cache_counters
  37. private
  38. def set_uri
  39. self.uri = ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.generate_uri_for(self) if uri.nil?
  40. end
  41. def remove_endorsements
  42. AccountPin.where(target_account_id: target_account_id, account_id: account_id).delete_all
  43. end
  44. def increment_cache_counters
  45. account&.increment_count!(:following_count)
  46. target_account&.increment_count!(:followers_count)
  47. end
  48. def decrement_cache_counters
  49. account&.decrement_count!(:following_count)
  50. target_account&.decrement_count!(:followers_count)
  51. end
  52. end