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53 lines
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  1. - content_for :page_title do
  2. = t('settings.export')
  3. .table-wrapper
  4. %table.table
  5. %tbody
  6. %tr
  7. %th= t('')
  8. %td= number_to_human_size @export.total_storage
  9. %td
  10. %tr
  11. %th= t('accounts.statuses')
  12. %td= number_with_delimiter @export.total_statuses
  13. %td
  14. %tr
  15. %th= t('exports.follows')
  16. %td= number_with_delimiter @export.total_follows
  17. %td= table_link_to 'download', t('exports.csv'), settings_exports_follows_path(format: :csv)
  18. %tr
  19. %th= t('accounts.followers')
  20. %td= number_with_delimiter @export.total_followers
  21. %td
  22. %tr
  23. %th= t('exports.blocks')
  24. %td= number_with_delimiter @export.total_blocks
  25. %td= table_link_to 'download', t('exports.csv'), settings_exports_blocks_path(format: :csv)
  26. %tr
  27. %th= t('exports.mutes')
  28. %td= number_with_delimiter @export.total_mutes
  29. %td= table_link_to 'download', t('exports.csv'), settings_exports_mutes_path(format: :csv)
  30. %p.muted-hint= t('exports.archive_takeout.hint_html')
  31. - if policy(:backup).create?
  32. %p= link_to t('exports.archive_takeout.request'), settings_export_path, class: 'button', method: :post
  33. - unless @backups.empty?
  34. .table-wrapper
  35. %table.table
  36. %thead
  37. %tr
  38. %th= t('')
  39. %th= t('exports.archive_takeout.size')
  40. %th
  41. %tbody
  42. - @backups.each do |backup|
  43. %tr
  44. %td= l backup.created_at
  45. - if backup.processed?
  46. %td= number_to_human_size backup.dump_file_size
  47. %td= table_link_to 'download', t(''), backup.dump.url
  48. - else
  49. %td{ colspan: 2 }= t('exports.archive_takeout.in_progress')