You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

226 lines
9.5 KiB

  1. {
  2. "ignored_warnings": [
  3. {
  4. "warning_type": "SQL Injection",
  5. "warning_code": 0,
  6. "fingerprint": "19df3740b8d02a9fe0eb52c939b4b87d3a2a591162a6adfa8d64e9c26aeebe6d",
  7. "check_name": "SQL",
  8. "message": "Possible SQL injection",
  9. "file": "app/models/status.rb",
  10. "line": 105,
  11. "link": "",
  12. "code": "result.joins(\"INNER JOIN statuses_tags t#{id} ON t#{id}.status_id = AND t#{id}.tag_id = #{id}\")",
  13. "render_path": null,
  14. "location": {
  15. "type": "method",
  16. "class": "Status",
  17. "method": null
  18. },
  19. "user_input": "id",
  20. "confidence": "Weak",
  21. "note": ""
  22. },
  23. {
  24. "warning_type": "SQL Injection",
  25. "warning_code": 0,
  26. "fingerprint": "30dfe36e87fe1b8f239df9a33d576e44a9863f73b680198d4713be6540ae61d3",
  27. "check_name": "SQL",
  28. "message": "Possible SQL injection",
  29. "file": "app/models/trends/query.rb",
  30. "line": 60,
  31. "link": "",
  32. "code": "klass.joins(\"join unnest(array[#{ids.join(\",\")}]) with ordinality as x (id, ordering) on #{klass.table_name}.id =\")",
  33. "render_path": null,
  34. "location": {
  35. "type": "method",
  36. "class": "Trends::Query",
  37. "method": "to_arel"
  38. },
  39. "user_input": "ids.join(\",\")",
  40. "confidence": "Weak",
  41. "note": ""
  42. },
  43. {
  44. "warning_type": "Redirect",
  45. "warning_code": 18,
  46. "fingerprint": "5fad11cd67f905fab9b1d5739d01384a1748ebe78c5af5ac31518201925265a7",
  47. "check_name": "Redirect",
  48. "message": "Possible unprotected redirect",
  49. "file": "app/controllers/remote_interaction_controller.rb",
  50. "line": 24,
  51. "link": "",
  52. "code": "redirect_to([:id])))",
  53. "render_path": null,
  54. "location": {
  55. "type": "method",
  56. "class": "RemoteInteractionController",
  57. "method": "create"
  58. },
  59. "user_input": "[:id]))",
  60. "confidence": "High",
  61. "note": ""
  62. },
  63. {
  64. "warning_type": "SQL Injection",
  65. "warning_code": 0,
  66. "fingerprint": "75fcd147b7611763ab6915faf8c5b0709e612b460f27c05c72d8b9bd0a6a77f8",
  67. "check_name": "SQL",
  68. "message": "Possible SQL injection",
  69. "file": "lib/mastodon/snowflake.rb",
  70. "line": 87,
  71. "link": "",
  72. "code": "connection.execute(\"CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timestamp_id(table_name text)\\nRETURNS bigint AS\\n$$\\n DECLARE\\n time_part bigint;\\n sequence_base bigint;\\n tail bigint;\\n BEGIN\\n time_part := (\\n -- Get the time in milliseconds\\n ((date_part('epoch', now()) * 1000))::bigint\\n -- And shift it over two bytes\\n << 16);\\n\\n sequence_base := (\\n 'x' ||\\n -- Take the first two bytes (four hex characters)\\n substr(\\n -- Of the MD5 hash of the data we documented\\n md5(table_name || '#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}' || time_part::text),\\n 1, 4\\n )\\n -- And turn it into a bigint\\n )::bit(16)::bigint;\\n\\n -- Finally, add our sequence number to our base, and chop\\n -- it to the last two bytes\\n tail := (\\n (sequence_base + nextval(table_name || '_id_seq'))\\n & 65535);\\n\\n -- Return the time part and the sequence part. OR appears\\n -- faster here than addition, but they're equivalent:\\n -- time_part has no trailing two bytes, and tail is only\\n -- the last two bytes.\\n RETURN time_part | tail;\\n END\\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE;\\n\")",
  73. "render_path": null,
  74. "location": {
  75. "type": "method",
  76. "class": "Mastodon::Snowflake",
  77. "method": "define_timestamp_id"
  78. },
  79. "user_input": "SecureRandom.hex(16)",
  80. "confidence": "Medium",
  81. "note": ""
  82. },
  83. {
  84. "warning_type": "Mass Assignment",
  85. "warning_code": 105,
  86. "fingerprint": "7631e93d0099506e7c3e5c91ba8d88523b00a41a0834ae30031a5a4e8bb3020a",
  87. "check_name": "PermitAttributes",
  88. "message": "Potentially dangerous key allowed for mass assignment",
  89. "file": "app/controllers/api/v2/search_controller.rb",
  90. "line": 28,
  91. "link": "",
  92. "code": "params.permit(:type, :offset, :min_id, :max_id, :account_id)",
  93. "render_path": null,
  94. "location": {
  95. "type": "method",
  96. "class": "Api::V2::SearchController",
  97. "method": "search_params"
  98. },
  99. "user_input": ":account_id",
  100. "confidence": "High",
  101. "note": ""
  102. },
  103. {
  104. "warning_type": "Mass Assignment",
  105. "warning_code": 105,
  106. "fingerprint": "874be88fedf4c680926845e9a588d3197765a6ccbfdd76466b44cc00151c612e",
  107. "check_name": "PermitAttributes",
  108. "message": "Potentially dangerous key allowed for mass assignment",
  109. "file": "app/controllers/api/v1/admin/reports_controller.rb",
  110. "line": 90,
  111. "link": "",
  112. "code": "params.permit(:resolved, :account_id, :target_account_id)",
  113. "render_path": null,
  114. "location": {
  115. "type": "method",
  116. "class": "Api::V1::Admin::ReportsController",
  117. "method": "filter_params"
  118. },
  119. "user_input": ":account_id",
  120. "confidence": "High",
  121. "note": ""
  122. },
  123. {
  124. "warning_type": "Cross-Site Scripting",
  125. "warning_code": 2,
  126. "fingerprint": "afad51718ae373b2f19d2513029fd2afccf58b9148e475934bc6a162ee33c352",
  127. "check_name": "CrossSiteScripting",
  128. "message": "Unescaped model attribute",
  129. "file": "app/views/admin/disputes/appeals/_appeal.html.haml",
  130. "line": 7,
  131. "link": "",
  132. "code": "t((Unresolved Model).new.strike.action, :scope => \"admin.strikes.actions\", :name => content_tag(:span, (Unresolved Model).new.strike.account.username, :class => \"username\"), :target => content_tag(:span, (Unresolved Model).new.account.acct, :class => \"target\"))",
  133. "render_path": [
  134. {
  135. "type": "template",
  136. "name": "admin/disputes/appeals/index",
  137. "line": 20,
  138. "file": "app/views/admin/disputes/appeals/index.html.haml",
  139. "rendered": {
  140. "name": "admin/disputes/appeals/_appeal",
  141. "file": "app/views/admin/disputes/appeals/_appeal.html.haml"
  142. }
  143. }
  144. ],
  145. "location": {
  146. "type": "template",
  147. "template": "admin/disputes/appeals/_appeal"
  148. },
  149. "user_input": "(Unresolved Model).new.strike",
  150. "confidence": "Weak",
  151. "note": ""
  152. },
  153. {
  154. "warning_type": "Redirect",
  155. "warning_code": 18,
  156. "fingerprint": "ba568ac09683f98740f663f3d850c31785900215992e8c090497d359a2563d50",
  157. "check_name": "Redirect",
  158. "message": "Possible unprotected redirect",
  159. "file": "app/controllers/remote_follow_controller.rb",
  160. "line": 21,
  161. "link": "",
  162. "code": "redirect_to(",
  163. "render_path": null,
  164. "location": {
  165. "type": "method",
  166. "class": "RemoteFollowController",
  167. "method": "create"
  168. },
  169. "user_input": "",
  170. "confidence": "High",
  171. "note": ""
  172. },
  173. {
  174. "warning_type": "Cross-Site Scripting",
  175. "warning_code": 4,
  176. "fingerprint": "cd5cfd7f40037fbfa753e494d7129df16e358bfc43ef0da3febafbf4ee1ed3ac",
  177. "check_name": "LinkToHref",
  178. "message": "Potentially unsafe model attribute in `link_to` href",
  179. "file": "app/views/admin/trends/links/_preview_card.html.haml",
  180. "line": 7,
  181. "link": "",
  182. "code": "link_to((Unresolved Model).new.title, (Unresolved Model).new.url)",
  183. "render_path": [
  184. {
  185. "type": "template",
  186. "name": "admin/trends/links/index",
  187. "line": 45,
  188. "file": "app/views/admin/trends/links/index.html.haml",
  189. "rendered": {
  190. "name": "admin/trends/links/_preview_card",
  191. "file": "app/views/admin/trends/links/_preview_card.html.haml"
  192. }
  193. }
  194. ],
  195. "location": {
  196. "type": "template",
  197. "template": "admin/trends/links/_preview_card"
  198. },
  199. "user_input": "(Unresolved Model).new.url",
  200. "confidence": "Weak",
  201. "note": ""
  202. },
  203. {
  204. "warning_type": "Mass Assignment",
  205. "warning_code": 105,
  206. "fingerprint": "f9de0ca4b04ae4b51b74d98db14dcbb6dae6809e627b58e711019cf9b4a47866",
  207. "check_name": "PermitAttributes",
  208. "message": "Potentially dangerous key allowed for mass assignment",
  209. "file": "app/controllers/api/v1/reports_controller.rb",
  210. "line": 36,
  211. "link": "",
  212. "code": "params.permit(:account_id, :comment, :category, :forward, :status_ids => ([]), :rule_ids => ([]))",
  213. "render_path": null,
  214. "location": {
  215. "type": "method",
  216. "class": "Api::V1::ReportsController",
  217. "method": "report_params"
  218. },
  219. "user_input": ":account_id",
  220. "confidence": "High",
  221. "note": ""
  222. }
  223. ],
  224. "updated": "2022-02-15 03:48:53 +0100",
  225. "brakeman_version": "5.2.1"
  226. }