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  1. - content_for :page_title do
  2. = t('', id:
  3. .report-accounts
  4. .report-accounts__item
  5. %strong= t('reports.reported_account')
  6. = render partial: 'authorize_follow/card', locals: { account: @report.target_account }
  7. .report-accounts__item
  8. %strong= t('reports.reported_by')
  9. = render partial: 'authorize_follow/card', locals: { account: @report.account }
  10. %p
  11. %strong= t('reports.comment.label')
  12. \:
  13. - if @report.comment.blank?
  14. = t('reports.comment.none')
  15. - else
  16. = @report.comment
  17. - unless @statuses.empty?
  18. %hr/
  19. - @statuses.each do |status|
  20. .report-status
  21. .activity-stream.activity-stream-headless
  22. .entry= render partial: 'stream_entries/simple_status', locals: { status: status }
  23. .report-status__actions
  24. = link_to remove_admin_report_path(@report, status_id:, method: :post, class: 'icon-button', style: 'font-size: 24px; width: 24px; height: 24px', title: t('reports.delete') do
  25. = fa_icon 'trash'
  26. - if !@report.action_taken?
  27. %hr/
  28. %div{ style: 'overflow: hidden' }
  29. %div{ style: 'float: right' }
  30. = link_to t('reports.silence_account'), silence_admin_report_path(@report), method: :post, class: 'button'
  31. = link_to t('reports.suspend_account'), suspend_admin_report_path(@report), method: :post, class: 'button'
  32. %div{ style: 'float: left' }
  33. = link_to t('reports.mark_as_resolved'), resolve_admin_report_path(@report), method: :post, class: 'button'
  34. - elsif !@report.action_taken_by_account.nil?
  35. %hr/
  36. %p
  37. %strong Action taken by:
  38. = @report.action_taken_by_account.acct