- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- require 'pathname'
- require 'fileutils'
- include FileUtils
- # path to your application root.
- APP_ROOT = Pathname.new File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__)
- def system!(*args)
- system(*args) || abort("\n== Command #{args} failed ==")
- end
- chdir APP_ROOT do
- # This script is a way to update your development environment automatically.
- # Add necessary update steps to this file.
- puts '== Installing dependencies =='
- system! 'gem install bundler --conservative'
- system('bundle check') || system!('bundle install')
- puts "\n== Updating database =="
- system! 'bin/rails db:migrate'
- puts "\n== Removing old logs and tempfiles =="
- system! 'bin/rails log:clear tmp:clear'
- puts "\n== Restarting application server =="
- system! 'bin/rails restart'
- end