- require 'rails_helper'
- RSpec.describe MuteService, type: :service do
- subject do
- -> { described_class.new.call(account, target_account) }
- end
- let(:account) { Fabricate(:account) }
- let(:target_account) { Fabricate(:account) }
- describe 'home timeline' do
- let(:status) { Fabricate(:status, account: target_account) }
- let(:other_account_status) { Fabricate(:status) }
- let(:home_timeline_key) { FeedManager.instance.key(:home, account.id) }
- before do
- Redis.current.del(home_timeline_key)
- end
- it "clears account's statuses" do
- FeedManager.instance.push_to_home(account, status)
- FeedManager.instance.push_to_home(account, other_account_status)
- is_expected.to change {
- Redis.current.zrange(home_timeline_key, 0, -1)
- }.from([status.id.to_s, other_account_status.id.to_s]).to([other_account_status.id.to_s])
- end
- end
- it 'mutes account' do
- is_expected.to change {
- account.muting?(target_account)
- }.from(false).to(true)
- end
- context 'without specifying a notifications parameter' do
- it 'mutes notifications from the account' do
- is_expected.to change {
- account.muting_notifications?(target_account)
- }.from(false).to(true)
- end
- end
- context 'with a true notifications parameter' do
- subject do
- -> { described_class.new.call(account, target_account, notifications: true) }
- end
- it 'mutes notifications from the account' do
- is_expected.to change {
- account.muting_notifications?(target_account)
- }.from(false).to(true)
- end
- end
- context 'with a false notifications parameter' do
- subject do
- -> { described_class.new.call(account, target_account, notifications: false) }
- end
- it 'does not mute notifications from the account' do
- is_expected.to_not change {
- account.muting_notifications?(target_account)
- }.from(false)
- end
- end
- end