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  1. class Follow < ApplicationRecord
  2. include Streamable
  3. belongs_to :account
  4. belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account'
  5. validates :account, :target_account, presence: true
  6. validates :account_id, uniqueness: { scope: :target_account_id }
  7. def verb
  8. destroyed? ? :unfollow : :follow
  9. end
  10. def target
  11. target_account
  12. end
  13. def object_type
  14. :person
  15. end
  16. def title
  17. destroyed? ? "#{account.acct} is no longer following #{target_account.acct}" : "#{account.acct} started following #{target_account.acct}"
  18. end
  19. after_create :add_to_graph
  20. after_destroy :remove_from_graph
  21. private
  22. def add_to_graph
  23. neo =
  24. a = neo.create_unique_node('account_index', 'Account', account_id.to_s, account_id: account_id)
  25. b = neo.create_unique_node('account_index', 'Account', target_account_id.to_s, account_id: target_account_id)
  26. neo.create_unique_relationship('follow_index', 'Follow', id.to_s, 'follows', a, b)
  27. rescue Neography::NeographyError => e
  28. Rails.logger.error e
  29. end
  30. def remove_from_graph
  31. neo =
  32. rel = neo.get_relationship_index('follow_index', 'Follow', id.to_s)
  33. neo.delete_relationship(rel)
  34. rescue Neography::NeographyError => e
  35. Rails.logger.error e
  36. end
  37. end