- require 'rails_helper'
- RSpec.describe FanOutOnWriteService, type: :service do
- let(:last_active_at) { Time.now.utc }
- let!(:alice) { Fabricate(:user, current_sign_in_at: last_active_at).account }
- let!(:bob) { Fabricate(:user, current_sign_in_at: last_active_at, account_attributes: { username: 'bob' }).account }
- let!(:tom) { Fabricate(:user, current_sign_in_at: last_active_at).account }
- subject { described_class.new }
- let(:status) { Fabricate(:status, account: alice, visibility: visibility, text: 'Hello @bob #hoge') }
- before do
- bob.follow!(alice)
- tom.follow!(alice)
- ProcessMentionsService.new.call(status)
- ProcessHashtagsService.new.call(status)
- allow(redis).to receive(:publish)
- subject.call(status)
- end
- def home_feed_of(account)
- HomeFeed.new(account).get(10).map(&:id)
- end
- context 'when status is public' do
- let(:visibility) { 'public' }
- it 'is added to the home feed of its author' do
- expect(home_feed_of(alice)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is added to the home feed of a follower' do
- expect(home_feed_of(bob)).to include status.id
- expect(home_feed_of(tom)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is broadcast to the hashtag stream' do
- expect(redis).to have_received(:publish).with('timeline:hashtag:hoge', anything)
- expect(redis).to have_received(:publish).with('timeline:hashtag:hoge:local', anything)
- end
- it 'is broadcast to the public stream' do
- expect(redis).to have_received(:publish).with('timeline:public', anything)
- expect(redis).to have_received(:publish).with('timeline:public:local', anything)
- end
- end
- context 'when status is limited' do
- let(:visibility) { 'limited' }
- it 'is added to the home feed of its author' do
- expect(home_feed_of(alice)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is added to the home feed of the mentioned follower' do
- expect(home_feed_of(bob)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is not added to the home feed of the other follower' do
- expect(home_feed_of(tom)).to_not include status.id
- end
- it 'is not broadcast publicly' do
- expect(redis).to_not have_received(:publish).with('timeline:hashtag:hoge', anything)
- expect(redis).to_not have_received(:publish).with('timeline:public', anything)
- end
- end
- context 'when status is private' do
- let(:visibility) { 'private' }
- it 'is added to the home feed of its author' do
- expect(home_feed_of(alice)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is added to the home feed of a follower' do
- expect(home_feed_of(bob)).to include status.id
- expect(home_feed_of(tom)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is not broadcast publicly' do
- expect(redis).to_not have_received(:publish).with('timeline:hashtag:hoge', anything)
- expect(redis).to_not have_received(:publish).with('timeline:public', anything)
- end
- end
- context 'when status is direct' do
- let(:visibility) { 'direct' }
- it 'is added to the home feed of its author' do
- expect(home_feed_of(alice)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is added to the home feed of the mentioned follower' do
- expect(home_feed_of(bob)).to include status.id
- end
- it 'is not added to the home feed of the other follower' do
- expect(home_feed_of(tom)).to_not include status.id
- end
- it 'is not broadcast publicly' do
- expect(redis).to_not have_received(:publish).with('timeline:hashtag:hoge', anything)
- expect(redis).to_not have_received(:publish).with('timeline:public', anything)
- end
- end
- end