- /*
- `<StatusHeader>`
- ================
- Originally a part of `<Status>`, but extracted into a separate
- component for better documentation and maintainance by
- @kibi@glitch.social as a part of glitch-soc/mastodon.
- */
- /* * * * */
- /*
- Imports:
- --------
- */
- // Package imports //
- import React from 'react';
- import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
- import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
- import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl';
- // Mastodon imports //
- import Avatar from '../../../mastodon/components/avatar';
- import AvatarOverlay from '../../../mastodon/components/avatar_overlay';
- import DisplayName from '../../../mastodon/components/display_name';
- import IconButton from '../../../mastodon/components/icon_button';
- /* * * * */
- /*
- Inital setup:
- -------------
- The `messages` constant is used to define any messages that we need
- from inside props. In our case, these are the `collapse` and
- `uncollapse` messages used with our collapse/uncollapse buttons.
- */
- const messages = defineMessages({
- collapse: { id: 'status.collapse', defaultMessage: 'Collapse' },
- uncollapse: { id: 'status.uncollapse', defaultMessage: 'Uncollapse' },
- public: { id: 'privacy.public.short', defaultMessage: 'Public' },
- unlisted: { id: 'privacy.unlisted.short', defaultMessage: 'Unlisted' },
- private: { id: 'privacy.private.short', defaultMessage: 'Followers-only' },
- direct: { id: 'privacy.direct.short', defaultMessage: 'Direct' },
- });
- /* * * * */
- /*
- The `<StatusHeader>` component:
- -------------------------------
- The `<StatusHeader>` component wraps together the header information
- (avatar, display name) and upper buttons and icons (collapsing, media
- icons) into a single `<header>` element.
- ### Props
- - __`account`, `friend` (`ImmutablePropTypes.map`) :__
- These give the accounts associated with the status. `account` is
- the author of the post; `friend` will have their avatar appear
- in the overlay if provided.
- - __`mediaIcon` (`PropTypes.string`) :__
- If a mediaIcon should be placed in the header, this string
- specifies it.
- - __`collapsible`, `collapsed` (`PropTypes.bool`) :__
- These props tell whether a post can be, and is, collapsed.
- - __`parseClick` (`PropTypes.func`) :__
- This function will be called when the user clicks inside the header
- information.
- - __`setExpansion` (`PropTypes.func`) :__
- This function is used to set the expansion state of the post.
- - __`intl` (`PropTypes.object`) :__
- This is our internationalization object, provided by
- `injectIntl()`.
- */
- @injectIntl
- export default class StatusHeader extends React.PureComponent {
- static propTypes = {
- account: ImmutablePropTypes.map.isRequired,
- friend: ImmutablePropTypes.map,
- mediaIcon: PropTypes.string,
- collapsible: PropTypes.bool,
- collapsed: PropTypes.bool,
- parseClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
- setExpansion: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
- intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- visibility: PropTypes.string,
- };
- /*
- ### Implementation
- #### `handleCollapsedClick()`.
- `handleCollapsedClick()` is just a simple callback for our collapsing
- button. It calls `setExpansion` to set the collapsed state of the
- status.
- */
- handleCollapsedClick = (e) => {
- const { collapsed, setExpansion } = this.props;
- if (e.button === 0) {
- setExpansion(collapsed ? null : false);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- /*
- #### `handleAccountClick()`.
- `handleAccountClick()` handles any clicks on the header info. It calls
- `parseClick()` with our `account` as the anticipatory `destination`.
- */
- handleAccountClick = (e) => {
- const { account, parseClick } = this.props;
- parseClick(e, `/accounts/${+account.get('id')}`);
- }
- /*
- #### `render()`.
- `render()` actually puts our element on the screen. `<StatusHeader>`
- has a very straightforward rendering process.
- */
- render () {
- const {
- account,
- friend,
- mediaIcon,
- collapsible,
- collapsed,
- intl,
- visibility,
- } = this.props;
- const visibilityClass = {
- public: 'globe',
- unlisted: 'unlock-alt',
- private: 'lock',
- direct: 'envelope',
- }[visibility];
- return (
- <header className='status__info'>
- {
- /*
- We have to include the status icons before the header content because
- it is rendered as a float.
- */
- }
- <div className='status__info__icons'>
- {mediaIcon ? (
- <i
- className={`fa fa-fw fa-${mediaIcon}`}
- aria-hidden='true'
- />
- ) : null}
- {(
- <i
- className={`status__visibility-icon fa fa-fw fa-${visibilityClass}`}
- title={intl.formatMessage(messages[visibility])}
- aria-hidden='true'
- />
- )}
- {collapsible ? (
- <IconButton
- className='status__collapse-button'
- animate flip
- active={collapsed}
- title={
- collapsed ?
- intl.formatMessage(messages.uncollapse) :
- intl.formatMessage(messages.collapse)
- }
- icon='angle-double-up'
- onClick={this.handleCollapsedClick}
- />
- ) : null}
- </div>
- {
- /*
- This begins our header content. It is all wrapped inside of a link
- which gets handled by `handleAccountClick`. We use an `<AvatarOverlay>`
- if we have a `friend` and a normal `<Avatar>` if we don't.
- */
- }
- <a
- href={account.get('url')}
- target='_blank'
- className='status__display-name'
- onClick={this.handleAccountClick}
- >
- <div className='status__avatar'>{
- friend ? (
- <AvatarOverlay
- staticSrc={account.get('avatar_static')}
- overlaySrc={friend.get('avatar_static')}
- />
- ) : (
- <Avatar
- src={account.get('avatar')}
- staticSrc={account.get('avatar_static')}
- size={48}
- />
- )
- }</div>
- <DisplayName account={account} />
- </a>
- </header>
- );
- }
- }