- # frozen_string_literal: true
- class ActivityPub::Activity
- include JsonLdHelper
- include Redisable
- SUPPORTED_TYPES = %w(Note Question).freeze
- CONVERTED_TYPES = %w(Image Audio Video Article Page Event).freeze
- def initialize(json, account, **options)
- @json = json
- @account = account
- @object = @json['object']
- @options = options
- end
- def perform
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- class << self
- def factory(json, account, **options)
- @json = json
- klass&.new(json, account, **options)
- end
- private
- def klass
- case @json['type']
- when 'Create'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Create
- when 'Announce'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Announce
- when 'Delete'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Delete
- when 'Follow'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Follow
- when 'Like'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Like
- when 'Block'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Block
- when 'Update'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Update
- when 'Undo'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Undo
- when 'Accept'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Accept
- when 'Reject'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Reject
- when 'Flag'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Flag
- when 'Add'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Add
- when 'Remove'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Remove
- when 'Move'
- ActivityPub::Activity::Move
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def status_from_uri(uri)
- ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_resource(uri, Status)
- end
- def account_from_uri(uri)
- ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_resource(uri, Account)
- end
- def object_uri
- @object_uri ||= begin
- str = value_or_id(@object)
- if str&.start_with?('bear:')
- Addressable::URI.parse(str).query_values['u']
- else
- str
- end
- end
- end
- def unsupported_object_type?
- @object.is_a?(String) || !(supported_object_type? || converted_object_type?)
- end
- def supported_object_type?
- equals_or_includes_any?(@object['type'], SUPPORTED_TYPES)
- end
- def converted_object_type?
- equals_or_includes_any?(@object['type'], CONVERTED_TYPES)
- end
- def delete_arrived_first?(uri)
- redis.exists?("delete_upon_arrival:#{@account.id}:#{uri}")
- end
- def delete_later!(uri)
- redis.setex("delete_upon_arrival:#{@account.id}:#{uri}", 6.hours.seconds, true)
- end
- def status_from_object
- # If the status is already known, return it
- status = status_from_uri(object_uri)
- return status unless status.nil?
- # If the boosted toot is embedded and it is a self-boost, handle it like a Create
- unless unsupported_object_type?
- actor_id = value_or_id(first_of_value(@object['attributedTo']))
- if actor_id == @account.uri
- return ActivityPub::Activity.factory({ 'type' => 'Create', 'actor' => actor_id, 'object' => @object }, @account).perform
- end
- end
- fetch_remote_original_status
- end
- def dereference_object!
- return unless @object.is_a?(String)
- dereferencer = ActivityPub::Dereferencer.new(@object, permitted_origin: @account.uri, signature_account: signed_fetch_account)
- @object = dereferencer.object unless dereferencer.object.nil?
- end
- def signed_fetch_account
- return Account.find(@options[:delivered_to_account_id]) if @options[:delivered_to_account_id].present?
- first_mentioned_local_account || first_local_follower
- end
- def first_mentioned_local_account
- audience = (as_array(@json['to']) + as_array(@json['cc'])).map { |x| value_or_id(x) }.uniq
- local_usernames = audience.select { |uri| ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.local_uri?(uri) }
- .map { |uri| ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_to_local_id(uri, :username) }
- return if local_usernames.empty?
- Account.local.where(username: local_usernames).first
- end
- def first_local_follower
- @account.followers.local.first
- end
- def follow_request_from_object
- @follow_request ||= FollowRequest.find_by(target_account: @account, uri: object_uri) unless object_uri.nil?
- end
- def follow_from_object
- @follow ||= ::Follow.find_by(target_account: @account, uri: object_uri) unless object_uri.nil?
- end
- def fetch_remote_original_status
- if object_uri.start_with?('http')
- return if ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.local_uri?(object_uri)
- ActivityPub::FetchRemoteStatusService.new.call(object_uri, id: true, on_behalf_of: @account.followers.local.first)
- elsif @object['url'].present?
- ::FetchRemoteStatusService.new.call(@object['url'])
- end
- end
- def lock_or_return(key, expire_after = 2.hours.seconds)
- yield if redis.set(key, true, nx: true, ex: expire_after)
- ensure
- redis.del(key)
- end
- def lock_or_fail(key, expire_after = 15.minutes.seconds)
- RedisLock.acquire({ redis: Redis.current, key: key, autorelease: expire_after }) do |lock|
- if lock.acquired?
- yield
- else
- raise Mastodon::RaceConditionError
- end
- end
- end
- def fetch?
- !@options[:delivery]
- end
- def followed_by_local_accounts?
- @account.passive_relationships.exists? || @options[:relayed_through_account]&.passive_relationships&.exists?
- end
- def requested_through_relay?
- @options[:relayed_through_account] && Relay.find_by(inbox_url: @options[:relayed_through_account].inbox_url)&.enabled?
- end
- def reject_payload!
- Rails.logger.info("Rejected #{@json['type']} activity #{@json['id']} from #{@account.uri}#{@options[:relayed_through_account] && "via #{@options[:relayed_through_account].uri}"}")
- nil
- end
- end