"defaultMessage":"Welcome to the fediverse! In a few moments, you'll be able to broadcast messages and talk to your friends across a wide variety of servers. But this server, {domain}, is special—it hosts your profile, so remember its name.",
"defaultMessage":"Let's go!",
"defaultMessage":"Posts from people you follow will appear in your home feed. You can follow anyone on any server!",
"defaultMessage":"Public posts from people on the same server as you will appear in the local timeline.",
"defaultMessage":"Public posts from other servers of the fediverse will appear in the federated timeline.",
"defaultMessage":"You can reply to other people's and your own toots, which will chain them together in a conversation.",
"defaultMessage":"You can share other people's toots with your followers by boosting them.",
"introduction.interactions.reply.text":"You can reply to other people's and your own toots, which will chain them together in a conversation.",
"introduction.welcome.action":"Let's go!",
"introduction.welcome.headline":"First steps",
"introduction.welcome.text":"Welcome to the fediverse! In a few moments, you'll be able to broadcast messages and talk to your friends across a wide variety of servers. But this server, {domain}, is special—it hosts your profile, so remember its name.",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back":"to navigate back",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked":"to open blocked users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost":"to boost",
@ -228,22 +245,22 @@
"notification.reblog":"{name} boosted your status",
"notifications.clear":"Clear notifications",
"notifications.clear_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to permanently clear all your notifications?",