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Add Corsican locale data (#8566)

Alix R 5 years ago
committed by Yamagishi Kazutoshi
1 changed files with 108 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +108

+ 108
- 0
app/javascript/mastodon/locales/locale-data/co.js View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
/*eslint eqeqeq: "off"*/
/*eslint no-nested-ternary: "off"*/
/*eslint quotes: "off"*/
export default [{
locale: "co",
pluralRuleFunction: function (e, a) {
return a ? 1 == e ? "one" : "other" : e >= 0 && e < 2 ? "one" : "other";
fields: {
year: {
displayName: "annu",
relative: {
0: "quist'annu",
1: "l'annu chì vene",
"-1": "l'annu passatu",
relativeTime: {
future: {
one: "in {0} annu",
other: "in {0} anni",
past: {
one: "{0} annu fà",
other: "{0} anni fà",
month: {
displayName: "mese",
relative: {
0: "Questu mese",
1: "u mese chì vene",
"-1": "u mese passatu",
relativeTime: {
future: {
one: "in {0} mese",
other: "in {0} mesi",
past: {
one: "{0} mese fà",
other: "{0} mesi fà",
day: {
displayName: "ghjornu",
relative: {
0: "oghje",
1: "dumane",
"-1": "eri",
relativeTime: {
future: {
one: "in {0} ghjornu",
other: "in {0} ghjornu",
past: {
one: "{0} ghjornu fà",
other: "{0} ghjorni fà",
hour: {
displayName: "ora",
relativeTime: {
future: {
one: "in {0} ora",
other: "in {0} ore",
past: {
one: "{0} ora fà",
other: "{0} ore fà",
minute: {
displayName: "minuta",
relativeTime: {
future: {
one: "in {0} minuta",
other: "in {0} minute",
past: {
one: "{0} minuta fà",
other: "{0} minute fà",
second: {
displayName: "siconda",
relative: {
0: "avà",
relativeTime: {
future: {
one: "in {0} siconda",
other: "in {0} siconde",
past: {
one: "{0} siconda fà",
other: "{0} siconde fà",
