45 Commits (fdc17bea58f210f62ac0d9e836b68e84c6dbd15c)

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Eugen Rochko fdc17bea58 Fix rubocop issues, introduce usage of frozen literal to improve performance 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 09218d4c01 Use full-text search for autosuggestions 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 448ab18a20 Replace setting custom CORS headers with rack-cors, set it on /oauth/token endpoint 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko d0d799f911 Replace react-skylight with own solution that centers images better 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko ea4170785a Downgrade aws gem as this one was incompatible with Paperclip 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 3ab193bc3f Adding optional S3, fail-mastodon 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 6471a548fe Add pghero for analyzing postgres performance in production 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 53fb7b1aa8 Replace in-memory cache store with redis store, should decrease memory 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko e21a3fe0cd Adding sync of follow relationships to Neo4J, accounts/suggestions API 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 06016453bd Adding user settings (model and mailer), no form yet 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 4909bbf415 Add logging for outgoing http requests 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 57583f3fb8 Improve partial rendering and Haml performance (Haml->Hamlit) 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 4bec613897 Fix #24 - Thread resolving for remote statuses 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko af375b5bac Update sidekiq, remove sinatra dependency 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko ce29624c6d Fixing image upload limits, allowing webm, merge/unmerge events trigger 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 85d89b472d Optimized n+1 queries in accounts Atom and HTML views 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 0f4bc56719 Improving production logs, removing n+1 on media attachments in atom, 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko bc0692d75b Removing mini-profiler that doesn't work, formatting timelines a bit better 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 49520d6e62 Adding React.js, Redux, revamping dashboard 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 6deb9f966e Live timelines using ActionCable 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 10ba09f546 Upgrade to Rails 7 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 85b00d19b8 Moving Salmon notifications to background processing, fixing mini-profiler 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 318886287b Fixing some stuff for Turbolinks, adding gzip on top, fixing a n+1 query 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko e24bfbde1a Fixing FanOutOnWriteService, fixing Sidekiq not having enough DB connections 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 42dcb0d4cb Adding Sidekiq for background processing (firstly just of mailers) 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko f14f462eaf Adding Turbolinks, adding status posting form on homepage 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 19a259915e Security update 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko e2b846f630 Adding letter opener for development and Rack::Attack for future rate limiting implementations 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko c349200761 Removing some unused gems, adding pagination to profiles, fix #10 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 3441361568 Adding simple_form, adding profile settings, header image 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko aab9f57e36 Adding config for puma, dashboard layout, fixing some queries 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 447cfef62d Improving feed queries, switching API to doorkeeper authentication 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 6c4c84b161 Distrubute statuses as a fan-out-on-write system, with optional precomputing 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko ab6696e855 Adding doorkeeper, adding a REST API 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 3824c58853 Adding GNU Public license, adding home timeline, reblog/favourite counters 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 7e93da3f8d Removing grape and adding devise 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 0e8f59c16f Refactoring Grape API methods into normal controllers & other things 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 11ff92c9d7 Adding a test for ReblogService, fixing mentions for remote statuses 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 2c70f0ecaa Adding paperclip for avatars, fixing design of the public pages 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 24646d5769 Adding views for the profile and entry pages 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko f16b31f077 Adding a bunch of tests 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 71fe24096c Adding a Mention model, test stubs 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko fa7868675d Send Salmon interactions 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 709c6685a9 Made some progress 8 years ago
  Eugen Rochko 9c4856bdb1 Initial commit 8 years ago