require 'rails_helper' describe 'Routes under accounts/' do describe 'the route for accounts who are followers of an account' do it 'routes to the followers action with the right username' do expect(get('/users/name/followers')). to route_to('follower_accounts#index', account_username: 'name') end end describe 'the route for accounts who are followed by an account' do it 'routes to the following action with the right username' do expect(get('/users/name/following')). to route_to('following_accounts#index', account_username: 'name') end end describe 'the route for following an account' do it 'routes to the follow create action with the right username' do expect(post('/users/name/follow')). to route_to('account_follow#create', account_username: 'name') end end describe 'the route for unfollowing an account' do it 'routes to the unfollow create action with the right username' do expect(post('/users/name/unfollow')). to route_to('account_unfollow#create', account_username: 'name') end end end