class ProcessFeedService < BaseService ACTIVITY_NS = ''.freeze THREAD_NS = ''.freeze def call(body, account) xml = Nokogiri::XML(body) update_author(xml, account) process_entries(xml, account) end private def update_author(xml, account) return if xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:feed').nil?'/xmlns:feed/xmlns:author'), account) end def process_entries(xml, account) xml.xpath('//xmlns:entry') { |entry|, account) }.compact end class ProcessEntry def call(xml, account) @account = account @xml = xml return if skip_unsupported_type? case verb when :post, :share return create_status when :delete return delete_status end end private def create_status Rails.logger.debug "Creating remote status #{id}" status = status_from_xml(@xml) if verb == :share original_status = status_from_xml(@xml.at_xpath('.//activity:object', activity: ACTIVITY_NS)) status.reblog = original_status if original_status.nil? status.destroy return nil end end! Rails.logger.debug "Queuing remote status #{} (#{id}) for distribution" DistributionWorker.perform_async( status end def delete_status Rails.logger.debug "Deleting remote status #{id}" status = Status.find_by(uri: id) unless status.nil? nil end def skip_unsupported_type? !([:post, :share, :delete].include?(verb) && [:activity, :note, :comment].include?(type)) end def status_from_xml(entry) # Return early if status already exists in db status = find_status(id(entry)) return status unless status.nil? begin account = account?(entry) ? find_or_resolve_account(acct(entry)) : @account rescue Goldfinger::Error return nil end status = Status.create!({ uri: id(entry), url: url(entry), account: account, text: content(entry), created_at: published(entry), }) if thread?(entry) Rails.logger.debug "Trying to attach #{} (#{id(entry)}) to #{thread(entry).first}" status.thread = find_or_resolve_status(status, *thread(entry)) end mentions_from_xml(status, entry) hashtags_from_xml(status, entry) media_from_xml(status, entry) status end def find_or_resolve_account(acct) end def find_or_resolve_status(parent, uri, url) status = find_status(uri) ThreadResolveWorker.perform_async(, url) if status.nil? status end def find_status(uri) if TagManager.instance.local_id?(uri) local_id = TagManager.instance.unique_tag_to_local_id(uri, 'Status') return Status.find(local_id) end Status.find_by(uri: uri) end def mentions_from_xml(parent, xml) processed_account_ids = [] xml.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="mentioned"]').each do |link| next if link['href'] == '' url = Addressable::URI.parse(link['href']) mentioned_account = if TagManager.instance.local_domain?( Account.find_local(url.path.gsub('/users/', '')) else Account.find_by(url: link['href']) ||['href']) end next if mentioned_account.nil? || processed_account_ids.include?( if mentioned_account.local? # Send notifications NotificationMailer.mention(mentioned_account, parent).deliver_later unless mentioned_account.blocking?(parent.account) end mentioned_account.mentions.where(status: parent).first_or_create(status: parent) # So we can skip duplicate mentions processed_account_ids << end end def hashtags_from_xml(parent, xml) tags = xml.xpath('./xmlns:category').map { |category| category['term'] }.select { |t| !t.blank? }, tags) end def media_from_xml(parent, xml) xml.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="enclosure"]').each do |link| next unless link['href'] media = MediaAttachment.where(status: parent, remote_url: link['href']).first_or_initialize(account: parent.account, status: parent, remote_url: link['href']) begin media.file_remote_url = link['href'] rescue Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError next end end end def id(xml = @xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:id').content end def verb(xml = @xml) raw = xml.at_xpath('./activity:verb', activity: ACTIVITY_NS).content raw.gsub('', '').gsub('', '').to_sym rescue :post end def type(xml = @xml) raw = xml.at_xpath('./activity:object-type', activity: ACTIVITY_NS).content raw.gsub('', '').gsub('', '').to_sym rescue :activity end def url(xml = @xml) link = xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="alternate"]') link.nil? ? nil : link['href'] end def content(xml = @xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:content').content end def published(xml = @xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:published').content end def thread?(xml = @xml) !xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to', thr: THREAD_NS).nil? end def thread(xml = @xml) thr = xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to', thr: THREAD_NS) [thr['ref'], thr['href']] end def account?(xml = @xml) !xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:author').nil? end def acct(xml = @xml) username = xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:author/xmlns:name').content url = xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:author/xmlns:uri').content domain = Addressable::URI.parse(url).host "#{username}@#{domain}" end end end