require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Account, type: :model do subject { Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice') } context do let(:bob) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob') } describe '#follow!' do it 'creates a follow' do follow = subject.follow!(bob) expect(follow).to be_instance_of Follow expect(follow.account).to eq subject expect(follow.target_account).to eq bob end end describe '#unfollow!' do before do subject.follow!(bob) end it 'destroys a follow' do unfollow = subject.unfollow!(bob) expect(unfollow).to be_instance_of Follow expect(unfollow.account).to eq subject expect(unfollow.target_account).to eq bob expect(unfollow.destroyed?).to be true end end describe '#following?' do it 'returns true when the target is followed' do subject.follow!(bob) expect(subject.following?(bob)).to be true end it 'returns false if the target is not followed' do expect(subject.following?(bob)).to be false end end end describe '#local?' do it 'returns true when the account is local' do expect(subject.local?).to be true end it 'returns false when the account is on a different domain' do subject.domain = 'foreign.tld' expect(subject.local?).to be false end end describe '#acct' do it 'returns username for local users' do expect(subject.acct).to eql 'alice' end it 'returns username@domain for foreign users' do subject.domain = 'foreign.tld' expect(subject.acct).to eql 'alice@foreign.tld' end end describe '#subscribed?' do it 'returns false when no secrets and tokens have been set' do expect(subject.subscribed?).to be false end it 'returns true when the secret and token have been set' do subject.secret = 'a' subject.verify_token = 'b' expect(subject.subscribed?).to be true end end describe '#keypair' do it 'returns an RSA key pair' do expect(subject.keypair).to be_instance_of OpenSSL::PKey::RSA end end describe '#subscription' do it 'returns an OStatus subscription' do expect(subject.subscription('')).to be_instance_of OStatus2::Subscription end end describe '#object_type' do it 'is always a person' do expect(subject.object_type).to be :person end end describe '#title' do it 'is the same as the username' do expect(subject.title).to eql subject.username end end describe '#content' do it 'is the same as the note' do expect(subject.content).to eql subject.note end end describe '#ping!' do pending end describe '#favourited?' do pending end describe '#reblogged?' do pending end describe '.find_local' do pending end end