# frozen_string_literal: true require 'singleton' require_relative './sanitize_config' class Formatter include Singleton include RoutingHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper def format(status, **options) if status.reblog? prepend_reblog = status.reblog.account.acct status = status.proper else prepend_reblog = false end raw_content = status.text if options[:inline_poll_options] && status.preloadable_poll raw_content = raw_content + "\n\n" + status.preloadable_poll.options.map { |title| "[ ] #{title}" }.join("\n") end return '' if raw_content.blank? unless status.local? html = reformat(raw_content) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, status.emojis, options[:autoplay]) if options[:custom_emojify] return html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end linkable_accounts = status.active_mentions.map(&:account) linkable_accounts << status.account html = raw_content html = "RT @#{prepend_reblog} #{html}" if prepend_reblog html = encode_and_link_urls(html, linkable_accounts) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, status.emojis, options[:autoplay]) if options[:custom_emojify] html = simple_format(html, {}, sanitize: false) html = html.delete("\n") html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def reformat(html) sanitize(html, Sanitize::Config::MASTODON_STRICT) rescue ArgumentError '' end def plaintext(status) return status.text if status.local? text = status.text.gsub(/(
|<\/p>)+/) { |match| "#{match}\n" } strip_tags(text) end def simplified_format(account, **options) html = account.local? ? linkify(account.note) : reformat(account.note) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, account.emojis, options[:autoplay]) if options[:custom_emojify] html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def sanitize(html, config) Sanitize.fragment(html, config) end def format_spoiler(status, **options) html = encode(status.spoiler_text) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, status.emojis, options[:autoplay]) html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def format_poll_option(status, option, **options) html = encode(option.title) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, status.emojis, options[:autoplay]) html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def format_display_name(account, **options) html = encode(account.display_name.presence || account.username) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, account.emojis, options[:autoplay]) if options[:custom_emojify] html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def format_field(account, str, **options) html = account.local? ? encode_and_link_urls(str, me: true) : reformat(str) html = encode_custom_emojis(html, account.emojis, options[:autoplay]) if options[:custom_emojify] html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def linkify(text) html = encode_and_link_urls(text) html = simple_format(html, {}, sanitize: false) html = html.delete("\n") html.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end private def html_entities @html_entities ||= HTMLEntities.new end def encode(html) html_entities.encode(html) end def markdown_link_check(html, entity) indices = entity.respond_to?(:indices) ? entity.indices : entity[:indices] aft_s = html[indices.last ..] bef_s = html[0 .. indices.first-1] re = /(!?)\[([^\n\[\]]*?)\]\($/ if aft_s and bef_s and aft_s.start_with?(')') and bef_s =~ re new_indices = [bef_s =~ re, indices.last+1] new_entity = { indices: new_indices, url: entity[:url], link_text: $2 } if $1 == '!' new_entity[:img] = true end new_entity else entity end end def encode_and_link_urls(html, accounts = nil, options = {}) entities = utf8_friendly_extractor(html, extract_url_without_protocol: false) entities = entities.map { |entity| entity[:url] ? markdown_link_check(html, entity) : entity } if accounts.is_a?(Hash) options = accounts accounts = nil end rewrite(html.dup, entities) do |entity| if entity[:url] link_to_url(entity, options) elsif entity[:hashtag] link_to_hashtag(entity) elsif entity[:screen_name] link_to_mention(entity, accounts) end end end def count_tag_nesting(tag) if tag[1] == '/' then -1 elsif tag[-2] == '/' then 0 else 1 end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockNesting def encode_custom_emojis(html, emojis, animate = false) return html if emojis.empty? emoji_map = emojis.each_with_object({}) { |e, h| h[e.shortcode] = [full_asset_url(e.image.url), full_asset_url(e.image.url(:static))] } i = -1 tag_open_index = nil inside_shortname = false shortname_start_index = -1 invisible_depth = 0 while i + 1 < html.size i += 1 if invisible_depth.zero? && inside_shortname && html[i] == ':' shortcode = html[shortname_start_index + 1..i - 1] emoji = emoji_map[shortcode] if emoji original_url, static_url = emoji replacement = begin if animate "\":#{encode(shortcode)}:\"" else "\":#{encode(shortcode)}:\"" end end before_html = shortname_start_index.positive? ? html[0..shortname_start_index - 1] : '' html = before_html + replacement + html[i + 1..-1] i += replacement.size - (shortcode.size + 2) - 1 else i -= 1 end inside_shortname = false elsif tag_open_index && html[i] == '>' tag = html[tag_open_index..i] tag_open_index = nil if invisible_depth.positive? invisible_depth += count_tag_nesting(tag) elsif tag == '