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Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '.well-known/host-meta', to: 'xrd#host_meta', as: :host_meta
get '.well-known/webfinger', to: 'xrd#webfinger', as: :webfinger
devise_for :users, path: 'auth', controllers: {
sessions: 'auth/sessions',
registrations: 'auth/registrations',
passwords: 'auth/passwords'
resources :accounts, path: 'users', only: [:show], param: :username do
resources :stream_entries, path: 'updates', only: [:show]
namespace :api do
resources :subscriptions, only: [:show]
post '/subscriptions/:id', to: 'subscriptions#update'
post '/salmon/:id', to: 'salmon#update', as: :salmon
root 'home#index'