- class ProcessInteractionService < BaseService
- # Record locally the remote interaction with our user
- # @param [String] envelope Salmon envelope
- # @param [Account] target_account Account the Salmon was addressed to
- def call(envelope, target_account)
- body = salmon.unpack(envelope)
- xml = Nokogiri::XML(body)
- return unless contains_author?(xml)
- username = xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:entry/xmlns:author/xmlns:name').content
- url = xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:entry/xmlns:author/xmlns:uri').content
- domain = Addressable::URI.parse(url).host
- account = Account.find_by(username: username, domain: domain)
- return if DomainBlock.blocked?(domain)
- if account.nil?
- account = follow_remote_account_service.call("#{username}@#{domain}")
- end
- if salmon.verify(envelope, account.keypair)
- update_remote_profile_service.call(xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:entry/xmlns:author'), account)
- case verb(xml)
- when :follow
- follow!(account, target_account)
- when :unfollow
- unfollow!(account, target_account)
- when :favorite
- favourite!(xml, account)
- when :post
- add_post!(body, account) if mentions_account?(xml, target_account)
- when :share
- add_post!(body, account) unless status(xml).nil?
- when :delete
- delete_post!(xml, account)
- end
- end
- rescue Goldfinger::Error, HTTP::Error, OStatus2::BadSalmonError
- nil
- end
- private
- def contains_author?(xml)
- !(xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:entry/xmlns:author/xmlns:name').nil? || xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:entry/xmlns:author/xmlns:uri').nil?)
- end
- def mentions_account?(xml, account)
- xml.xpath('/xmlns:entry/xmlns:link[@rel="mentioned"]').each { |mention_link| return true if mention_link.attribute('href').value == TagManager.instance.url_for(account) }
- false
- end
- def verb(xml)
- xml.at_xpath('//activity:verb').content.gsub('http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/', '').gsub('http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/', '').to_sym
- rescue
- :post
- end
- def follow!(account, target_account)
- account.follow!(target_account)
- NotificationMailer.follow(target_account, account).deliver_later unless target_account.blocking?(account)
- end
- def unfollow!(account, target_account)
- account.unfollow!(target_account)
- end
- def delete_post!(xml, account)
- status = Status.find(activity_id(xml))
- return if status.nil?
- if account.id == status.account_id
- remove_status_service.call(status)
- end
- end
- def favourite!(xml, from_account)
- current_status = status(xml)
- current_status.favourites.where(account: from_account).first_or_create!(account: from_account)
- NotificationMailer.favourite(current_status, from_account).deliver_later unless current_status.account.blocking?(from_account)
- end
- def add_post!(body, account)
- process_feed_service.call(body, account)
- end
- def status(xml)
- Status.find(TagManager.instance.unique_tag_to_local_id(activity_id(xml), 'Status'))
- end
- def activity_id(xml)
- xml.at_xpath('//activity:object/xmlns:id').content
- end
- def salmon
- @salmon ||= OStatus2::Salmon.new
- end
- def follow_remote_account_service
- @follow_remote_account_service ||= FollowRemoteAccountService.new
- end
- def process_feed_service
- @process_feed_service ||= ProcessFeedService.new
- end
- def update_remote_profile_service
- @update_remote_profile_service ||= UpdateRemoteProfileService.new
- end
- def remove_status_service
- @remove_status_service ||= RemoveStatusService.new
- end
- end