- # frozen_string_literal: true
- namespace :mastodon do
- desc 'Execute daily tasks'
- task :daily do
- Rake::Task['mastodon:feeds:clear'].invoke
- Rake::Task['mastodon:media:clear'].invoke
- Rake::Task['mastodon:users:clear'].invoke
- Rake::Task['mastodon:push:refresh'].invoke
- end
- desc 'Turn a user into an admin, identified by the USERNAME environment variable'
- task make_admin: :environment do
- include RoutingHelper
- user = Account.find_local(ENV.fetch('USERNAME')).user
- user.update(admin: true)
- puts "Congrats! #{user.account.username} is now an admin. \\o/\nNavigate to #{admin_settings_url} to get started"
- end
- desc 'Manually confirms a user with associated user email address stored in USER_EMAIL environment variable.'
- task confirm_email: :environment do
- email = ENV.fetch('USER_EMAIL')
- user = User.find_by(email: email)
- if user
- user.update(confirmed_at: Time.now.utc)
- puts "#{email} confirmed"
- else
- abort "#{email} not found"
- end
- end
- namespace :media do
- desc 'Removes media attachments that have not been assigned to any status for longer than a day'
- task clear: :environment do
- MediaAttachment.where(status_id: nil).where('created_at < ?', 1.day.ago).find_each(&:destroy)
- end
- desc 'Remove media attachments attributed to silenced accounts'
- task remove_silenced: :environment do
- MediaAttachment.where(account: Account.silenced).find_each(&:destroy)
- end
- desc 'Remove cached remote media attachments that are older than a week'
- task remove_remote: :environment do
- MediaAttachment.where.not(remote_url: '').where('created_at < ?', 1.week.ago).find_each do |media|
- media.file.destroy
- end
- end
- end
- namespace :push do
- desc 'Unsubscribes from PuSH updates of feeds nobody follows locally'
- task clear: :environment do
- Account.remote.without_followers.where.not(subscription_expires_at: nil).find_each do |a|
- Rails.logger.debug "PuSH unsubscribing from #{a.acct}"
- UnsubscribeService.new.call(a)
- end
- end
- desc 'Re-subscribes to soon expiring PuSH subscriptions'
- task refresh: :environment do
- Account.expiring(1.day.from_now).find_each do |a|
- Rails.logger.debug "PuSH re-subscribing to #{a.acct}"
- SubscribeService.new.call(a)
- end
- end
- end
- namespace :feeds do
- desc 'Clear timelines of inactive users'
- task clear: :environment do
- User.confirmed.where('current_sign_in_at < ?', 14.days.ago).find_each do |user|
- Redis.current.del(FeedManager.instance.key(:home, user.account_id))
- end
- end
- desc 'Clears all timelines'
- task clear_all: :environment do
- Redis.current.keys('feed:*').each { |key| Redis.current.del(key) }
- end
- end
- namespace :emails do
- desc 'Send out digest e-mails'
- task digest: :environment do
- User.confirmed.joins(:account).where(accounts: { silenced: false, suspended: false }).where('current_sign_in_at < ?', 20.days.ago).find_each do |user|
- DigestMailerWorker.perform_async(user.id)
- end
- end
- end
- namespace :users do
- desc 'Clear out unconfirmed users'
- task clear: :environment do
- # Users that never confirmed e-mail never signed in, means they
- # only have a user record and an avatar record, with no files uploaded
- User.where('confirmed_at is NULL AND confirmation_sent_at <= ?', 2.days.ago).find_in_batches do |batch|
- Account.where(id: batch.map(&:account_id)).delete_all
- User.where(id: batch.map(&:id)).delete_all
- end
- end
- desc 'List all admin users'
- task admins: :environment do
- puts 'Admin user emails:'
- puts User.admins.map(&:email).join("\n")
- end
- end
- namespace :settings do
- desc 'Open registrations on this instance'
- task open_registrations: :environment do
- setting = Setting.where(var: 'open_registrations').first
- setting.value = true
- setting.save
- end
- desc 'Close registrations on this instance'
- task close_registrations: :environment do
- setting = Setting.where(var: 'open_registrations').first
- setting.value = false
- setting.save
- end
- end
- namespace :maintenance do
- desc 'Update counter caches'
- task update_counter_caches: :environment do
- Rails.logger.debug 'Updating counter caches for accounts...'
- Account.unscoped.select('id').find_in_batches do |batch|
- Account.where(id: batch.map(&:id)).update_all('statuses_count = (select count(*) from statuses where account_id = accounts.id), followers_count = (select count(*) from follows where target_account_id = accounts.id), following_count = (select count(*) from follows where account_id = accounts.id)')
- end
- Rails.logger.debug 'Updating counter caches for statuses...'
- Status.unscoped.select('id').find_in_batches do |batch|
- Status.where(id: batch.map(&:id)).update_all('favourites_count = (select count(*) from favourites where favourites.status_id = statuses.id), reblogs_count = (select count(*) from statuses as reblogs where reblogs.reblog_of_id = statuses.id)')
- end
- Rails.logger.debug 'Done!'
- end
- desc 'Generate static versions of GIF avatars/headers'
- task add_static_avatars: :environment do
- Rails.logger.debug 'Generating static avatars/headers for GIF ones...'
- Account.unscoped.where(avatar_content_type: 'image/gif').or(Account.unscoped.where(header_content_type: 'image/gif')).find_each do |account|
- begin
- account.avatar.reprocess! if account.avatar_content_type == 'image/gif' && !account.avatar.exists?(:static)
- account.header.reprocess! if account.header_content_type == 'image/gif' && !account.header.exists?(:static)
- rescue StandardError => e
- Rails.logger.error "Error while generating static avatars/headers for account #{account.id}: #{e}"
- next
- end
- end
- Rails.logger.debug 'Done!'
- end
- end
- end