- require 'rails_helper'
- require 'devise_two_factor/spec_helpers'
- RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
- it_behaves_like 'two_factor_backupable'
- describe 'validations' do
- it 'is invalid without an account' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, account: nil)
- user.valid?
- expect(user).to model_have_error_on_field(:account)
- end
- it 'is invalid without a valid locale' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, locale: 'toto')
- user.valid?
- expect(user).to model_have_error_on_field(:locale)
- end
- it 'is invalid without a valid email' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, email: 'john@')
- user.valid?
- expect(user).to model_have_error_on_field(:email)
- end
- it 'cleans out empty string from languages' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, filtered_languages: [''])
- user.valid?
- expect(user.filtered_languages).to eq []
- end
- end
- describe 'settings' do
- it 'inherits default settings from default yml' do
- expect(Setting.boost_modal).to eq false
- expect(Setting.interactions['must_be_follower']).to eq false
- user = User.new
- expect(user.settings.boost_modal).to eq false
- expect(user.settings.interactions['must_be_follower']).to eq false
- end
- it 'can update settings' do
- user = Fabricate(:user)
- expect(user.settings['interactions']['must_be_follower']).to eq false
- user.settings['interactions'] = user.settings['interactions'].merge('must_be_follower' => true)
- user.reload
- expect(user.settings['interactions']['must_be_follower']).to eq true
- end
- xit 'does not mutate defaults via the cache' do
- user = Fabricate(:user)
- user.settings['interactions']['must_be_follower'] = true
- # TODO
- # This mutates the global settings default such that future user
- # instances will inherit the incorrect starting values
- other = Fabricate(:user)
- expect(other.settings['interactions']['must_be_follower']).to eq false
- end
- end
- describe 'scopes' do
- describe 'recent' do
- it 'returns an array of recent users ordered by id' do
- user_1 = Fabricate(:user)
- user_2 = Fabricate(:user)
- expect(User.recent).to match_array([user_2, user_1])
- end
- end
- describe 'admins' do
- it 'returns an array of users who are admin' do
- user_1 = Fabricate(:user, admin: false)
- user_2 = Fabricate(:user, admin: true)
- expect(User.admins).to match_array([user_2])
- end
- end
- describe 'confirmed' do
- it 'returns an array of users who are confirmed' do
- user_1 = Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: nil)
- user_2 = Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: Time.now)
- expect(User.confirmed).to match_array([user_2])
- end
- end
- end
- let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice') }
- let(:password) { 'abcd1234' }
- describe 'blacklist' do
- around(:each) do |example|
- old_blacklist = Rails.configuration.x.email_blacklist
- Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = 'mvrht.com'
- example.run
- Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = old_blacklist
- end
- it 'should allow a non-blacklisted user to be created' do
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@example.com', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_truthy
- end
- it 'should not allow a blacklisted user to be created' do
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@mvrht.com', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
- end
- it 'should not allow a subdomain blacklisted user to be created' do
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@mvrht.com.topdomain.tld', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
- end
- end
- describe '#confirmed?' do
- it 'returns true when a confirmed_at is set' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, confirmed_at: Time.now.utc)
- expect(user.confirmed?).to be true
- end
- it 'returns false if a confirmed_at is nil' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, confirmed_at: nil)
- expect(user.confirmed?).to be false
- end
- end
- describe '#disable_two_factor!' do
- it 'sets otp_required_for_login to false' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, otp_required_for_login: true)
- user.disable_two_factor!
- expect(user.otp_required_for_login).to be false
- end
- it 'clears otp_backup_codes' do
- user = Fabricate.build(:user, otp_backup_codes: %w[dummy dummy])
- user.disable_two_factor!
- expect(user.otp_backup_codes.empty?).to be true
- end
- end
- describe 'whitelist' do
- around(:each) do |example|
- old_whitelist = Rails.configuration.x.email_whitelist
- Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_whitelist = 'mastodon.space'
- example.run
- Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_whitelist = old_whitelist
- end
- it 'should not allow a user to be created unless they are whitelisted' do
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@example.com', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
- end
- it 'should allow a user to be created if they are whitelisted' do
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@mastodon.space', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_truthy
- end
- it 'should not allow a user with a whitelisted top domain as subdomain in their email address to be created' do
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@mastodon.space.userdomain.com', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
- end
- it 'should not allow a user to be created with a specific blacklisted subdomain even if the top domain is whitelisted' do
- old_blacklist = Rails.configuration.x.email_blacklist
- Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = 'blacklisted.mastodon.space'
- user = User.new(email: 'foo@blacklisted.mastodon.space', account: account, password: password)
- expect(user.valid?).to be_falsey
- Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist = old_blacklist
- end
- end
- end