- import { expect } from 'chai';
- import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme';
- import sinon from 'sinon';
- import React from 'react';
- import DropdownMenu from '../../../app/javascript/mastodon/components/dropdown_menu';
- import Dropdown, { DropdownTrigger, DropdownContent } from 'react-simple-dropdown';
- const isTrue = () => true;
- describe('<DropdownMenu />', () => {
- const icon = 'my-icon';
- const size = 123;
- let items;
- let wrapper;
- let action;
- beforeEach(() => {
- action = sinon.spy();
- items = [
- { text: 'first item', action: action, href: '/some/url' },
- { text: 'second item', action: 'noop' },
- ];
- wrapper = shallow(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} />);
- });
- it('contains one <Dropdown />', () => {
- expect(wrapper).to.have.exactly(1).descendants(Dropdown);
- });
- it('contains one <DropdownTrigger />', () => {
- expect(wrapper.find(Dropdown)).to.have.exactly(1).descendants(DropdownTrigger);
- });
- it('contains one <DropdownContent />', () => {
- expect(wrapper.find(Dropdown)).to.have.exactly(1).descendants(DropdownContent);
- });
- it('does not contain a <DropdownContent /> if isUserTouching', () => {
- const touchingWrapper = shallow(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} isUserTouching={isTrue} />);
- expect(touchingWrapper.find(Dropdown)).to.have.exactly(0).descendants(DropdownContent);
- });
- it('does not contain a <DropdownContent /> if isUserTouching', () => {
- const touchingWrapper = shallow(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} isUserTouching={isTrue} />);
- expect(touchingWrapper.find(Dropdown)).to.have.exactly(0).descendants(DropdownContent);
- });
- it('uses props.size for <DropdownTrigger /> style values', () => {
- ['font-size', 'width', 'line-height'].map((property) => {
- expect(wrapper.find(DropdownTrigger)).to.have.style(property, `${size}px`);
- });
- });
- it('uses props.icon as icon class name', () => {
- expect(wrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).find('i')).to.have.className(`fa-${icon}`);
- });
- it('is not expanded by default', () => {
- expect(wrapper.state('expanded')).to.be.equal(false);
- });
- it('does not render the list elements if not expanded', () => {
- const lis = wrapper.find(DropdownContent).find('li');
- expect(lis.length).to.be.equal(0);
- });
- it('sets expanded to true when clicking the trigger', () => {
- const wrapper = mount(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} />);
- wrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).first().simulate('click');
- expect(wrapper.state('expanded')).to.be.equal(true);
- });
- it('calls onModalOpen when clicking the trigger if isUserTouching', () => {
- const onModalOpen = sinon.spy();
- const touchingWrapper = mount(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} status={3.14} size={size} onModalOpen={onModalOpen} isUserTouching={isTrue} />);
- touchingWrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).first().simulate('click');
- expect(onModalOpen.calledOnce).to.be.equal(true);
- expect(onModalOpen.args[0][0]).to.be.deep.equal({ status: 3.14, actions: items, onClick: touchingWrapper.node.handleClick });
- });
- it('calls onModalClose when clicking an action if isUserTouching and isModalOpen', () => {
- const onModalOpen = sinon.spy();
- const onModalClose = sinon.spy();
- const touchingWrapper = mount(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} status={3.14} size={size} isModalOpen onModalOpen={onModalOpen} onModalClose={onModalClose} isUserTouching={isTrue} />);
- touchingWrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).first().simulate('click');
- touchingWrapper.node.handleClick({ currentTarget: { getAttribute: () => '0' }, preventDefault: () => null });
- expect(onModalClose.calledOnce).to.be.equal(true);
- });
- // Error: ReactWrapper::state() can only be called on the root
- /*it('sets expanded to false when clicking outside', () => {
- const wrapper = mount((
- <div>
- <DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} />
- <span />
- </div>
- ));
- wrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).first().simulate('click');
- expect(wrapper.find(DropdownMenu).first().state('expanded')).to.be.equal(true);
- wrapper.find('span').first().simulate('click');
- expect(wrapper.find(DropdownMenu).first().state('expanded')).to.be.equal(false);
- })*/
- it('renders list elements for each props.items if expanded', () => {
- const wrapper = mount(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} />);
- wrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).first().simulate('click');
- const lis = wrapper.find(DropdownContent).find('li');
- expect(lis.length).to.be.equal(items.length);
- });
- it('uses the href passed in via props.items', () => {
- wrapper
- .find(DropdownContent).find('li a')
- .forEach((a, i) => expect(a).to.have.attr('href', items[i].href));
- });
- it('uses the text passed in via props.items', () => {
- wrapper
- .find(DropdownContent).find('li a')
- .forEach((a, i) => expect(a).to.have.text(items[i].text));
- });
- it('uses the action passed in via props.items as click handler', () => {
- const wrapper = mount(<DropdownMenu icon={icon} items={items} size={size} />);
- wrapper.find(DropdownTrigger).first().simulate('click');
- wrapper.find(DropdownContent).find('li a').first().simulate('click');
- expect(action.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
- });
- });