- require 'rails_helper'
- RSpec.describe PostStatusService do
- subject { PostStatusService.new }
- it 'creates a new status' do
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- text = "test status update"
- status = subject.call(account, text)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status.text).to eq text
- end
- it 'creates a new response status' do
- in_reply_to_status = Fabricate(:status)
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- text = "test status update"
- status = subject.call(account, text, in_reply_to_status)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status.text).to eq text
- expect(status.thread).to eq in_reply_to_status
- end
- it 'creates a sensitive status' do
- status = create_status_with_options(sensitive: true)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status).to be_sensitive
- end
- it 'creates a status with spoiler text' do
- spoiler_text = "spoiler text"
- status = create_status_with_options(spoiler_text: spoiler_text)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status.spoiler_text).to eq spoiler_text
- end
- it 'creates a status with empty default spoiler text' do
- status = create_status_with_options(spoiler_text: nil)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status.spoiler_text).to eq ''
- end
- it 'creates a status with the given visibility' do
- status = create_status_with_options(visibility: :private)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status.visibility).to eq "private"
- end
- it 'creates a status for the given application' do
- application = Fabricate(:application)
- status = create_status_with_options(application: application)
- expect(status).to be_persisted
- expect(status.application).to eq application
- end
- it 'processes mentions' do
- mention_service = double(:process_mentions_service)
- allow(mention_service).to receive(:call)
- allow(ProcessMentionsService).to receive(:new).and_return(mention_service)
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- status = subject.call(account, "test status update")
- expect(ProcessMentionsService).to have_received(:new)
- expect(mention_service).to have_received(:call).with(status)
- end
- it 'processes hashtags' do
- hashtags_service = double(:process_hashtags_service)
- allow(hashtags_service).to receive(:call)
- allow(ProcessHashtagsService).to receive(:new).and_return(hashtags_service)
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- status = subject.call(account, "test status update")
- expect(ProcessHashtagsService).to have_received(:new)
- expect(hashtags_service).to have_received(:call).with(status)
- end
- it 'pings PuSH hubs' do
- allow(DistributionWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
- allow(Pubsubhubbub::DistributionWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- status = subject.call(account, "test status update")
- expect(DistributionWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(status.id)
- expect(Pubsubhubbub::DistributionWorker).
- to have_received(:perform_async).with(status.stream_entry.id)
- end
- it 'crawls links' do
- allow(LinkCrawlWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- status = subject.call(account, "test status update")
- expect(LinkCrawlWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(status.id)
- end
- it 'attaches the given media to the created status' do
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- media = Fabricate(:media_attachment)
- status = subject.call(
- account,
- "test status update",
- nil,
- media_ids: [media.id],
- )
- expect(media.reload.status).to eq status
- end
- it 'does not allow attaching more than 4 files' do
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- expect do
- subject.call(
- account,
- "test status update",
- nil,
- media_ids: [
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, account: account),
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, account: account),
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, account: account),
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, account: account),
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, account: account),
- ].map(&:id),
- )
- end.to raise_error(
- Mastodon::ValidationError,
- I18n.t('media_attachments.validations.too_many'),
- )
- end
- it 'does not allow attaching both videos and images' do
- account = Fabricate(:account)
- expect do
- subject.call(
- account,
- "test status update",
- nil,
- media_ids: [
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, type: :video, account: account),
- Fabricate(:media_attachment, type: :image, account: account),
- ].map(&:id),
- )
- end.to raise_error(
- Mastodon::ValidationError,
- I18n.t('media_attachments.validations.images_and_video'),
- )
- end
- def create_status_with_options(options = {})
- subject.call(Fabricate(:account), "test", nil, options)
- end
- end